
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 35 - Showtime

Kaos could hardly stand as she glared at the army surrounding her.

Her breath was ragged and she had several spears stabbed into her back.

The garden around her was in tatters and the tree of Yggdrasil was already beginning to burn in the distance.

There was very little she could do to stop the being before her, but still, she stood defiant and let out a loud deafening roar to challenge the leader of the horde of monsters.

The leader was a haggard old man with a long white beard that fell to his knees. He wore long black robes that were laced in purple and gold. In his hands he held a staff with an ominously glowing red crystal intertwined at the top and on either of his shoulders were two crows, one white and the other black. He had an eye patch over his left eye while his right glowed gold with an otherworldly wisdom that seemed to glare a gold into the Dragon of Life, as if she were below him, just like everything else.

He didn't move or speak as he stared down at Kaos with a look of pity and contempt, as if he was mourning a being that was already on its deathbed.

But Kaos was far from being done.

So, with another mighty thunderous roar, the Dragon of Life stood to her feet and began to gather all of her life force and the life force from the surrounding plants and animals of the garden, who gladly gave their lives to the motherly dragon.

Tears freely flowed from her eyes as a humongous green and gold sphere began to form above her maw, swirling and twisting in a complex and destructive pattern that ebbed with the mastery that she had over the life of all things.

The old man's eyes hardened as he brought his staff forward to counter whatever it was that Kaos was about to do.

With a loud cry of, "ODIN!!!" Kaos moved to throw the destructive orb of life at the elderly, yet unbelievably powerful, man before her, killing herself in the process.

But as soon as she was about to unleash the force of life energy from her maw, a clawed hand landed on top her head, forcing the Dragon of Life to stop in her tracks as her eyes widened.

The old man, who is now known as Odin, eyes widened slightly in surprise as well.

For, floating several feet above the ground to be at equal eye height with the female dragon, was a young man with golden blonde hair and breathtaking green eyes.

The young man wore a long-sleeved high-collared white shirt under a black vest, a red tie, knee-length black pants and black boots. A small sword with a green handle was strapped to his back via a brown belt.

"Phew! That was almost really messy.... That's enough, get some rest. We're here now, alright?" The young man suddenly said with a small friendly grin before shoving both hands into his pockets as he turned to face the army before him.

Several other figures appeared floating in the air beside him.

The first to speak was a talk, lanky, yet well muscled man with a scare on his chin and signature red outfit that didn't really seem to fit him at all, but it seemed to match well with his white hair and red eyes.

"That's just like you, cap. Always the first one to the action." The man said with a laid back drawl.

Odin was taken aback by the six figures before him, not including Kaos herself of course.

He couldn't help but eye each unique individual with a weary gaze.

Something just felt....off....about them.

But before Odin could debate on this any further, he had to dodge as a humongous hammer-like object came crashing down on the area he once stood, absolutely decimating several hundred members of his army and causing a massive tremor and shockwave to shake the area.

Once the dust cleared, it revealed a massive woman in an orange, skin tight, outfit.

The woman let out a small huff before easily lifting the humongous hammer with one hand and placing it onto her shoulder.

"I missed...." she said simply.

"Well that's to be expected, he's a God after all." Another young man said as he floated up beside her on a green pillow. "You're late by the way."

"Well that's not my fault that he summoned me after all of you!" The giant exclaimed in return.

But before these two strange beings could begin bickering, Odin released an oppressing gold aura that seemed to crash down on the surrounding area, causing the garden to begin shaking violently and for the new group of seven to focus their attention on the old man at the front of the massive army of monsters.

"ENOUGH!" He snapped, authority and impatience lacing his words. "I quickly grow tired of this foolishness! Kaos, are these the fools that you've summoned to defy Olympus?! Cause if so, then you've fallen farther than I could have ever imag-?!"

Before Odin could finish, a fist suddenly made contact with his cheek, sending him on a crash course backwards through his army like a destructive ragdoll.

"Phew! I'm glad I showed up before he could begin ranting! I fucking hate that!" Puck exclaimed with a grin as he turned to face Kaos, giving her a small two fingered salute. "Yo!"

Kaos's eyes widened and tears threatened to spill free from her eyes. "B-But.... H-How?! I sent you back....?" She began, only for her energy to finally give out.

The massive dragon's body went limp as she began to fall to the side, only for it to be caught by the giant woman from earlier.

Kaos had just enough energy to give Puck a happy and thankful look before the sweet bliss of unconsciousness finally took hold.

Puck simply gave her an apologetic look before turning his heated gaze back towards the army before him as Odin finally regained his footing and used his staff to skid his way to a stop.

