

With the emergence of portals from which came various creatures that we call monsters, humanity began to awaken skills that they used to resist these creatures. Our MC is someone who loves to fight ...(Come, Vera, see the sails in the wind!)

Charlottee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Five years ago

It needs to be edited to coincide with chapter 3.



After screaming until I was hoarse, I finally opened my eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, a screen filled my eyes with several words.


As I stared at the screen without understanding anything, a severe headache hit me. Closing my eyes, I remembered several memories.

"Now I remember ... I died." Zyan murmured.

Zyan remembered being killed in the dungeon and after that he appeared in a place bathed in flames where he could not remember how he got there or what it was like.

"Damn it! That was terrible, how can there be such a bad place."

Zyan was always looking for something interesting to do, for him to be alone with nothing to do was a real torture, he preferred to be beaten a thousand times with his members being repeatedly removed by someone who goes through it again.

While thinking about it, Zyan came to the conclusion that it was purgatory. Purgatory was supposed to be the place where souls were sent after death.

He had already heard of purgatory. The purgatory is the state and the process of purification or temporary punishment.

"Wait if that was the purgatory where I am now?"

Looking at the screen in front of him, he felt it was familiar, he couldn't move and the only thing visible was this screen.

"Wait, it looks familiar" thinking that he knew what it was, he decided to try something.

"Log out"


Hearing a noise, the screen in front of him disappeared, and he found himself lying in a virtual reality booth.

Leaving the virtual reality booth he found himself in a not very large room, it had two beds and a bathroom, the room seemed to have more than one person living in it.

Still intrigued by what was going on, he began to search the room.

After searching the room the young man knew that everything was very familiar and even had a suspicion of where he was, to confirm his suspicion he decided to go to the bathroom.

Going to the bathroom, Zyan looked at himself in the mirror and was now sure where that place was.

"There is?" Even though he expected something like that, he was still surprised.

Reflecting in the mirror, he could see himself, but unlike when he died, he looked younger.

"What is happening?"

Everything indicated that he was in his dorm at the Senka academy five years before his death.

"Back in time?"

He didn't know if that was possible, but he believed, no, he wanted to believe. He was afraid that when he closes his eyes and opens again he will find himself in that place again.

Gritting his teeth, he lifted his shirt and looked at the mark on his stomach.

Zyan didn't know if he really went back in time, but he had a feeling that the mark on his belly was one of the reasons for what was happening.

"Anything is better than that place"

"A second chance? He! I'm willing to play, just be interesting..." he muttered looking at the mark.

He didn't believe in free lunch, if that brand was really the reason for his return, it had to have a price. But that didn't matter to him, as long as it was interesting, he would be willing to play.

"Wait! This is not important ..."

He seemed to have remembered something.

Quickly lowering his pants, he looked down for something different.


Feeling relieved, because there was nothing wrong with his younger brother, he was fine.

He still remembered the pain he felt before he lost consciousness, at that time he didn't worry about having unnecessary thoughts, more now that he had another opportunity. He swore that if he found them, he would certainly make them taste their own poison.

"I still remember the pain, I don't think I'll be able to forget it anytime soon."

To confirm that there was nothing wrong, he examined his body again and this time a frown appeared on his face.


Now I know what that damn pain was before I lost consciousness, it wasn't physical pain. The 'key' is gone ... Sigh ... Zyan realized that he lost his biggest secret.

"I hope it's still the same ..." he murmured.

Stopping thinking about it Zyan decided to focus on something else. Looking at the VR booth, he recalled that at the booth, just showed his blessing and not the techniques he created with it.

"I'm going to have to set it up to show my techniques later."


Entering the VR booth, a white room appeared in view of him.

Using the menu on the side he could edit his character, choose his weapon and buy a generic blessing, if you were a blessed one you could use your own blessing, and you wouldn't need to buy a generic blessing that was not as good as using your own blessing.

A person without a blessing could also play, he just needed to buy a skill pack, and he could use the skills available, it was not as good as using his own blessing, but even then the unblessed being able to use a blessing was already too good.

