

With the emergence of portals from which came various creatures that we call monsters, humanity began to awaken skills that they used to resist these creatures. Our MC is someone who loves to fight ...(Come, Vera, see the sails in the wind!)

Charlottee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Hahaha ... you are an opponent worthy enough to prove my trump card."

The young man laughed heartily, by his voice you could see that he was really enjoying this fight, or maybe, he was happy to finally find someone worthy of seeing the attack he created.

Creating ice in his hands and feet he starts to fly, behind them several ice spears are formed from the air covering everything.

By manipulating his shadow blessing, he forms a realm where everything inside is trapped by his shadow and cannot move.

- Uwaaaaihk ... Euh-ahaack ... Kyaaaack ...

Looking at the screaming creature and trying to break free, the young man gave a satisfied smile.



With a flick of their hands, several spears impaled the monster.

Looking at the monster, his body was full of spears, either his upper body or his lower part, the only place that didn't get a spear were his red eyes that the young man thought was beautiful.

He intended to take his head as a trophy so he chose not to damage his face, and what he found most beautiful about it "his eyes."

Falling to the ground, his hair went black again, his expression was no longer cold and his skin, which had previously been frozen, started to bleed.

If it went on like this, I had no doubt that he would die from blood loss.


The young man was tired and weak from the loss of blood, even breathing was difficult.

"Am I going to die like this ...? It was fun"

Looking at the ceiling that was still frozen. He felt like he did something stupid again.

If he hadn't used the mastery of shadows, he wouldn't have been so exhausted. He was so excited about the fight that he didn't think about the consequences, this wasn't the first time he did it.

He felt a little sorry, but at the same time he was pleased to have shown his attack on the monster.

It was a strange and contradictory feeling ...

Well, what would you expect from someone who entered a dungeon just because he was bored.

Looking at the monster that was impaled by ice spears the hunter was shocked, he did not expect the young man to be able to defeat that thing.

Moving his eyes from the monster to the young man and looking at his body lying in a puddle formed by his own blood.

Seeing that the young man would not live long he took courage and took a step forward.

Seeing his companion advance, the other hunter, also walked towards the young man and looked at him with a malicious smile.

The man used a staff with a crystal on top, if you pulled the staff, you would see a blade, since he had the ability to absorb the powers of others for a while he needed to be versatile, so for that reason the choice of weapon.

His armor was worn and his skin was pale. If he looked more closely, you could tell he was shaking, and the closer he got to the young man, the colder he got.

His appearance was on average more because of a scar he had on his face was scary.

Upon hearing the ugly man's footsteps, the injured young man stopped looking at the sky and looked at the man before smiling at him.

"Is it for the loot?"

Asked the young man in an almost inaudible voice.

The ugly, fair-skinned man grimaced at the young man's reaction, which despite knowing his intentions, showed no fear.

"Yes, looting is one of the reasons"


"You are strong, you could have helped more, you did not help, you must keep my comrades company"

Upon hearing the man's words, he no longer cared about the reason. He knew it was probably because they wanted the loot.

The other reasons I didn't help, are just him trying to justify his greed. That hypocrite. He was the first to run away and abandon his companions, and now he comes with this pile of shit.

I am not a babysitter to take care of you, nor am I gaining anything from it.

Knowing that he was going to die soon, he did not bother to spend saliva with this type of person, in his opinion, even if he spit on this type of garbage, he would be the one to do him a favor. They could not be placed in view of him.

"And to think that a bastard like you can still smile, even if he's about to die"

Hearing derogatory words from him, the young man simply ignored him.

Seeing this, a frown formed on the man's face.

"It looks like you really want to meet Yama"

'You were going to kill me anyway, stupid', although he thought so, he didn't say it out loud.

He thought it was an insult to continue a conversation with these two.

He did not want to die, but he is not going to beg for his life, either. And even if he did, without a healer with the amount of blood he lost, the result would still be the same.

"Coff! Coff"

With his mouth full of blood, the young man knew he didn't have much time.

"Look, bleeding and dying like a dog."

This time a different voice spoke, looking to the side was another man with black hair, he wore a hood and black clothes he also had a big sword that he held in one hand and two small daggers on his waist.

Walking towards the young man, he cut off one of his arms with a dagger.


Looking at the severed arm, the young man felt a lot of pain, but quickly replaced the pained expression with a smile.

Even a lion can be killed by hyenas when old and injured.

Looking at the young man who still managed to smile, they started to torture him.

Fingers and nails pulled out, arms and legs cut, his eyes pierced, his body was a mess.

Despite feeling a lot of pain the young man continued with a smile on his face as if to mock the two idiots.

The truth was that he was one, tough guy, so he continued to smile as if nothing had happened, he didn't care about their presence to waste his time making fun of them.

While the young man was being tortured, some thoughts came to his mind.

"Damn, if I had another chance, I would like to fight good opponents again."

"It would be nice if this fight lasted longer, it was a lot of fun."

"Damn, I won't be able to claim my trophy."

If the two men who tortured him knew what he was thinking, they would vomit blood.

Looking at the young man who did not seem to mind being tortured, the ugly, fair-skinned man put a monstrous smile on his face.

Walking over to the young man, he raises his foot before lowering it with all his might.


Feeling an infernal pain, the young man could no longer smile. That was also his last cry before he lost consciousness.

The two men had a big smile on their face when they heard the young man's last cry, they left only two parts untouched on the young man's body, the first was his tongue and throat, so he could scream and the second was his manhood that was crushed, causing the young man to die when he felt a hellish pain for having that part crushed...

I finally decided on a name for our protagonist, he will be called Zyan Lee, which means "beautiful and graceful" I am not good with names, but I will try to do my best to name things, be they object or people.

Charlotteecreators' thoughts