
From the ashes we shall arise!

In the 2nd Shinobi War, that fateful week where the Uzumaki made their last stand against the full might of 2 Great Villages and a combination of small other villages, the Uzukage made a crucial decision for the survival of the Uzumaki Bloodline. He tasked one of his youngest son, to protect his grand-son and Heir of the Uzumaki Clan Hikaru. However, nothing goes a planned. But one thing is for sure, from the ashes.... the Uzumaki's shall arise! ----------------------------------------------- This is an BNHA/MHA x Naruto crossover, there will be a bit of angst, and drama, but it will all be realistic (Hopefully) Good read!

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Love, Family and Honor.


"Uzu no Kuni have always provided for our peoples, our enemies are many and envious. They threaten our borders and look for any weakness.

We trace our line back to the first appearance of the Ninshu! And our beloved sage of six paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Loyalty runs deep in the Uzumaki, it is in our blood, our traditions.

And in battle, our Shinobi are the envy of the Elemental Nations!

No blades is swifter than ours, no stroke of pen is smoother than ours, no seal are more potent than ours, no one was more feared than us..."

In a forest at night, there was a fire camp. Beside the fire to the left, laid half a cuted tree where 3 children sat at, all having red heads, and on the right, sat an old men alone on the other half if the tree, speaking, or rather retelling to the children tales about the Uzumaki clan... their clan.

The old men arriving at the end of his tale, finished "In warring states periods, when I was a child like you, I fought, a lot. But thanks to our traditions, we were not as hurt as other clan, and that led us to us being a big family."

"Ne, Otou-san, were you strong?" a little red head, of seemingly 9 year old of age, spoke.

"Otou-san is the Uzukage, he obviously was strong, Eichi." Another red head, this one seems to be in his teens, mocked the little boy, Eichi.

"Now, now, Tajima, it's not a way to speak to your little brother. Be a little kind." Chuckled the old men.

"Yeah! You always mean to us, Tajima!" The third boy, who seems to be a little younger than the boy Eichi, whined.

The old sibling, Tajima, sighed and said "I will stop being mean to you when you stop being a baka, Eichi. And you, Izuna, that carefree attitude will get you killed one day."

"Tajima! that's enough, they are still little kids." Reprimanded the Father, seemingly upset with his middle child.

"But they need to know that this kind of behavior is deadly in the Shinobi world!" Argued Tajima, not understanding why he needs to shut it, when he is just trying to save his little brothers from the same fate as his teammate.

The old men sighed, "I understand what you went through Tajima, but you need to know that they are still kids, and they need to have a normal childhood in which they will be found of when they enter the shinobi world."

Tajima, somehow understood his point, silenced himself. All the while Izuna and Eichi were staring at their big brother, the former not understanding what they are talking about.

But Eichi has an idea about what happened to his big brother. He always wondered why he become so reclusive, and grumpy, after his first mission outside of Uzu No Kuni, but when heard stories of missions turning bad, he supposed that one of those mission was led with his big brother, it seems to change him completely.


"You forgot something important, Tajima!" Eichi snapped.

Izuna, Tajima, and the old men stared curiously at Eichi. Tajima raised his eyebrow, and asked "And that 'something' is?"

Eichi inhaled, then said "One of our family motto, Love! Don't forget to still show love even after all that happened to you! you still have us, me, Izuna and Ashina-Otou-san! We are a big one family!"

There was a long silence, then Tajima huffed, and Ashina laughed, a big loud laugh, "He bested you there, Tajima!" After calming himself a little bit, he looked at the confused Eichi and continued, "You are right Eichi, we still need to follow our family motto even after all that happened to us." he then looked at Tajima, "And care to remind me what are the first one, Tajima?"

Tajime snorted, crossed arms, he said "The Uzumaki clan follows a Motto followed since the old ages. starting by Love."

Ashina nodded, he then looked at Izuna, "I know! and family!""...Family!.."

He smiled and nodded, then looked at Eichi. Izuna looked at him as well as Tajima, Eichi slowly looked at his Grandfather, Inhaled deeply, closed his eyes, and said...

*Flashback ends*

"...and Honor!"

"Uzumaki Ichizoku Banzai!"


--Recommend listening to Shogun 2 for the daymyo!--

Somewhere, in the forest of Uzu No Kuni, an army of Shinobi led a siege against a Shinobi village by the name of Uzushiogakure No Sato.

In a wall made of wood, surrounding the big village, jumped several thousands Shinobi, most of them having red heads.

Before them, remained the remaining battered army of approximately 23 thousand strong Shinobi with different affiliation.

At first, the army was of 30 thousand strong, but now is reduced to that number because of the numerous seals and traps led there outside the walls and the forests by the Uzumaki. In their retreat from the Tsume port, the Uzumaki's decided to place every kind of seals possible to delay the shinobi army marching toward the village and reduce a maximum of of enemy to kill later on the siege.

With all this efforts, the numerous skirmish to delay them, and also the failed attempts of attacks by the attacking army to the defending army, led to this reduction of numbers.

But alas, the coalition is still outnumbering the Uzumaki's by 3 to 1 margin, the battle was hard.

Eichi, now 14 years old, jumped with one of his big brothers, Tajima, to the battle, the latter being 17 years of age, to the battle.

"May the sun rise again for the Uzumaki clan!" Shouted Izuna as he jumped to battle, today was his 13th birthday.

As Eichi landed, he started a Kenjutsu fight with an Iwa-nin 'Those ones are rare', noted Eichi.

He slashed to his side, but got blocked with a chakra enhanced metal guard placed in the Iwa-nin's forearms.

The enemy used the situation to slash with his Tanto to Eichi's Jugular, but he ducked.

Eichi then saw at that moment the enemy's leg toward his face, he decided to retreat from that position and reposition himself with a backflip.

