

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Invade x academy

There is not much time left for Chen Ye now!

Storm Girl and Flashing, in 1973, worked hard to change the fate of mutants and prevent the birth of the Sentry Robot.

Once they succeed, everything on this timeline will be rewritten!

Chen Ye has to hunt enough mutants before they succeed

Therefore, Chen Ye decided to find Magneto first and "cooperate" with Magneto!

"At this time, Magneto is afraid that his conspiracy will be detected by Professor X, so he is usually very low-key and out of sight. It is really not easy to find him."

Thinking of this, Chen Ye has a headache.

"It seems that I have to go to Professor X first to take away the little naughty! In Magneto's plan, little naughty is a vital part, and it is bound to be won. As long as the little naughty is in my hands, he will take the initiative. Find it!"

It may not be easy to find Magneto, but it is easy to find Professor X.

At this time, Professor X has established a school that guides mutants to use their superpowers to make contributions to society.

The name is "X Academy"!

Although it is not particularly famous, you can find the location as long as you inquire!

Two hours later.

A taxi came to a remote suburb.

"Here, sir, this is it!" the taxi driver said politely.

He suspects that Chen Ye is a variant

Why else are you here?


Chen Ye paid and got out of the taxi. The taxi driver immediately kicked the accelerator and ran fast.

Under the government's deliberate discrediting propaganda, mutants are synonymous with danger!

Chen Ye ignored the taxi, raised his head, and the gate of an academy was greeted.

The gate is not grand, but it is quite satisfactory.

Through the gate, you can see the garden in the courtyard and a five- or six-story building.

Chen Ye couldn't help sighing: "Professor X is quite rich! Although this academy is not big, it will cost at least several hundred million to run it~,?"

Afterwards, Chen Ye strode towards the academy.

In the yard, a group of students are frolicking.

They are of different ages, the oldest is almost adult, and the youngest is only a few years old.

Chen Ye glanced around and found many acquaintances.

The arrival of Chen Ye also attracted the attention of the students. Many students stopped their actions and looked at Chen Ye curiously.

Chen Ye came to a little girl and smiled and asked, "Hello, may I ask, do you know where Anna-Marie (Little Naughty) is? I am her friend, come and see her."

Seeing Chen Ye smiled kindly, the little girl didn't have much alertness at all, and she immediately pointed to somewhere when she heard the words.

"Anna is there!"

Following the direction of the little girl's finger, Chen Ye immediately saw the little naughty sitting on the swing.

Little naughty, just Anna-Marie's nickname, she actually has a louder nickname, "Raksha Girl"!

Of course, that is her future title.

The current Anna is just a timid underage girl!

"Thank you!"

Chen Ye smiled and said hello to the little girl, and then walked towards the little naughty girl.

At this time, a woman suddenly appeared and stopped Chen Ye.

The woman is probably in her thirties, she is tall and has a good temperament, and her whole body is full of the charm of a mature woman.

"Sir, who are you? What can I do with Anna?" The woman stopped Chen Ye and asked.

Seeing this woman, Chen Ye's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was stunned.

He knew the original work and recognized this woman at a glance!

Qin Grey!

Nicknamed "Phoenix Girl"!!

At present, X Academy is the only "Mega" mutant!

He is also the only mutant who has a huge threat to Chen Ye.

In the body of "Qin-Grey", there is a powerful phoenix power. Once it bursts out, everything around it will be decomposed and annihilated!

Chen Ye didn't know whether his domineering armed color could stop the power of the phoenix.

However, Chen Ye estimated that it should be unstoppable!

According to the official setting, the power of the phoenix can destroy all matter in the universe, even the true gods.

Fortunately, the current Qin Grey cannot effectively control the power of the phoenix.

Otherwise, the X-Men would be invincible

Chen Ye smiled and said hello: "Hello, Ms. Jin and Ms. Grey."

Qin was stunned for a moment: "Do you know me?"

"Of course, your last speech in the parliament is impressive!" Chen Ye said.

This is what happened in the original plot

Hearing this, Qin was non-committal and continued to ask: "Sir, you haven't told me your identity! And what is your purpose of looking for Anna?"

"Oh! I want to borrow Anna for a while!" Chen Ye said.


Qin's face changed, and he said solemnly: ""I don't understand what you mean, please leave here immediately, sir!!"

Chen Ye smiled slightly: "If you want to drive me away, it's horrible that you have to release the power of the phoenix in your body!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Ye waved his hand.


Qin flew out directly under the control of Nian Li.

Chen Ye didn't have any thoughts to hurt people, so Qin was not hurt.

Seeing Chen Ye suddenly start his hands, he played the piano. Teacher Grey, the students around were stunned.

Many timid students screamed in fright.

The huge movement instantly attracted the attention of the X-Men members in the house, including Professor X who was teaching the students.

"What happened?"

The first thing that came out was "Laser Eye" Scott Summers!

Seeing that his object was a little embarrassed, Scott hurriedly stepped forward to hold on to the piano.

"Qin? What's wrong?"

Qin's eyes are looking at Chen Ye.

At this moment, Chen Ye has come to the little mischievous face (Wang Qian is good).

Qin immediately said anxiously: "He wants to take Anna away, stop him quickly!"

Scott and the other X-Men who drove out were taken aback when they heard the words, and then immediately rushed towards Chen Ye.

"Be careful, he also has the power of mind control, which is stronger than mine!" Qin reminded and followed.

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were stunned.

But none of them flinched.

In the distance, Chen Ye had caught the little naughty and caused the little naughty scream.

"Hey! Bastard, let go of Anna!" Wolverine roared.

The Wolverine now looks very young and has a more grumpy temper.

Looking at the rushing Wolverine, Chen Ye said lightly: "Rogen, you should have a tempered temper, otherwise you may suffer a big loss in the future!"

"To shut up!"

Wolverine jumped up, showed its wolf claws, and directly pounced towards Chen Ye.