

With the emergence of portals from which came various creatures that we call monsters, humanity began to awaken skills that they used to resist these creatures. Our MC is someone who loves to fight ...(Come, Vera, see the sails in the wind!)

Charlottee · Fantasy
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23 Chs


"Good morning, class"

Upon arriving in the room our professor Steven Weinberg spoke in a monotone voice.

Mr. Steven was the teacher assigned to our class. A teacher is assigned to each class, you can go to other classes and learn other subjects that other teachers teach. But that teacher who was assigned to his class is responsible for you...

Before I came here I was having a good dream, in it, I was clearly beating some monsters, after being awakened by Leo I took a bath, and we came to class.

Leo is my roommate and also a best friend. I had no friends, Leo being the only one who also made him my best friend.

"Change your clothes and go to the field" said Mr. Steven

After we got ready we went to the field, everyone wore training clothes, this outfit was made with materials taken from the dungeons, it was elastic and resistant.

"It's the same as always using your blessings. I want to see how much they have improved."

As Mr. Steven said, this was not the first time they asked us to show our skills, they did it in order to rank our hunter rank.

Hunters was the name given to people who had some blessing, some blessings were stronger than others, so to facilitate the distinction of each in terms of strength, the blessed were buried in various Rankings [F, E, D, C , B, A, S]. After awakening his blessing, the Blessed One could sign up for a blessing test where an appraiser would test the person's aura to see if he really had a blessing.

Note: I use blessed, but you can call them hunters or adventurers, it's the same.

Once it has been confirmed to have a blessing, he or she could enter a specific school for the blessed ones where they would receive training and knowledge. I as someone who came from a good family was clearly sent to one of these schools.

By the way, this school is a type of elite school where you are prohibited from using your powers. The school is focused on developing your skills ... in other words, boring.

At 18 years of age, I woke up my ice blessing, when I heard about school I was excited because I thought it would be fun, I was wrong this is boring.

Imagine an environment where there are a lot of people who only have muscle in place of the brain, not that they are stupid, but even smart people here only use it to train, seriously, this is not fun.

Ok, Ok, I know they came here to train. I was wrong to think it would be fun.

The self of the past had to work a lot at this school, I really had to work a lot. Not for study. In the past I should have been in the top 10, but now I'm certainly at the top. I have my experience of using my skills as well as combat experience. I also remember how I should train achieving success faster ...

My ice blessing is only grade D, but receiving a level A or S blessing would not turn a person into a monster with the power to destroy a city. No, all the blessed started from the bottom, but what limited a person's future was precisely the classification.

If a person with a grade A blessing trained for a year, they would likely move from grade F to grade D without a problem. As for a person in Rank D, it would take decades to finally achieve Rank D strength.

I was an exception for having two blessings. My 'Shadow Manipulation' blessing is already at grade C, which naturally makes me a C-ranked. That is not all, now that I have gone back in time, I can increase my ice blessing for the next series without much effort.

Someone's blessing level just tells them the maximum potential they can achieve with their blessing. Thus, a person with an A-rating blessing would obviously be treated as an idol.

This was not absolute the blessing could evolve, this is exactly the reason why everyone came to this school to train, if they want battle experience they can enter the dungeons, but here they only focus on developing their skills.

A lot of people who come here don't even intend to enter a dungeon, they prefer to do coast guard work or something like that. They don't know what they are missing.

The emotion of carrying out a massacre is hard to forget. Maybe they don't like it as much as I do, probably.

Soon it was my turn to show my blessing.

Creating a giant ice thorn, I tasted it because I considered myself the best.

By the way, this can be called a new creation, I think.

Note: look at the "Grauhorn" ability of "Esdeath" to see what the ice thorn would look like.

As soon as I finished my creation, I noticed that Mr. Steven was frowning. Following his vision, I realized that he was looking at the huge thorn that I created.

Ah, I forgot that I can't melt the ice I create, haha now I understand why he doesn't look happy.

Usually I would hide my abilities just as I do with my shadow blessing.

But I am very bored, that certainly was not because I wanted to be considered the best. Sorry, I'm very childish.

After showing our blessings, we show our fitness. I was supposed to be in the top 10, in terms of physique, I had no way of competing with Leo and others blessed with a blessing related to strength. I don't care, it's not like I'm going to lose a fight against them.

After Mr. Steven wrote down a few things, we had the day off, where each person made their own schedule, some went to train their bodies, others trained their blessings, and others to eat something.

I thought all this was boring, so I went with Leo to make a meal before going to the shooting range, as weapons here were very common, but it was not as popular as the bladed weapons

For blessed as firearms it was not a threat, this created with no one using it.

I liked to practice, even if I wasn't going to use it in a fight, it was still cool. People like them who are then focused on increasing their strength probably don't have any free time. So boring.

After playing for a while, I went back to the living room and went to play a little in the VR booth, nothing better than fighting to kill boredom.

The things I liked most were fighting, sleeping and eating.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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