
From the ashes we shall arise!

In the 2nd Shinobi War, that fateful week where the Uzumaki made their last stand against the full might of 2 Great Villages and a combination of small other villages, the Uzukage made a crucial decision for the survival of the Uzumaki Bloodline. He tasked one of his youngest son, to protect his grand-son and Heir of the Uzumaki Clan Hikaru. However, nothing goes a planned. But one thing is for sure, from the ashes.... the Uzumaki's shall arise! ----------------------------------------------- This is an BNHA/MHA x Naruto crossover, there will be a bit of angst, and drama, but it will all be realistic (Hopefully) Good read!

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Sacrifice

On the fateful 7th day of the siege on Utsushio, most of the clan has accepted their fate. The Uzukage, acknowledging that most of the clan will be exterminated after their recent discovery about another bunch of Shinobi departing from Kiri towards the Uzushio's port, he made a crucial decision.

He ordered the evacuation of the children, mothers, and Genin's toward anywhere to save them from their fate. For the Uzumaki main branch however, most of them decided that they want to die in their homeland.

However, there is a light of hope for the main branch, the heir and grandson of the Uzukage, recently born, is expected to escape thanks to a teleportation seal which emerge the Shisho Fuin (Four Symbols seals) and the Hiraishin Fuin (Flying Thunder God Seal) to teleport the young heir to Konohagakure.

However, the seal masters suggested to add another Shisho Fuin to also teleport an guardian, likely a member of the main branch family, the direct family of the Uzukage even, but with this addition, it will take time to conceive the seal, even withh all their seal masters. In the selection of the candidate to become the guardian of the heir, no one wanted to be the one.

All of the Uzukage son's -well what remain of them- wanted to rather die protecting their home than flee from the enemy who butchered their kin's. But the Uzukage wanted to hear none of it, he ordered his surviving youngest son to be the one protecting the heir.

Eichi, heartbroken from the order, begged the Uzukage to change his decision.

You see, Eichi wanted to die a hero, like his brothers, dying protecting his home like his younger brother Izuna did with his Reverse Four Symbols Sealing taking with him a good 12 enemy shinobi with him to the pure land, he was a true Shinobi.

But as they were arguing, a messenger informed them about another attack, this time with another army coming from the defenseless Uzushio's port. The Uzukage, not prepared to the early arrival of the other army so early, decided in a hurry to split his forces from the walls to the ports.

Thankfully, the last shipment of the evacuation team got our of the village. Thus, the last stand of the Uzumaki clan arrived at it's end.

---------Tajima ---------

"Damn" Tajima muttered as he saw the never-ending sea of ships coming toward the village, it was almost covering all his vision outside the port.

He got elected as commander of the 2nd army in charge of defending the port, it was a suicide mission, but he knew from the start of the war that he will not get out of this alive.

'Well at least my brother will get out of this alive' he thought as he smiled at the possibility that at least one of his brother will stay alive. It was already hard when he lost all his other brothers, but losing Eichi after loosing Izuna will make him crumble.

You see, while his other brothers were as well loved by Tajima, Eichi and Izuna somehow got on his soft spot, they always were the turbulent type, smart, and carefree.

In a way, he was jealous seeing his brothers so free of the problem of the shinobi world, but as time passed, he wanted to keep them from experiencing the suffering that will bring on this type of life, he wanted to protect them, protect their innocence from the life that took his off.

However, fate wanted to hear none of it, Izuna made a Kamikaze attack and Eichi will live a life full of regret, guilt, and responsibility.

'No, at least he will be alive.' Tajima shook his head as he prepared himself to defend the port.

When he saw the first bunch of ships stopping a good kilometer from the port, he ordered the seal team to prepare the Whirlpool traps and for the Ninjutsu experts on Suiton to prepare a large scale Ninjutsu on the arriving army.

Just as he saw the Shinobi that landed on water and started to run across the sea to the port, he ordered the seals to be activated.

He smirked as he saw Kiri Shinobi be eaten alive by the ocean, well the Whirlpool seals, as they are the most efficient seal for the maritime battles, it makes the person that fall's into it being drawn to the depth of the ocean.

And with the depth of their shores, even the Water Breathing Technique won't save them with the all the pression exercised by the water.

However, just as the seals is efficient, it was easy to disarm it with a simple fluctuation of the water with a Suiton technique.

And what if bound to happen happens, the Whirlpool Seal's got disarmed, and with that the continuation of the attack.

And so the second phase of the defense strategy of the Uzumaki army, the Hakai-tekina tsunami(Destructive Tsunami). It create a large tsunami in direction of the target, but it needs a large amount of water and also chakra to make it possible.

And with the Uzumaki chakra capabilities, and the given battlefield, it was easy to make it possible.

However, the Jutsu has one flaw it was possible to counter it with another Suiton technique, the Rifutobare Technique (Rift Valley). It creates a rift in front of the user, the length of the rift and it's depth is determined by the chakra control of the user and also it's density.

It will be impossible to counter a tsunami made by hundreds of Suiton masters.

But it is not for Kiri, also reputed for being a nest of Suiton masters.

Even if it was countered, a good amount of enemy was swept, proving again the capabilities of the Uzumaki's, rivaling even in the area of expertise of Kiri Shinobi.