As he got immediately ready for an another Kenjutsu battle with the enemy, he saw an hail of Kunai and Shuriken toward him, he jumped to get our of the way, all the way waving the signs for a Water Jutsu toward the enemy.

The enemy, seeing this, decided to not let him wave his hands, as he was about to attack Eichi, he suddenly had his back full of Shuriken, in his pain he stumbled in his feet, he immediately looked up, and already saw death.

After spitting his Mizurappa, he saw the Shinobi getting taken by the wave which led him to crash in the battle field on his back, which aggravated his wounds caused by the weapons launched by Izuna.

He looked at Izuna, of whom was already battling another Shinobi from the enemy army, he smirked, "Thanks brother" muttered Eichi.

This scene will repeat itself in different places of the battlefield, the Uzumaki, with all their chakra and seals, surging all their arsenal.

Particle bombs, Highly explosive tags, high ranked Jutsu's, Gravity seals, and all the hell that the Uzumaki's could bring upon to the enemy.

But because of the destruction, they split in to teams to limit friendly fire. Even then, with the low in numbers, the break in Unity, and the chaos. The Uzumaki seems to repel the attack.

It was the 6th day, even with all of their will, determination, and Unity... their numbers were declining at a dangerous level.


As Eichi returned from the battlefield, he immediately got to their compound, his room.

Just as he entered the seemingly traditional room, he collapsed to the ground, hugged his legs tightly, he whined.

Today's battle was a win, while this seemed to be a decisive win, they suffered heavy casualties.

Of the 9 thousands that led the assault to break the army outside the wall, 7 thousands remained...

The plan was simple, let the enemy think that this attack will break us, that this last push to the inside of the walls will make us crumble to their might.

But what they couldn't see, was our determination to bring hell upon our enemies, to gift the Shinigami the greatest feast he had in his entire existence, to give their enemies nightmares and the fear for generation to come of the Red Head Demons.

All of this determination was brought to the resolve of not returning home alive, well not having a home anymore to live to.

Before the attack of the 6th day, the Uzumaki discovered the truth about this coalition, it was to exterminate the Uzumaki clan.

Knowing that, his father made a speech before the 6th attack.


"Uzu no Kuni have always provided for our peoples, our enemies are many and envious. They threaten our borders and look for any weakness.

We trace our line back to the first appearance of the Ninshu! And our beloved sage of six paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Loyalty runs deep in the Uzumaki, it is in our blood, our traditions.

And in battle, our Shinobi are the envy of the Elemental Nations!

No blades is swifter than ours, no stroke of pen is smoother than ours, no seal are more potent than ours, no one was more feared than us...

But that fear had led us to this test of will, Bishamonten, the God of War had awoken! Now it's time to prove our capabilities.

Two of the Great villages, with small other villages, and a contingent of Iwa-nin has landed on Tsume port yesterday, they want to exterminate us! we wait no longer! Destiny calls, and all will bow to the might of the Uzumaki clan!"

In a tall building, there is a men in the top of it, outfitted with his battle armor and his Uzuchio head protector, it was the Uzukage.

Below him, a crowd of people started to cheer for him, his words seemed to bring up the moral and the resolve to fight 'till the last men standing, they have nothing to loose anymore.

Because an Uzumaki that have northing to loose, may be the toughest, cruelest, wicked men of all beings alive.

Imagine what a whole clan of Uzumaki can do when are faced with a certain death.

"Today we stand, an army of mighty enemies ahead of us! they are bravest men I knew, why would you ask?" Boomed the Uzukage with his Chakra enhanced voice, he looked at the crowd, staring at every one of his 4 remain son's out of 9, then continues "Because we the Uzumaki clan! we protected those lands for thousand of years! and I, Ashina Uzumaki, will never allow anyone to dare and take everything from me without a price!"

The crowd started to cheer again, and again, he continued, "Like I said my children, those men are fearless warrior and brave because of one thing," he said as he raised one finger, he continued "because anyone who dared to face the Uzumaki never succeeded!"

Another cheer, "However, this time, the enemy seems to be stronger, and it might be our end here." the crowd seemed to be sad at this reminder of their hopeless situation, however the Uzukage didn't stop there, "But! Let's not forget our honorable ancestors, of whom protected us to live until this day, let's not forget the legacy bested upon us, let's not forget our Ninja way!"

"Love, Family and Honor!"

"Yes my peoples, let's not forget, until our enemies is destroyed, march on, forward as one! We must go forward, and prepare for death!"

"And From the Ashes we Shall arise again!" as Ashina and the crowd shouted in unison and determination.

*Flashback ends*

Now, out of 4 brothers before the battle, only 2 remains alive.

And Eichi has nothing more than hate in his eyes, hate for Kirigakure, hate for Iwagakure, hate for Kumagakure.

That night he promised himself, he will fight to kill every shinobi from any other shinobi village other than his own, until blood takes the sword from his grasp, until he can only crawl.

And even then, he will continue fighting to kill every Shinobi he can see, until the Shinigami takes his soul to the afterlife.

Even there, he will continue butcher every Iwa-Kiri-Kumo Shinobi there.

He will not bow to the killers of his beloved little brother, Izuna didn't deserve the fate he had.

Only death to the enemy can ease the hunger for blood Eichi is feeling.

The Red Head Shinigami is Born.


Alright, this is indeed an MHA X NARUTO crossover, don't worry.

The next chapter hopefully will start the adventure to the BNHA world, and the update will not be frequent, if I feel like it, I will write.

Anyway, don't hesitate to check my other naruto fanfiction if you are there, you know, promoting my stories.

Anyways, welcome to the adventure!

And by the way, if you want a better experience with my stories, use wattpad, I will post there images and better text to enhance your imagination.