

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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707 Chs

The girl can do it, the man step aside [bonus chapter]

Flash and Storm Girl!

Hearing the two people appointed by Chen Ye, everyone was taken aback.

Why appoint two women?

It's not that everyone has a prejudice against women, but…for such a task, you should find a more reliable person!

Even Twinkle and Storm Girl were a little surprised and didn't understand Chen Ye's motives at all.


Although everyone is a little puzzled about Chen Ye's appointment, no one dares to object

"Chen! Can you bring Logan?" Professor X couldn't help asking.

Right now, Professor X dared to make some comments with Chen Ye.

As for bringing Logan, it is Professor X who thinks that Logan has the noble quality of not admitting defeat, and he is the best candidate for this task.


Chen Ye shook his head without thinking about it.

Seeing Chen Ye's refusal so resolutely, Professor X opened his mouth and "six eight three", but in the end he didn't say anything and gave up.

More than an hour later.

"Brother, all right!" Skynet suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked over and saw a strange machine appearing on the platform.

The machine is very rudimentary.

Wolverine couldn't help but said: "This is the thing? Is it safe?"

Hearing Wolverine's questioning, Skynet immediately said: "Of course it is safe!"

When it comes to making time replacement devices, Skynet is definitely an expert in this area.

In the world of Terminator, it was she who ordered the dispatch of Terminator robots to go back in time and hunt down John Connor!

"Okay! Don't waste time!" Chen Ye gave a final word: "Let's get started!"

"Skynet, tell them two, some precautions."

"Okay, brother."

Skynet was very obedient, and came to Blink and Storm Girl, and said directly: "You must use the time replacement device to travel through time and space. You can't carry any other substances, including the fiber tissue on your body."

Both Storm Girl and Flashing were taken aback.

Flashing couldn't help asking: "What do you mean?"

"Simply put it," Skynet said calmly: "You can't wear clothes!"


Both Storm Girl and Flashing were embarrassed.

"Then what if I wear clothes and go back in time?" The Storm Girl couldn't help asking.

"You can't go back.

Skynet lightly stated the facts: "Affected by other substances, your body will most likely be torn apart by the magnetic force of the quantum field. If you can survive by chance, you will most likely fall into the turbulence of time and appear at an unknown time. point."

"This, so dangerous?" The flashing was a little frightened.

"Any other questions?" Skynet asked.

Storm Girl and Flashing glanced at each other, and they didn't speak.

"Then, please be prepared, and leave with my brother later." Tianwang said.

"Wait!" The flashing was a little panic: "Your brother? Chen?"

Skynet is strange: "Do I have any other brothers?"

Storm Girl:

Flashing: "

Until now!

Everyone knows why Chen Ye chooses two sisters, and he disagrees with Wolverine.

It turned out that Chen Ye himself had to go back to the past.

The faces of everyone are a little strange.

Professor X couldn't help asking: "Chen, do you want to go back to the past?"

Seeing Chen Ye nodding his head, Professor X asked again: "Could you take the liberty to ask, do you want to go back to the purpose of the past?"

"Help them prevent the birth of the Sentry Robot!" Chen Ye said half-truth: "If the two of them fail, I can still help and prevent the birth of the Sentry Robot by force."

"this "

Professor X hesitated.

The use of force to stop it meant that it was going to kill.

He believes that Chen Ye has this strength.


If too many people were to be slaughtered, Professor X couldn't bear it again.

Anyone who has read the original book knows that Professor X has a relatively indecisive personality and always has illusions about humans.

Perceiving Professor X's hesitation, Magneto immediately said: "I agree with Chen's decision! Charles, do you really want to see all mutants go extinct?"

Magneto's character is more radical and his attitude towards humans is very unfriendly.

In the original work, if it weren't for the X-Men's prevention, Magneto had almost destroyed mankind several times.

Upon hearing Magneto's words, Professor X sighed and said nothing.

Even if he doesn't think about himself, he has to think about other mutants!


It is ready to travel through time and space.

When the Twinkle and Storm Girl appeared in front of Chen Ye without an inch, both girls couldn't help but flushed and shy.

Storm Girl is better.

She is a Westerner, and she is more open to the concept of that aspect.

Flashing is really uncomfortable, because she is Oriental and relatively conservative.

Fortunately, Chen Ye's figure can be called a male god-level sportsman!

Everyone has a love for beauty, and the two women are not disgusted with Chen Ye, but a little embarrassed.

As for Chen Ye, I can't help but look at the figures of the two women.

The Storm Girl is fine. Although she has a good figure, Chen Ye doesn't like black girls.

Chen Ye couldn't help but look at the flashing twice, mainly because of the face, which is very similar to a certain previous star


The three of them came to the time replacement machine, ready to accept the time and space teleportation.

Everyone else avoids it automatically.

After all, no one wants to be watched while running naked

"The set time is 1973, the confirmation is complete!"

Skynet said: "Brother, you can use your ability later, just press the start switch!"

Chen Ye nodded, and then put Skynet into his personal warehouse.


Seeing a "big living person" disappeared in an instant, the flashing and the storm girl were shocked.

"Where did you get your sister?" Blink couldn't help but ask.

"You can see her anytime you want!

Chen Ye replied, and then using his mind power, he pressed the 4.0 activation key in the distance.

"Om! Om!


A huge noise sounded, and a large amount of electric light appeared in the time replacement device, enveloping Chen Ye, Blink, and Storm Woman.

After a while, the three disappeared together

In 1973.

Thermal power station.

It was night at this time.

エPeople have stopped working, and the entire thermal power plant is only guarded by a few night shift personnel.

It's quiet in the dead of night.

Suddenly, somewhere on the platform, the wind began to roar, and then, many electric arcs appeared out of thin air, flashing like a group of snakes, very strange.

After a while.

The surrounding space was distorted, the space-time wormhole opened, and three people were teleported from it.

Three unarmed people