The path of destruction and dead monsters that was caused due to his flying body was massive, but was quickly filled in as the several hundred monster corpses gave birth to thousands of more monsters of even greater size.

Odin's eye met Puck's own and a shiver ran up his spine, for in the awakener's eyes with a deep rooted hatred that made even his blood run cold.

But there was something else behind those eyes....

Something much worse.

Something unrestrained....

Something that's finally snapped.

Odin let out a small growl as he gritted his teeth before pointing his staff towards Koas's unconscious body. "Attack! Capture the dragon! Kill everyone else!" He ordered, causing the army of S-SS ranked monsters to let out several thousand loud resounding roars in response before charging forward.

Puck simply smirked at this before turning to the giant woman holding Kaos's unconscious body.

"Diane, take Koas and move towards the tree." He said, pointing towards the burning tree of Yggdrasil. "Having Kaos there should cause the tree to heal and vise versa....at least that's what my gut's telling me anyway."

The giant woman, now known as Diane, nodded in response. "On it!" She exclaimed easily scooping up Kaos's body and gently tossing it over her shoulder before jumping off into the distance.

Puck turned to the six other figures waiting for orders before activating the system for the first time in a while.

"You guys think you can hold off those guys for a while? I need to try something.... Give me at least 3 minutes, alright?" He asked, only to receive several smirks in response.

"C'mon, boss! Have some faith! 3 minutes? Heh, we'll have this battle done by the time you finish whatever the hell it is you're doing!" The white haired man exclaimed before jumping into the fray with a grin.

"Don't worry about him and just do what you have to, alright?" A black hired woman spoke up, a purple box like cube forming in her hand before she promptly threw it at Puck, causing it to expand into a humongous see through purple barrier.

The woman nodded at her handy work before also jumping towards the massive army of creatures, quickly followed by a heavily muscular orange haired man wielding a golden axe.

The blonde haired man walked up to Puck, easily walking through the purple barrier as he was followed by a pink haired man and the same guy who was floating on the green pillow from earlier.

"Don't worry, man. We've got this! We'll hold them off for as long as you need! You hired the Seven Deadly Sins after all! Gotta give you your money's worth!" The young man exclaimed with another small grin.

"Yeah~ Yeah~ Whatever you say, Meliodas.... Just make sure to hold them off for at least 3 minutes, okay? Cause I have a feeling that these guys aren't normal...." Puck said, casting a glance towards the army of monsters as a particularly massive SSS rank sent Ban flying into a nearby mountain. "You should probably go help 'em...." He mumbled before going back to looking at the system screen.

Puck knew that they could probably handle themselves, but something just didn't sit right with him about those S+ Ranked monsters....

There's no way Odin, even backed by thousands of SSS Ranked monsters, could take on Kaos.

They must've had something up their sleeves.

Cause Puck knew for a fact that Odin wasn't a fool, not by any means....

Meliodas simply chuckled at this, giving his summoner a two fingered salute as he turned on his heel and began walking towards the purple barrier once more.

"Will do, boss man~!"



Congratulations to the user for summoning:








Team Synchronization is now in progress!

The sync: "Seven Deadly Sins" is now being used!

All summoned heroes belonging to the "Seven Deadly Sins" category will have their sats boosted by +50%!

+30% EXP will be given to the user.


"Yeah~ Yeah~! I get it already! Tell me something I don't know!" Puck growled angrily as he clicked at the blue system screen before him, swiping over to the one part of the system he hadn't used yet....

"I have a bad feeling about that Odin guy.... I'll need something....or someone.... to take care of him while I go to heal Kaos, those spears in her back are giving off an energy that makes my skin crawl.... Guess it's better now than never, huh? When all else fails.... I can always count on you....right? My lucky...."


Puck thought to himself with a small, nostalgic, smile.


Congratulations on accessing the "Gacha Lottery" for the first time!

Time will be frozen for the remainder of this period.

Please wait a moment while the user's information is reviewed in order to provide the best results....


You have now been connected to the Gacha Lottery Network!

Since this is your first time accessing the network, you will receive one free Gacha Ticket with increased chances of a high tier unit being drawn!

Original Gacha Rates:

F - 15%

E - 10%

D - 5%

C - 2%

B - 0.5%

A - 0.0025%

S - 0.000010%

SS - 0.000000005%

SSS - ???

UR - Impossible

Improved Rates:

F - 55%

E - 45%

D - 25%

C - 15%

B - 10%

A - 5%

S - 2%

SS - 1%

SSS - 0.5%

UR - 0.0025%

Would you like to use your Super Gacha Ticket?



