
Resurgence: From the ashes we shall arise!

In the 2nd Shinobi War, that fateful week where the Uzumaki made their last stand against the full might of 2 Great Villages and a combination of small other villages, the Uzukage made a crucial decision for the survival of the Uzumaki Bloodline. He tasked one of his youngest son, to protect his grand-son and Heir of the Uzumaki Clan Hikaru. However, nothing goes a planned. But one thing is for sure, from the ashes.... the Uzumaki's shall arise! ----------------------------------------------- This is an BNHA/MHA x Naruto crossover, there will be a bit of angst, and drama, but it will all be realistic (Hopefully) Good read!

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Operation Snake Beheading

*I recommend listening to -Total War- Shogun 2 OST - heavy bune alt- while reading*

On the fateful 7th day of the siege, tensions were high as the army prepared themselves for what they hoped would be the final confrontation with the Uzumaki clan. The sun had not yet begun to rise fully, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield as the soldiers gathered in their respective positions.

Meanwhile, Takeda, the leader of the secret team tasked with enacting Operation Snake Beheading, gathered his team and prepared to make their move. The success of their mission would be crucial in turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

As the soldiers formed their battle lines, Takeda and his team quietly slipped away from the main army and made their way towards the reinforcements that were scheduled to arrive that day. They boarded a small boat and began their journey towards the reinforcements, hoping to brief them on the plan before they arrived.

Takeda wasted no time and immediately began to brief his team on their mission.

As Takeda stood at the front of the boat, his eyes stern and determined. He knew that the success of this operation could mean the difference between victory and defeat for his army.

"Listen up," he began, his voice carrying over the sound of the waves. "We're heading to the reinforcement, but we don't have time to waste. I need you all to pay attention and focus on the task at hand."

The members of his team, all skilled Shinobi and experienced in battle, nodded in agreement. They knew that Takeda was not one to be taken lightly and that his words carried great weight.

"Our objective is to infiltrate the Uzushiogakure and take out capture their Heir, you know more than I do how they value Family," Takeda continued. "We have reason to believe that their army will crumble after the success of this operation, and that will give us the advantage we need to win this war."

The Shinobi listened intently, their eyes fixed on Takeda. They knew that this was a dangerous mission, but they were ready to do whatever it took to ensure their army's victory.

"We'll be moving in and use the chaos of the battlefield to our advantage," Takeda said, his voice low and serious. "Once we breach their battle line, and arrive at the Uzukage Tower, we'll split up and take out their guards one by one, then we regroup. From there, it's just a matter of finding their Heir and make them surrender. Now, Any questions?"

The Shinobi nodded in understanding, their faces grim and determined. They knew that this mission would require all of their skill and bravery, but they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

However, one member spoke up, a Kiri-nin "What if the Uzumaki's decided that death is better than their heir? as everyone here seems to notice, the Uzumaki's are prepared to die, do you really think that capturing the Uzumaki's Heir is a good idea? without forgetting the risks that has this mission."

Takeda's expression hardened at the question, knowing that it was a possibility they had considered. "We have to assume that they won't willingly give up their heir," he said firmly. "But we cannot let that deter us from our mission. We have to be prepared for all eventualities, including the possibility that we may have to use the Heir to escape in case of failure."

He paused, looking each member of his team in the eye. "But remember, our ultimate goal is to end this war with as little bloodshed on our side as possible. If the Uzumaki clan is willing to surrender after we capture their heir, then we will go according to our Kage's plan, capture and split them and integrate them to our respective villages."

His face turned grim, he continue "But if they choose to fight, then we will be ready."

The Shinobi nodded once again, their faces still resolute. They knew the risks of the mission, but they were ready to face whatever came their way.

Takeda took a deep breath and looked out towards the armada of boats, the sun slowly rising behind him.

The small boat continued on its journey towards the reinforcements, the Shinobi onboard silently preparing themselves for the mission that lay ahead. As they drew closer, they embarked on the main boat of the armada.

As he got onboard, he made he way toward the cabinet of the Commander, as he entered the dimly lit cabinet, he bowed slightly.

"Jonin Takeda Arashi, I am here to debrief on the situation."

"At ease," the Commander said, his eyes fixed on Takeda. "Report."

Takeda stood at attention, his expression serious. "Sir, Operation Snake Beheading is a go," he said firmly. "We have reason to believe that the Uzumaki's heir is located in their village, and we intend to capture him in order to end this siege with as little bloodshed as possible."

The Commander's face remained impassive as he listened to Takeda's report. He knew that this mission was risky, but it was also necessary if they were to win the war.

"And what are the risks?" the Commander asked.

Takeda hesitated for a moment before answering. "There is a possibility that the Uzumaki's will not surrender even if we have their heir, and they may choose to fight to the death," he said evenly. "But we are prepared for that eventuality, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure our victory."

The Commander nodded slowly. "I understand," he said. "You have my full support, Takeda, I will order two company of Silent killers to assist you in your efforts by holding the enemy from the back once their line is breached. May the gods be with you."

Takeda bowed respectfully before turning and leaving the cabinet. He knew that the success of this mission was not just up to him and his team, but also to the warriors on the battlefield who were putting their lives on the line.

As he made his way back to his team, Takeda felt a surge of determination wash over him. He knew that this mission was not going to be easy, but he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Together, they would capture the Uzumaki's heir and end this war once and for all.