
Chapter 124: Age Of Leviathan Part 6

Arias once again seated in his office but this time he had Àpeiro casually seated on his lap with her head resting on his chest while Nearítheá sat on his desk while facing the two of them.

"Something the matter? You keep staring at your mother and I?" Arias asked his frowning daughter but she simply humphed.

"Seems she wanted to rest in her father's embrace. Sadly that's not something I'm willing to give up, even for you dear." Àpeiro chuckled and explained while Nearítheá simply crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

"When I get stronger I'll gladly fight you for it." Nearítheá declared seriously while slightly leaking her aura.

"Cute." Àpeiro replied before releasing a minuscule amount of her own aura causing every living being present in the universe to feel their life about to end for a split second.

After it passed, Nearítheá looked at her mother in disbelief before lowering her head and pouting.

"Father...mother is bullying me..." Nearítheá could only turn to the only person her mother listened to and plead in an innocent manner.

"I'll be sure punish her then" Arias replied casually but Àpeiro instead smiled.

"I'll be looking forward to what you have in mind, beloved." She expressed while slightly biting her lip. This act of blatant flirting caused Nearítheá to look at her father with pleading eyes but his attention seemed to be in his own thoughts.

"I'm starting to think you two came here just to purposefully argue in front of me" Arias sighed and stated but Àpeiro simply gave him an endearing look while Nearítheá lowered her head.

Before either of them could voice a response, a semi transparent screen appeared while displaying a message. Arias didn't hesitate in opening the message which carried a voice note.

[Greetings Mr. Adriel, in regards to what we previously discussed I set the date to launch the attack for this Friday...however a rare opportunity has presented itself. Will it be at all possible to act at 2pm today?] the voice message played out before a click resounded at the end.

"No, you said you wouldn't be busy today Father." Nearítheá quickly protested but Arias simply smiled and shook his head.

"That's what I initially thought as well. But it seems that won't be the case." Arias replied before pressing the semi transparent screen and sending a message of his own.

"At 2pm exactly today....you can start your attack" Arias voiced aloud before sending the message much to Nearítheá's displeasure.

She soon hovered from the desk and began floating away with her arms crossed before vanishing in an instant.

"She's probably gone to sulk in a nearby sun or black hole." Àpeiro chuckled and explained before looking up at Arias.

"We still have some time until it's 2 pm you know..." Àpeiro pointed out as her eyes showed a little glimmer but before Arias could reply, Nearítheá reappeared in the room.

"Mother....you said you'd train me later." She said with a blush on her face and her head lowered.

"What a coincidence..." Àpeiro replied sarcastically before pulling away from Arias and hovering towards their daughter.

"It seems I'm also preoccupied beloved. We'll see you later" Àpeiro added in her ever alluring voice before vanishing from the office with Nearítheá in tow.

"...Zero." Arias remained silent for a moment before calling Zero out loud.

[Yes Sir]

Almost immediately a voice resounded within Arias's office in response to his summons.

"I'll need you to break into government systems and keep them preoccupied for the course of 1 hour. As for the facility that will be under attack...ensure all systems are down for 1 hour as well starting at 2pm exactly." Arias instructed before standing from his seat.

[acknowledged sir, it will be done] the voice responded before going silent.

Upon exiting his office, Arias found two familiar sisters bickering loudly.

"The Lord does not need the attending from you Komand'r!"

"Oh hush, we won't know till we ask Koriand'r"

"Is there something you two want?" Arias interrupted the two sister's bickering with his own question.

"Well....I was just wondering if there was anything we could assist you with M..aster" Blackfire asked while moving closer to Arias.

"Hmm...there just might be" Arias replied while remaining vague but both sisters looked beyond excited to serve.

"We will be happy to do whatever it is you want" Starfire replied eagerly but Arias shook his head and proceeded to continue walking away.

"When the time comes I'll let you know. For now continue getting stronger." Arias gave his parting words before disappearing into the hall.

Meanwhile on a heavily guarded island facility, a man in a suit was making his way through a clear white hall with individuals dressed in black in tow.

"Please forgive the lack of a proper welcome Mr Secretary, we weren't expecting you to visit us" a man wearing glasses and a lab coat addressed the man in the suit ahead.

"Think nothing of it, I just wanted to see how operations were going. With the recent attacks on some of our facilities these past few weeks, the president thought it is necessary to ensure the security was up to standard in some of our more...non public operations" The Secretary replied with a tone of confidence.

But before the man in glasses and a lab coat could reply, a large explosion was held before the halls began to rumble.

"!!" The men dressed in black immediately surrounded the Secretary to provide cover until the rumbling ceased.

"What was that?" The Secretary asked in a very worried tone. The man in a lab coat immediately took out a device and began pressing it rapidly but shook his head.

"Communication isn't going through" he stated in a panicked tone causing the Secretary to look even more worried.

"Agent 1. Establish communication to the Whitehouse this instant. I have a bad feeling about this" The Secretary ordered but they too found their devices to be unresponsive.

What followed were more earth shaking explosions. One after another until finally the Hall The Secretary stood in had a wall blown off.

"You..." The Secretary said in a cautious tone as a man in a metallic suit appeared out of the now broken wall.

"It's good to see you again too, Mr Secretary Of Defense." The man replied in a polite manner as he began hovering towards the group.

The men in black immediately drew their guns and began firing, The Secretary attempted to stop them but was too late.

Numerous bullets were fired but they all came to halt in mid air.

"Magneto...we're trying to help numerous people! Don't you see that this thing you insist on being a gift is nothing but a disease! Let us cure you!" The Secretary yelled out but Magneto only frowned.

"A disease you say...." He muttered as he slowly began to motion his hand towards the group. As he did so, the bullets slowly began to rotate until they now faced the Secretary and his group.

(edited by Kenshi)

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we reach 1k stones.




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