
From the ashes we shall arise!

In the 2nd Shinobi War, that fateful week where the Uzumaki made their last stand against the full might of 2 Great Villages and a combination of small other villages, the Uzukage made a crucial decision for the survival of the Uzumaki Bloodline. He tasked one of his youngest son, to protect his grand-son and Heir of the Uzumaki Clan Hikaru. However, nothing goes a planned. But one thing is for sure, from the ashes.... the Uzumaki's shall arise! ----------------------------------------------- This is an BNHA/MHA x Naruto crossover, there will be a bit of angst, and drama, but it will all be realistic (Hopefully) Good read!

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Last stand

In a city with sky-piercing buildings made of what seems glass, below those buildings were people with different characteristics walking.

Some with animalistic features, others have more than 2 limbs, or having an electronical hardware replacing some parts of the human body.

It was the city of Musutafu, in the country of japan.

It was a calm and sunny day, a happy day as normal peoples would call.

But for Aizawa, it was a bad day, and soon enough it will be one of his worst.

You see, Aizawa just graduated from UA, being a Hero hating attention, and specialized in infiltration and information gathering, he quickly choose to be under Ectoplasm and his side kick Edgeshot as underground hero's.

As such, he started to go under rigorous training to match their team, physical training, combat training, stress handling training, you name it.

So he barely slept a couple of days, which in consequence caused him to be in a bad mood.

As usual, this time they were casually patrolling the city of Musutafu with the cold winter at 6PM, waiting for a call.

As they were perched high in a building, he looked at Edgeshot, and asked, "Do you think we will infiltrate again those underground arena? it started to attract attention from other criminal organization, I even heard the Yakuza were planning to get involved."

Edgeshot spared a glance over Aizawa, then returned his gaze over the streets searching for any villainous activities, "Quite frankly, I don't know, Ectoplasm never spoke about them since the last Operation to gather the names of the participants. It was already hard to infiltrate it, the security was tight, so infiltrating in the first place was a miracle, succeeding in actually gathering names was already enough."

"You know more than I do that it will not be enough, those peoples don't give up on money easily, if we don't gather the owners of those activities in the first place, then we will have an another repeating case." Sighed Aizawa, which in turn got an glare from Edgeshot.

"Aizawa, take it from a partner, if you want to keep your job, don't mingle on the Association decision again." Warned Edgeshot, in which send chills to the newly graduated Aizawa.

'How do you want me to mingle in those affairs when I am l ready tired just from standing...' Though Aizawa sweat-dripping.

However, just as he was about to reassure Edgeshot about the matter, he heard from the radio that an incident broke out.

*All pro hero in the vicinity of district 69 of the Musutafu city must go to the said district, an fight broke out between two group, danger of type A, treat cautiously, the use of quirks is reported.*

Aizawa looked at Edgeshot which in return got the same glance.

They nodded then Edgeshot said, "Alright, let's go!"

They immediately got in to the run toward the district 69 of Musutafu city.

And what they will about to witness, will mark them for life.

*Earlier in District 69*

In the main road of the district dimly lit by the falling sun before the artificial lights turned on, peoples were walking peacefully, every one minding their own business.

But unfortunately, they were about to witness one of the key moment that will change the face of japan.

An explosion of smoke rose in the middle of the road, the citizen confused it for a villain attack, started to panic.

"What's going on!"

"Is it a villain attack?!"

"Call the hero's!"

As the smoke cleared, they saw a group of 5 people with different clothing, but somehow similar style with each other, facing a... teenager and a child with a newborn... with swords.

"W-what is going on!?"

"What a kid doing here."

"The police need to take care of this!"

Eichi, heavily chakra depleted because of the teleportation seal, felt weak.

Something Tajima could relate to, as he was also chakra depleted.

For an Uzumaki, having half of your chakra was already called chakra depletion as they rarely get below that limit with how vast and dens their chakra is.

The five Shinobi in front of them looked confused, looking around, trying to assert where were they.

Tajima, used the confusion to speak to his brother, "Look Eichi, you have a mission, you need to get out of here, fast!"

Eichi, in return glared at Tajima, "Do you really think I will abandons you?"

"Eichi god damn it! think! you have a new born, no the heir in your hand! you are our last chance!" Yelled Tajima.

"But I can do Shadow cl-" Eichi was about to argue, but instead got interrupted as he was slapped by his big brother.

"The mission Eichi! you are a shinobi, you know what you have to do." as he finished, he made 4 shadow clones, 3 of them being side by side to Tajima, while the last one got into work with seals.

Eichi, looked about to break down, his last living family standing in front of him, asking him to abandons him to the Shinigami and escape.