Zyan wanted to add his ability for every time he logs in, he can see his status. As someone who loved to fight, he was very proud of his skill.

To add his skills he just needed to use them in the game that the system would detect and add, so he would ask to name the technique.

This game was called 'New World', it was a very basic game, you could create a room and invite a friend or let someone in at random. Then you choose the weapon you want to use as well as the place where you will fight, it can be an arena or an open field, there were several maps. If you don't want to use your own blessing, you can buy generic skill packs, I don't recommend it, as it's not as good as using your own blessing.

It has other functions besides PVP, like generating dungeons. You can also enter the open world where the name of the game came from.

He pressed the "create dungeon now" option.

The air whirled before him, a vortex appeared, it seemed to have a destructive force in the small room.

[Dungeon created.]

"No matter how much I see it, it is still stylish."

Extending his hand, the vortex sucked him. Entering the vortex he felt trapped as if a whirlwind pulled him, until the landscape changed.

The spins ended and the sunlight fell on him. Zyan covered the light with his hand and observed the ugly creature, or rather, his first opponent. Red skin, two horns on his head. Showing a pair of wild red eyes, his hands contained claws and his ear was pointed, his teeth were sharp as if they were all canine.

[Imp (Rank D)]

[Main skill: strength, agility and speed. ]

IMP (Imps), they are small and fragile creatures, imps present little threat when alone ... something they never are. Always in a group, these little demons take advantage of their size, number and agility to overwhelm opponents.

The Imp are not very strong, but due to their demonic heritage it gives them a strong magical aura. Thanks to this, normal spells have little effect against them, being even weaker in the case of black magic. for this reason they are considered Rank D

Zyan looked around to find himself on a plain with red soil. He was being faced by a crowd of frantic Imps.

His eyes narrowed and his lips smiled. His hair turned blue, his skin with layers of ice all around him started to freeze, lifting his hand several ice spears materialized behind him. Ice barriers appeared around him preventing the IMP from moving forward. Forming ice at his feet, he started to freeze the air as he walked above the barriers.

With a gesture of his hand the Imps were impaled by their spears. As soon as he killed these Imps another wave of monsters appeared.


"Leave your head"

"Haha ha"

Zyan continued to use his skills until he had none left to show.

Thirty minutes later, a screen appeared in front of him asking him to name his skill.

"Add Gefrorene Speere"

"Ice barrier"

"Frozen moon"


"Imitation by the Shadow"

"Shadow Art"

"Narrowing the shadow"

"Shadow domain"

After adding the information in the RV booth, it looks like this.

[Name: Zyan Lee]

Human race

Age: 19 years old


Ice manifestation: It is an elemental type ability, the user is able to summon and manipulate ice, even without a water source nearby.

Gefrorene Speere: The user creates several ice spears from the air and throws them towards the user's target with a simple hand gesture.

Ice barrier: The user creates ice barriers.

Frozen moon: the user creates a giant ice pillar that looks like a gigantic piece of hail and shoots his opponent to crush him.

Walk: The user freezes his foot and when walking everything touched is frozen including air, (Allows walking in the air)

Shadow manipulation: The user can invoke his shadow and manipulate it.

(You can extend your shadow over a considerable area and on any surface, including water, if necessary, you can use it even outside the surface.)

Shadow imitation: Connecting your shadow to that of a target forces you to imitate its movements.

Shadow art: this technique allows the user to capture, immobilize and even attack a target.

(Because it is quite comprehensive, it does not require the user to concentrate to extend its shadow. With this technique, pulling very small objects is relatively easy)

Shadow narrowing: the user causes his shadow to gain physical strength to contain a target and then strangle him.

(The shorter the distance, the more powerful the shadow will be, even if it disappears by the minute.)

Shadow domain - The user creates a domain that prevents the target from moving.

Satisfied with his work, Zyan decided to take a shower and get some sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Charlotteecreators' thoughts