The second phase of the plan executed, they executed the 3rd phase as they saw enemy shinobi speeding toward them, not wanting to get anymore casualties without combating the enemies.

They let loose of the catapults, letting the ball of rock covered in seals be propelled into the air toward the ocean.

It was a sight really, seeing a shower of rock knowing really well what it could do upon impact on water, it was an altered seal of the 2nd Hokage Tobirama Senju -an explosive so much destructive that it was only used on large scale battle before confrontation in fear of blue on blue incidents- that consist of exploding upon impact on water surface.

And so explosions was heard across the island, so big that every one of them wiped at least 30 shinobi in their main area of effect, without counting the casualties caused by shrapnels and the shock wave that made mini-tsunami.

As expected of Shinobi of great villages, it was quickly countered, with the full might of seven swordsmen of the mist, and the Jinshuriki of 4 tails also partaking on the assault of the village.

And so the crucial moment of the battle begin, the shock.

Tajima jumped into battle in regular Uzumaki formation to cause a maximum of damage before dying.

He liked to call it Suicide squad formation.

He snorted as he remembered that name.

He engaged with the first enemy in a Kenjutsu battle, but thankfully he was better the the enemy, as he was about to finish him off, he got attacked by another.

And another also started to attack him.

Seeing no other choice, he called his squad who also started to get overwhelmed, "alleviation measures are to be taken now!"

"Hai!" They responded in unison as they made two shadow clones each and started waving.

And so all hell broke loose, they retreated from each of their enemy, letting the clone do their massacre, Fire, Wind, Lightning, all possible destructive Jutsu's with those elemental release was let loose into the enemy.

Just as they finished the destructive attack, they immediately got into work after releasing the clones to finish off the surviving enemies of the attack.

This kind of scene repeated itself across the battlefield, the Uzumaki's ferociously defending the beaches to gain time for the seal masters to finish off the teleportation seal, while the Kiri-Iwa Shinobi drowning in despair as they try to break through and force the enemy to give up the beaches and help the other army to the walls.

1 hour passed since the battle begin, while the coalition took sever losses, the Uzumaki also started to have holes in their lines, also from critical loses.

And so Tajima saw some of them sneaking trough the defense perimeter into the heart of the village.

Not wanting to make the seal masters disturbed while the operation is still not finished yet, he made a decision.

"5 men with me to defend HQ from intruders! the rest try to reform a squad with other squad that took loses!" he yelled as he slashed another Iwa-nin, likely a Chunin from his level in Kenjutsu, he turned and saw 5 men ready to get out, he nodded to the other 15 remaining from his squad and got out in pursuit of the intruders.

"Alright let's go!" he said as he jumped from buildings to buildings while trying to sense them with his sensory skills.

As he jumped across buildings, he throw a look across the battlefield, he then realized the enemy is trying to overwhelm them by sneaking then regrouping to later attack the rear front of our frontline.

However, why this team of enemies is penetrating the village instead of helping on the battlefield remains a unanswered question.

"Hey you," he pointed to his teammate on his left, "Inform our front line to get the 4th phase on the line now! We will use asymmetric warfare, that's the only way."

"Hai!" Just as he said that, he disappeared toward the front.

"And you, to my father's frontline." He said to his right.

"Hai!" When he also disapeared, only 3 remains in the team with Tajima.

They sped toward the enemy who is also speeding toward the... 'Oh no...'

"Let's go now! they intend to get to the Uzukage tower!"


In a dimly room, or rather bunker of the Uzukage building, remained 10 of the best seal masters of the world, Uzushiokagure's seal masters.

Currently, they were struggling to create the seal of transportation, for a whole day, they were working on it.

Eichi sat on the corner with a baby in his hands as he watched the seal masters strike his pen smoothly on the floor, writing kanji's like it's an art, the deep frown on every one of them visible of their seriousness and concentration exerted by them.

Time passed, and he wondered, 'I wonder if my brother is still alive...', the loss of his brother Izuna devastated him, and now his father and Tajima will also pass to the underworld.

It was not a nightmare, it was a reality that Eichi had to accept to be able to complete his mission with the last heir.

Then, the seal masters stopped writing, Eichi curiously looked up from the floor, and he saw the seal masters forming a circle around the seal.

"Eichi-sama! Now is the time to go! We currently sensed a squad of powerful enemies speeding toward us! at any moment, they will-" One of the seal masters on the circle, said before an explosion shook the entire building.


"Hai!" responded Eichi, hurriedly, he got into the seal, in the center of the cirle made by the seal masters.

Together they started waving hands, just as they were about to finish the last hand sign... a enemy shinobi appeared into the room, or rather 5 shinobi.

As they spotted the seal group, they rushed toward them.

So Eichi waved hands, sneakily, he placed a Genjutsu on the one speeding toward him, making his enemy see Eichi 30 centimeter to the left of his original position.

Just as he was a bout to slash, he slashed the air beside Eichi, thus missing him by the hair.

However, some seal masters did not have the luck, 2 of the 10 died, just as they were about to kill the others, Tajima appeared in the confrontation, and then they disappeared from the face of the Elemental Nations.


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