
Genesis: The Lost Ruler of Nirvana

Dazaree, an adopted orphan and a family plague, ran away from home after accidentally releasing an unknown power and almost killing her aunt. Scared for what she has done, she ran away to the woods only to be surrounded by men trying to capture her. But then she was saved by Kithe, a man who has an incredible skill and power, trying to correct his past mistakes. Upon knowing that she isn’t alone in this world and there are other people who possess extraordinary ability, she decided to look for them only to find out that there is an organization named Kronos that captures people like them for inhuman experiments. Soon they will all gather and team up to fight and take down the organization but little did they know that Kronos is not the only organization that perform this horrendous activity to achieve such goal and that is to obtain power. As they go on their journey, they will meet people that are either an ally or an enemy. They will lose friends, get betrayed but regardless of all this, will they find love? But then a big responsibility awaits them, especially Dazaree. Will she be able to handle it or will she give up before even trying? Find out what will happen to Dazaree and her team as they continue in journey to find the truth and save their kind. [DISCLAIMER: Book cover photo is not mine, all credits goes to the owner.]

Shaine_chan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
199 Chs

DEMIAN: Healer's Abomination

Astounded, Demian couldn't utter a word as he moved his gaze from his arm to the girl then back to his shoulders again. His wound is gone! It is completely healed but how? 

The girl showed him her brightest smile as if she's proud of what she did. She's happy that he is okay now. As for Demian, it still wouldn't sink into his head so he looked in his arm closer. 

"H-how?" he exclaimed as touch the part of his arm that was shot. The only thing left is bloodstain but there is no sign of wound nor bruises. He couldn't feel any pain anymore! 

"How did you do that?"  he inquired while blinking his eyes, trying to check if he's just imagining things causing the girl to chuckle. 

Demian looked at her and she just answered him with a smile. 

"I see..." he said as he lowered his arm. "I had no idea there were other people with the same ability as me." He leaned against the wall, staring at her. Since he was a child, he had a plethora of questions that his mother never answered, and he couldn't believe that he would meet someone today who would resolve all of them.

"So your mom never told you anything about our kind?" she asked, surprised but at the same time, she secretly felt relieved. 

"Our kind?" The two were interrupted when they heard the siren of police mobiles coming into the market. 

"The police are already there. I'm sure those who are chasing you will leave," she said and stood up from sitting on the floor so he also stood up as well.

The only thing Demian can do now is hope that they will leave and never find out about his home. He's thinking twice if he should go home or not because he doesn't want them to know about where they live. If that happens, his mom will be in danger too but at the same time, he wants to be with his mom so he could protect her. 

Demian returned her gaze to her and asked, "You know them, right?" The girl's eyes dilated because of his question. "That's the reason why you helped me."

She sighed and looked at him. "When I saw them running and following someone, which is you, I already knew that you are like me. I knew you needed my help." 

He couldn't help but stare at her sad eyes because he thought that she might've been suffering for the same reason he does. 

"I think we can go out now," she abruptly said and was about to step out so Demian grabbed her left arm to stop her. 

"What--" she looked at him in surprise but he just looks at the ground with a serious face. 

"I can still feel their footsteps from the ground," he said causing her eyes to widen. 

"What? But how come I can't feel them?"

He looked at her and said, "Just kidding," before changing his expression and chuckling, causing her to scowl at him then walked outside so Demian followed her. 

"How did you know them? Are they hunting you too?" he asked. 

She shook her head but sadness can be seen in her dark green eyes. At that moment, Demian could only think that her eyes are strikingly beautiful.

"They are the same people who killed my dad," she said intently as she pressed her fingers against her palm. 

Demian was rendered speechless as he stared into her enraged eyes. It was filled with vengeance-seeking hatred that will freeze him in his position. Her aura appeared to be very different from before as if the resentment within her had resurfaced.

From that, a tear streamed down her rosy cheeks as she says, "When I was a kid I saw my dad fighting with one of them and because of that, we had to live apart to keep me and my mom safe. So they didn't find out that my dad has a descendant. One day we just found his body floating in the river without his eyes, and filled with bruises." 

Demian couldn't utter a word so she just stared at her. He doesn't know what to say to comfort her because her pain was too deep that no words can make her feel better. Even though he never experienced having a father, he understands the pain that she's bearing right now. 

She gave him a weak smile as her eyes welled up, "Cruel, aren't they?" 

Demian didn't know what came up to him but he instinctively pulled her into a hug. He couldn't imagine what will happen to him if it happened to his own mother. Just thinking of it scares him and he knows she feels worse. 

"I wanted to slice their body into pieces or choke them to death so they could feel what my dad felt that day." She started sobbing like a little kid telling her brother how she wanted to fight back against the kids who bullied her.

"But I can't because dad won't like it," she continued and sniffed. 

Demian tapped her head and gently rubbed it because he wants to make her feel that she's not alone in this cruel world but then she stepped backward to free herself from his hug because of discomfort. 

"Hmm, I'm sorry. I never hugged a man before," she smiled and wiped away her tears. 

Demian felt embarrassed because of what he did and scratched his head. "S-sorry." 

The girl chuckled, stared at him, and said, "Thank you, Demian." 

Demian looked at her with a frown and queried, "You know my name?" He has no recollection of telling her his name, so how did she know who he was?

The girl's pupils dilated, so she averted her gaze and bit her lower lip. She slipped. At this moment, all she wanted to do was to run away from him. 

Demian who's very confused wanted to inquire more but he was interrupted when a woman's voice yelled from a distance. 


A girl with long hair who's quite taller than she came rushing towards them. It seems like she's been running because of her heavy breathing. 


Who is this Emily? Hmm

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