

The old version of GOTO, no longer receives updates. Search God Of The Omniverse or check my profile for the new version This only here for those who want to read this

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

Important Announcement.

I am once again going on hiatus. This has been happening a lot recently due to my health and university. Health wise I'm all better so no worries, I'm just taking a break to relax a bit as exam month is approaching.

Also I have recently formed OverLord Studios, basically just a group of talented authors, editors, translators and artists. Whether experienced or not to share ideas, collaborate, interact,etc. If you fall under that category or are interested in becoming one, feel free to message me on discord.

Now, another major announcement here is that I'll be releasing an OG novel sometime in the near future. The whole basis of me starting fanfics was to gain experience for that. I appreciate everyone whose supported my work thus far and hope you'll do the same for my OG as it will be my best work thus far in terms writing, story, action, lemons, characters.

For those wondering if that means my fanfics will end soon the answer is no, I'm not rushing anything and my fics will continue at their planned pace.

Anyway for more information just join the discord and feel free to ask.


Yours Truly