
From the ashes we shall arise!

In the 2nd Shinobi War, that fateful week where the Uzumaki made their last stand against the full might of 2 Great Villages and a combination of small other villages, the Uzukage made a crucial decision for the survival of the Uzumaki Bloodline. He tasked one of his youngest son, to protect his grand-son and Heir of the Uzumaki Clan Hikaru. However, nothing goes a planned. But one thing is for sure, from the ashes.... the Uzumaki's shall arise! ----------------------------------------------- This is an BNHA/MHA x Naruto crossover, there will be a bit of angst, and drama, but it will all be realistic (Hopefully) Good read!

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Perspective

A week before the Uzushio Siege, a coalition landed on Tsume port of Uzu No Kuni, in order to lay siege and finally exterminate the powerful ally of Konohagakure No Sato.

Uzushiogakure was and still is a powerful Shinobi Village, their Fuinjutsu abilities and their fearsome reputation of being suborn, led them to be away from any political struggle that the newly formed shinobi villages face in fear of awakening a sleeping dragon.

However, their time has come, the Uzumaki's may be peaceful, and not getting involved in any war on Konoha's behalf or whatsoever, but they still supply them with important Fuinjutsu knowledge and sell powerful seals with a near free price tag in which it helps greatly in the war efforts that Konoha entertains.

This, and the fear of them one day finally getting involved for Konoha, led to the formation of a coalition to destroy the Uzumaki's.

As coalition arrived on Tsume port of Uzu No Kuni, their ships towering over the small fishing boats of the locals. The shinobi, samurais, and mercenaries disembarked from their vessels and made their way to the gates of Uzushiogakure.

The coalition consists of the 2 Brigades from Kirigakure, one demolition Brigade from Kumogakure, 2 Battalion from Iwagakure, and nearly a Division sized warriors of samurais, shinobi and mercenaries from different countries.

As the coalition made their way towards the gates of Uzushiogakure, they could feel the tension in the air. The Uzumaki's were known for their powerful Fuinjutsu abilities, and the coalition was well aware that they were in for a difficult fight.

But they had come too far to turn back now. They were determined to destroy the Uzumaki's.

The Red Heads were prepared for the siege, the road to their village was full of dread and the sent of death wracked the nerves even for the veterans of the coalition, as they encountered many traps and small ambushes enhanced with barriers which helped the escape of many ambushers, and this halted the coalition advance by a bit to by time.

The first few days of the siege were brutal, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The Uzumaki's fought fiercely, using their Fuinjutsu abilities to create havoc in their enemies line, Ninjutsu representing the unlimited source of their chakra, and their Taijutsu and Kenjutsu enhanced by their strong physical prowess.

The coalition, on the other hand, was relentless, using their numbers and weapons to try and break through the defenses.

As the days wore on, the coalition's morale began to wane. The Uzumaki's were proving to be a formidable opponent, and their stubborn resistance was starting to wear them down. But they pressed on, knowing that failure was not an option.

Finally, after their defeat in the 6th day of the siege, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. The coalition received word that reinforcements were on their way from one of the ports in Mizu No Kuni, the homeland of Kirigakure No Sato, not stating where exactly for obvious reasons of security.

As of now, the various leaders of the coalition organized a summit, they began to form a strategy of action.

The leaders of the coalition knew that they needed to act fast, as the Uzumaki's were still proving to be a formidable opponent. They discussed various strategies, taking into account the information about the incoming reinforcements.

After much deliberation, they decided to launch a coordinated attack from multiple angles, with the aim of overwhelming the Uzumaki's defenses with numbers. The samurais and mercenaries were to launch a frontal assault helped with Kumo's and Iwa Heavy hitters, and try to force their way and breach in to the village, while the shinobi from Kiri would use the opportunity to flip the coin and rush inside and spread across the village, and start pick them one by one.

However, for this plan to work, they need the reinforcement to take out a big chunk of their enemies from them, and focus on the incoming threat instead that is more dangerous than the main army as the beaches had no defenses.

The plan was risky, but they had no other choice. They knew that time was running out, and they needed to break through the Uzumaki's defenses before the reinforcements arrived.

