

With the emergence of portals from which came various creatures that we call monsters, humanity began to awaken skills that they used to resist these creatures. Our MC is someone who loves to fight ...(Come, Vera, see the sails in the wind!)

Charlottee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Somewhere bathed in flames, a young man was walking aimlessly, despite being bathed in flames, he did not feel pain.

The young man walked for 10 minutes before stopping. In front of him were several figures.

Looking at the figure in front of him, the young man noticed that they had no face, he also could not say his gender.

"What place is this?" the young man asked one of the figures.

The figure seemed to ignore him, as if he hadn't said anything.

Seeing this, the young man asked other figures who acted the same, seeing that he was being ignored, the young man attacked one of the figures just to be surprised, his attack passed by the figure as and did not hit anything.

It was as if they were not there, despite the young man feeling and seeing them.

"What the fuck is going on here" he exclaimed.

Observing the figures, the young man noticed that they were moving to the same place, they all just walked forward.

The young man, not knowing what place it was, decided to follow the figures, while he walked everything was quiet, there was only a deep silence.

Not even the fire that the whole place was bathed in made a sound. It was as if the sound did not exist in that place, but the young man knew that this was not true since he could hear his own voice.

The young man had been walking for at least 50 minutes, that was what it seemed to him. Despite walking all this time, he did not feel married.

The young man could not understand what was happening, he only knew that he was bored. Even though he was in a place he knew nothing about, he was not afraid or anything.

The young man continued walking, he walked for so long that he could not say how much time had passed.

At some point the figures stopped walking, seeing this the young man went ahead hoping to find out why they stopped walking.

While passing by the figures he did not even bother to deviate because he knew he would just cross.

Arriving at the front he noticed a tall and handsome man, different from the other faceless figures, this man looked like a normal person.

As he got closer to the man, he felt that this person was familiar.

"Dad? Y-you ..."

Instead of continuing his speech, the young man cut it off when he noticed that the man did not seem to hear, stretching his hand out to him, as soon as the young man touched him everything was blurred before changing.


Stuck in a gate with his hands and feet tied, the man was covered in blood, the sun was hotter than normal for the man, his lips were cracking and his skin was dry, he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

Seeing this the young was frightened after all the man who was in this regrettable state was his father, seeing his father in this situation filled him with anguish as well as anger against the person who did this to his father.

The young ran to his father and tried to free him, but he couldn't touch anything, no matter how hard he tried his hand always went through things.

The young even thought that this was not real, but he was not so sure after all it seemed too real. And even if it wasn't real, it still hurt to see your father like that.

At some point the man stopped breathing and the scene changed again.


In a hospital lying on a bed was a beautiful woman, her eyes were closed and her breathing was calm, she seemed to be sleeping.

"Mae ..." The young man murmured sadly as he looked at the woman on the bed.

The reason for her sadness was that he knew that she was not just sleeping, her mother was in a coma and the only way she would wake up would be to awaken a blessing or some remedy that he never heard of.

As he looked at the beautiful woman, that feeling only increased. There was nothing he could do, he did not have enough knowledge to create a remedy that could help his mother and he didn't even know a person with such a thing.

"I can't… Sorry but I don't know what to do, I can't help. Sorry…" he muttered as he closed his eyes and spilled the tears he was holding.

The young man mumbled as he unleashed a melancholy that looked like he was going to devour him at any moment.

Years passed like this, the young man watched his mother grow old until his heart stopped beating making the scene change.


In a cradle there was a baby crying, he seemed to be hungry.


With a creaking of the door a beautiful woman came into the room and took the baby while breastfeeding her.

3 years passed and the baby grew up was a beautiful little girl, when she turned 3, her parents died, and she was sent to an orphanage where she was starving and cold.

She also lacked the strength to defend herself from other children, so she suffered mistreatment. Time passed, and she grew up now she attended the school where she suffered Bullying, when she turned 14 she ran away and started living on the street.

In order to feed herself, she started stealing. It lasted until a day when she tried to steal someone who was influential and was caught, she was tortured before being killed.

Seeing how much his sister suffered the boy swore that if he met the people who caused his sister so much pain he would make them go through a hell of a lot worse.


This time, the young man found himself alone, looking around, he looked empty. No matter where he looked, he felt he would not change, he was like someone in the desert looking for water, no matter how far he walks, he will still only be able to see the sand.

The young man had nothing to do so he chose a direction and moved on.

He had no notion of time, yet he just continued ahead days turned into months and months turned into years, yet he never stopped walking.

No matter how much he walked he didn't get tired or hungry, the worst thing was that it didn't matter when the time passed, the young man remained healthy and at the peak it left him with no choice.

He had a huge desire to sleep wishing that when he woke up it was just a bad dream.

His conscience remained active, he would not be able to sleep, knowing that he just moved on with a little hope of finding a way out.

At some point the young man began to hear voices, sounds of cars and motorbikes, as well as footsteps. It was as if he were in a place that was busy by several people.

Looking at the source of the sound he saw a tunnel where there was an enormous brightness, seeing that a glimmer of expectations could be seen in his eyes.

Letting the young man think for a moment he ran, he ran with all his might into the tunnel.

As soon as he crossed the tunnel everything stopped ... He could no longer hear the sounds of cars or the voices of people, realizing this the young man was desperate.

"NO! NO! NOOOOO! I thought I found a way ... I ... I thought I found a way out."

The young man was desperate, he couldn't be alone in that place anymore, what had he been walking for so long? In the end he got nothing.

"I think I have to stay... I hope one day I can get out of here. I need to find a way out, or I'm going crazy" the young man muttered as he regained his calm.

The young man again started walking day after day, year after year.

"That's scary, being the only one here…I can't go on like this…alone."

"Tear me apart ... Anything, just get me out of here"

Each step of him was followed by a mumble, the young man seemed to have gone mad.

"I don't know how long, but I'm looking for a way out of this empty place. 'Who seeks finds', I just hope I'm not wrong."

Despite murmuring this he did not believe it, he seemed to be beside himself.


At some point the young man felt a twinge in his belly, which made his conscience come back, looking down his belly was bleeding, he was confused about why he was bleeding, but that was soon forgotten and his expression changed to that of a surprised person, he could feel pain again.

It was a surprise, he was not feeling bad because he could feel pain, it can be said that he was even happy that something had changed.

A few seconds later he could no longer think like that, in his belly a symbol was formed in each completed part, the pain increased.


Falling on his knees he put his hand on his belly, his screams only increased with each passing second.

It was not a physical pain, it was as if his own soul had been carved out of hot iron and that was just the beginning, the pain multiplied several times.

He wanted to die ...

When the symbol was fully formed, he lost consciousness ...

Word count: 1619


Good night...

Charlotteecreators' thoughts