"My luck has never failed me before.... My friends used to call me a gambling addict.... They told me that I just didn't know when to stop.... That I was a risk taker.... Especially when I drew something good, I'd throw it away just to draw again and try for something better.... But this time.... I'm really feeling lucky!"

(He's talking about how in most Gacha games nowadays they give you a free limited 10 draw where you're able to resummon if you didn't like the thing you summoned, however they usually have a limit.)

Puck smirked, his eyes lighting up as he quickly pressed "Yes" and crossed his fingers, his heart beating with anticipation as he watched a lottery wheel appear before his very eyes.


Congratulations and good luck with your summons!

May the odds forever be in your favor!







The title, "God of Gacha" affects your summoning rates!

The user's Luck stat affects the causality!


🎆 🥳 🎆

Congratulations to th user for summoning the very first UR to exist!!!

The title: "Master of Luck" has been achieved!

The user has successfully summoned....

‼️ 5th Gear Monkey D. Luffy ‼️

Please come again next time!

Time will now continue.


Time abruptly started once more, causing Puck to be caught off as the ground below him suddenly gave way, causing him to sink into it slightly before bouncing back up like if he were on a trampoline.

Puck let out a small surprised yip as he bounced into the air higher and higher into the air with each bounce until he finally hit the ceiling of the purple barrier and bounced off of that as well.

And before Puck knew it, he was being bounced  around against his will, drool flying from his mouth as he flew about, hitting off the walls like a bullet without a direction in mind.

That was until a roar of loud obnoxious laughter suddenly filled the air and Puck's destructive course was stopped abruptly.


Puck let out a small pained moan as he rubs the side of his head to try and keep the world from spinning as he looked up towards his savior, only for his eyes to meet a familiar wide toothy grin.

A grin slit Puck's face in return as his savior set him back on his feet before beginning to bounce about wildly for a moment, as if to bask in the newly formed "fun house" while laughing the entire time.

And, for the first time in a long time....

Puck could finally bask in the glory of pulling a rare "banner" unit.

(A banner unit is basically an extremely rare unit that shows up in Gacha games from time to time, they can either be from the game or from an anime of some sort in a crossover event, the main point is that these units are usually stronger than other units you'd pull normally.)

Puck took in a deep breath before finally exclaiming, "ALRIGHT!"

His loud exclamation was followed by his newly summoned unit jumping high into the air, pausing for a moment to pose as if he was running before he slammed into the ground with tremendous force, causing a shockwave insinuated by black and red sparks of electricity to ripple over the battlefield.

The ground caved for a moment as if it were made of rubber before exploding outwards in a tremendous explosion of dust and debris.

The purple cube-like barrier shattered under the intense pressure, sending shards of purple blade-like glass in all directions, causing the intense battle between the Seven Deadly Sins and the S+ Ranked monsters to suddenly be put on hold as everyone turned to face the new looming threat.

Only for everyone to sweatdropped at the sight of a hysterically laughing young man in all white, floating a few feet off the ground, as if defying the laws of physics, a hand covering his face so that only his wide toothy grin could be seen.

Puck simply stood beside his new unit, a look of pride on his face.

But, before anyone could speak, the young man in white parted his fingers to peak out at the battle going on before him, revealing a striking yet eye that held nothing but pure amusement within.

The young man fell to his feet and slowly stood to his full height, his wild white hair and flowing white smoky boa that formed a halo above his head, seemed to flow as if it were alive.

His chest heaved in and out with a loud thunderous beat that sounded like rumbling drums and it seemed like he could hardly contain his laughter at the situation at all.

Despite all this however, Puck was the first to speak, breaking the silence that fell over the battlefield.

"So.... seeing as how you held up on your end of the bargain.... I think it's only right that I did the same, don't you think.... Luffy?" Puck said, addressing this to his other seven summons, along with the unit beside him.

The seven quickly caught on to the message, and Luffy's response was simple....

His red eyes seemed to harden slightly as he stared at the massive army of monsters before him, his grin never leaving his face as he threw both his arms back, causing them to stretch back for an ungodly amount and grow in size before suddenly snapping forward with a speed that just didn't fit his appearance....

To be continued~


~End Chapter 35~

Author's Note: Alright, I know this is half-assed and not my best work, but I seriously had to get this out before I completely lost motivation. Like, HOLY SHIT! Writer's block is a bitch! I'm just glad that I had the energy for this!

Anyway....I hope you somehow enjoyed this mess! Love you guys! <3< p>