This siege had been possible because and thanks to the relentless attack of Iwa and Suna combined against Konoha in full strength.

Leading to Konoha being nearly overwhelmed as they had to manage the united, and brutal attacks of the two shinobi villages helped with their Daimyo's Samurai to try and weaken the moral of Ho No Kuni in general.

And without forgetting the small skirmish along the border of Yuga No Kuni with Kiri and Kumi as well as their native Shinobi village Yugakure trying to stretch their enemies lines and prevent them from helping in the siege.

However, the relentless attacks led Iwa and Suna to suffer heavy casualties, leading them to stop the unsuccessful attacks.

And and also led to their enemies sending in reinforcement.

As they finished discussing plans, the general of this coalition of fortune, Yamaguchi Taku, Jonin commander of Suna and general of the coalition -elected as the general after much discussion with other leaders- asked a certain Takeda from Kumo to stay behind as the others got out.

Takeda looked at Yamaguchi with a raised eyebrow, curious as to why he was being singled out. "Is there something you needed, General?" he asked.

Yamaguchi nodded. "Yes, Takeda. I wanted to discuss something with you privately. It's about your role in this operation."

Takeda nodded, intrigued. "I'm listening."

"I've been keeping an eye on you since we landed in Uzu No Kuni," Yamaguchi began. "And I've noticed that you have a certain talent that could be useful in this situation."

Takeda looked at him quizzically. "What talent is that?"

Yamaguchi smiled. "You're a skilled assassins, or if you will a stealth specialist aren't you?"

Takeda nodded. "Yes, I am. What about it?"

"Well, we could use your skills to our advantage," Yamaguchi explained. "If we could somehow infiltrate the village and capture the heir, we could weaken their resolve and force them to surrender. And your stealth abilities could be just what we need to get inside undetected amidst the chaos of the battlefield."

Takeda raised an eyebrow. "That's a risky plan. Beside, am I alone in this?"

Yamaguchi shrugged. "It's a risk we'll have to take. But if it succeeds, it could mean the difference between victory and defeat."

He turned around to organize the table that is filled with papers, he continued "Beside, you are not alone in this, you will be commanding the Operation 'Snake beheading'." as he said those words, he took out 4 files from the pile of files that Yamaguchi organized.

As he handed the 4 files, all the while Yamaguchi spoke to him, "Those are the files of your team members." as Takeda sat down and started to read them, Yamaguchi spoke yet again "This operation will consist of you, and your team, to go unnoticed amidst the chaos into the heart of the village. We currently believe that the heir and their guards are stationed in the Uzukage tower, 600 Meters north of the beach."

As Takeda read those files, he spotted 2 particular one, he said "I see that these 2 Shinobi are mentally ill, borderline craziness, beside, they are from Kiri. Is it safe for us to trust them? Kiri and Iwa-Especially Kiri-has been known to be our common enemy in the past."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I understand your concern, although one of them is fiercely loyal to Kirgakure, they have both been cleared by our intelligence team. We believe that the 2 Kiri-nin have no ties to the current Mizukage or the village's current political climate as they despise him for being against the idea of purging the Kekkei Genkai clans. Besides, they're both skilled shinobi and could be valuable assets to the operation."

Takeda nodded, understanding the situation. "Understood, General. I'll make sure to brief the team and get us ready for the mission."

Yamaguchi nodded in approval. "Good. Remember, this is a high-risk operation, but the reward could be great. We're counting on you and your team, Takeda."

Takeda stood up and bowed slightly to Yamaguchi. "You can count on us, General. We won't let you down."

With that, Takeda left the room, his mind already racing with plans and strategies for the upcoming mission. He knew that the success of the operation would depend on his team's ability to work together and execute their tasks with precision and skill. But he was confident that they could pull it off, especially with the backing of the coalition's forces.

As he walked out of the building, he took one last look at the Uzumaki's village, knowing that the fate of the operation, and perhaps the entire war, rested on his team's shoulders.


Map of the siege here--->

Hello again, it's been a while!

I've been in a problem lately, big problem actually that can cost me 4-7 years of me stopping writing.

Just hope it wouldn't be that bad.

1400 Words!