

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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Cross again, Magneto’s conspiracy

In 1973.

This thermal power station has not yet been abandoned.

Fortunately, it was night when it was teleporting, and when the three of them came, it was also night, and there was no one around.

Otherwise, they will be seen all over!

"Here, is it 1973?"

She blinked her hands to protect the vital part and asked.

A gust of wind blew by, causing the flicker to shudder.

Chen Ye nodded, and suddenly his ears moved.

next moment.

Flashing couldn't help exclaiming, and Chen Ye Lou was in his arms.

You know, both of them don't have any clothes on them now

When the skin touches, you can clearly feel the temperature of the other person's body.

"You, what are you doing?"

She stammered and asked, her pretty face shy and scared.

"somebody is coming!'

Chen Ye said calmly, and then used his mind to take away the storm girl next to him, and flew to the sea.

As soon as they left, there were a few security guards at the thermal power station and came to their original location.

"What happened here?"

"Strange, I just saw it on 27th, there are a lot of electric lights here

"I said, you must be dazzled!"


Storm Girl is a little unhappy!

Because Chen Ye held the twinkling in his arms, but he used his mind to take her to treat her clearly differently!

Is it just because she doesn't look good with twinkling?

"Where are we going now?" asked Stormgirl.

Chen Ye saw a luxury cruise ship in the distance.

At this moment he is controlling the waves, riding the wind and waves, and heading towards the cruise ship.

Hearing the question from Storm Girl, Chen Ye said: "There is a cruise ship ahead, and there should be clothes on it!"

Storm Girl raised her head, and she saw that there was indeed a cruise ship floating directly in front of her.

"I can go by myself!"

When the voice fell, the Storm Girl used her ability to escape Chen Ye's mind control and flew towards the cruise ship.


This is because Chen Ye's control is relatively small. If she is fully controlled, Storm Girl wants to break free, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Seeing Storm Girl's unhappy look, Chen Ye didn't think much, and moved on with flashes.

In other words, Chen Ye didn't bother to care whether she was angry or not.


The three got on the cruise ship.

A group of well-dressed social elites are talking and drinking on the deck of the cruise ship, seeming to be having a party.

The three of them easily came to the cabin of the cruise ship and found suitable clothes in the luxurious room.

During the whole process, no one was discovered!

"Next, what are you going to do?" Chen Ye asked.

The Storm Girl thought for a while, and said: "We are going to find the professor of this period first!"

Chen Ye nodded: "Then, I wish you good luck!"

Hearing this, flashing immediately asked: "Aren't you with us?"


"where are you going?"

"Go and do your own business!"

Seeing Chen Ye insisting on leaving, there was nothing flashing on the surface, but he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his heart.

The three separated.

Storm Girl and Flashing went to find Professor X when they were young to prevent the birth of the Sentry Robot.

Chen Ye started to execute his plan!

Two days later.

Chen Ye appeared in a bustling city.

This is New York City in 2000!

That's right!

Chen Ye traveled through time again, from 1973 to 2000!

In the past two days, Chen Ye used violence to ransack a laboratory and collected enough materials for Skynet to create a time replacement device again.

Other Terminators require high-tech chips to manufacture time-replacement devices.

Skynet doesn't use it!

Because the time replacement device was the first one she made!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Skynet is the inventor of the time replacement device.

The reason why Chen Ye came to 2000 was of course for the mutant hunting plan!

He remembers the plot!

According to the timeline, 2000 was the timeline of the first part of X-Men!

A major event will happen this year!

The leader of the event is Magneto!!

Magneto at this time was very radical, hated humans, and believed that mutants were better than humans and should dominate humans!

So he founded the Brotherhood of Mutants and led them against humans.

In this year, Magneto discovered a machine that can transform ordinary people into variants

Then Magneto formulated a conspiracy!

When preparing to hold a summit at the top of humanity, use machines to turn all high-level humans into mutants!

At that time, the high-level humans will become mutants, and the social status of other mutants can be easily improved, so that the mutants will no longer be discriminated against and excluded!


This is the equivalent of a disguised form, the mutant controls the world!

I have to say that Magzine's plan is very good.

It's just that at a critical moment, this plan was eventually destroyed by the "X-Men" who were self-proclaimed just people.

This is what happened this year!

The goal of Chen Ye's trip is that machine!

His plan, similar to Magneto, is to turn a large number of humans into mutants.

It's just that Magneto wants to achieve the purpose of controlling mankind through the high level of mankind.

But Chen Ye just wanted to make more mutants and then slaughtered them all

This is Chen Ye's plan!

Only in this way is the most secure and can get super god evaluation!

At this moment, Chen Ye had just invaded a villa and found a clean suit to wear.

The owner of the villa lay on the ground and passed out in a coma.

Of course 683 was knocked unconscious by Chen Ye!

"I don't know, where is Magneto's plan now?"

Just thinking of this, Chen Ye suddenly turned his eyes and looked at the TV.

What's playing on the TV is a news channel.

The host of the news said a paragraph that caught Chen Ye's attention:

"The 27th World Summit will be held in six days."

Seeing this, Chen Ye's eyes lit up suddenly.

"The summit will start in a few days. In other words, Magneto's plan is still in progress!"

"At this time, Magneto might still be arresting the mutant'little naughty'. I want to use the life of the small naughty to replace himself and execute the plan."

Although the machine obtained by Magneto can transform ordinary people into mutants, it has great side effects on users!

Seriously, it will consume the life of the user.

Of course Magneto doesn't want to die!

Therefore, he needs a substitute for the dead.

And the ability of being naughty is the ability to absorb others.

Magneto intends to absorb his abilities to Little Naughty, and then let Little Naughty start the machine and die on his behalf.