He was about to beg for Tajima, but got interrupted as the 5 Shinobi started to attack them, Tajima and his clones holding them back for Eichi to escape.

"Don't let him make seals! Also get the heir!" Yelled the Kumo-nin.

His clone, the one making seals, spoke "Eichi, I am sorry, but you have to go. I am sorry for being mean to you all this years, I am sorry to grant you this burden, but you have to be strong."

Just as he finished his stroke of pen, he stood up and finished, "I will always love you Eichi, you and Izuna were my most precious peoples, I can't bring my self to see you die. Don't forget your clan your family and your duty toward them. Now go, before you fail your mission."

Just as he finished, he flashed and relieved the Original Tajima in his fighting against 2 of the Shinobi.

They were 2 Kiri-nin 2 Iwa-nin and... 1 Kumo-nin

He gritted his teeth then fled the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Tajima was battling 2 Shinobi, one from Kiri and another from Kumo.

The later seem really matching him in Kenjutsu.

He got into a fight with the Kenjutsu expert as his clone came to help him relieve himself to focus on the real danger.

Explosions could be heard, electricity could be felt, earth could be seen moving, and wind could be sensed.

It was chaos, 2 of his clones gone, he is really low on chakra, and he is surrounded by enemies.

It was now his only option.

But at that moment, as he was cornered, into a corner by 3 of them, he though with a panic 'wait... where is the kiri-nin.'

His heartbeat skipped a beat, then snapped to the direction that his brother took, he saw the kiri-nin in his way to his brother.

"It's over Uzumaki, just let yourself get captured, then we'll let you alive. Come on, do it for your bloodline." Said the Kumo-nin grimly.

In response, he got a smirk, then a small, hollow, chuckle, "You really think that I got a choice here, ey? you see, us Uzumaki's we are stubborn, we don't buckle or yield facing the cruelty of the shinobi world world, beside If someone invade our country, they must know that we will defend our homeland, because its big enough to dig graves for all of the invaders" his face contorted into rage, you could even say he gave himself into madness, he said with evident malice in his tone, "And let me tell you one las thing. I will fight, until the blood takes the kunai out of my grasp, and until I can only crawl."

He bent himself into position of attack, the enemy in response, got ready, he continued, "And even then, I will spit in your face."

"Don't let him grapple you! suicide charge!" Yelled the Kumo-nin.

Tajima smirked, 'so he learned of our tactics, good, but it will not be sufficient.'

As he launched himself in high speed, he dodged a red, long nail, but he paid no attention to it as it was slow for him to get hit by it.

Just as he got himself into a fight with the Kumo-nin, but overwhelmed as the other jumped into him too, he backed away.

Just at the last moment, he sensed a faint Killing intent behind his back, just as he looked back, he saw a kiri-nin about to cut his head off.

'Damn, forgot about the silent killing technic!' thought Tajima.

But just at that moment, the Silent killer got wrapped by what looked like bandage.

And surly enough, he got out of the trap, he was about to fight again, but got stabbed into his heart.

Tajima, used this opportunity to kill the shinobi the moment he saw him trapped, just as he was about to turn around, and continue the combat, he got stabbed.

By 3 swords.

One at the chest, another at the kidney, and the last one from behind missing the heart by a centimeter.

He smirked, and that, brought dread into his enemies.

Thus knowing what he was about to do.

"Get out of here, fast!" Yelled the Kumo-nin.

"Damn Uzumaki's, suicidal bastards!" Yelled an Iwa-nin

Tajima, not wanting to go to the Shinigami alone, grappled a poor Iwa-nin.

By the reaction time, he hardly looked like a chunin.

The Iwa-nin tried hard to get out of his grasp, he yelled, "Get out of me! god damn it, help! help me!"

In his panic, he couldn't see Tajima's chest being filled with paper tags.

And those tags, they were not regular explosion tags.

"I may not be as efficient as my brothers in the Sealing arts, but I am still a force to be reckoned with in the matter." Said Tajima with a smirk.

His hand made a sign, then yelled, "From the ashes, we shall arise!"

His pupils dilated, his world slowed down, and his head cleared out of all doubts and fear.

He remarked the terrified expression of the struggling Iwa-nin, the fleeing sight of the 2 shinobi, the surroundings being surrounded by different peoples with different, weird, flashy clothing's.

'Weird... anyway'


Just as he said those words, the area got casted in blinding light, then a shockwave that flew more than a half of the peoples watching the.

In the place of the explosion, remained nothing more than a crater.

And the surroundings devastated from the blow.

This day, will mark japan for a long time.