
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Dies Irae

A couple of hours have passed 

After playing for a while Lilith suggested going to the nearest mountain to reconnoiter.

-It shouldn't take long

There is no reason to refuse, even if we don't go with Aisha or Anastasia I don't think it would be bad to go with the two of us and be alone. 

Lilith opened the window and jumped out, it's not that high it should be about 7 meters to the ground, being Lilith a demon it's very easy for her. 

Without delaying any longer I jumped out of the window. 

Of course we are hiding our presence, if we weren't, no doubt Aisha and Anastasia would realize that we are dating 

I fell softly as Lilith did. 

The sky was beginning to darken, revealing a beautiful sunset on the horizon, although I don't know how time works in this place. 

-Let's get away from this place

Lilith said

I nodded and we started to walk away from the mansion. 

After walking for a few minutes, I felt an alteration in my energy, the abnormal flow that I felt began to normalize. 

-Are you coming out?


Lilith turns to look at me confused

A few seconds later a small water leviathan emerged from my body, flew around me and stopped in front of us. 

-Your beast?


Aqua stared at me ignoring Lilith. 

Lilith frowns 

-What's wrong with her?

-I don't know

I answered without looking at her


Aqua started talking, she sounded annoyed



Aqua's body suddenly grew bigger, spinning on itself, using its tail like a whip it tries to hit me. 


I jumped backwards dodging her attack. 

-What's wrong Aqua?

I ask surprised 

-Do they have that kind of relationship? 

Lilith said turning her gaze towards me, her expressionless face made me shiver. 

-I don't know what's wrong with her...

Aqua rose into the air with her gaze fixed on me.

[Do you have any idea how much trouble I went through to heal you, you piece of garbage!]

Aqua opened her mouth and the energy from the surroundings began to gather in her mouth.... 

-She only seems to want to attack you.

Lilith had been completely ignored by Aqua 

A light blue colored light began to gush from Aqua's mouth and illuminated the surroundings.

-Aqua can you calm down


After saying that, a beam of pure energy shot out from Aqua's mouth. 

I could barely dodge it by jumping to the side. 

-You want to kill me?!

[You won't die just because of that, besides you gave me so much trouble just so I could heal you, you definitely won't die, I'll make sure of it]. 

Aqua is saying it seriously she's really angry, but none of what happened was my fault, if given the choice I definitely wouldn't choose to end up involved in all this. 

-Aqua, stop

Lilith intervenes 

[Huh? Be quiet you little bastard]

Aqua looked towards Lilith with contempt 

I don't think Lilith will take Aqua's answer very well. 

-You need to be educated

Water began to gush from Lilith 

Yes, definitely an encounter between the two of them at this very moment would be a bad thing.

The air around became heavy and cold 

Aqua and Lilith stared at each other

-Okay, no more games, Aqua comes back.

Aqua looks at me and sighs before shrinking back.

[Next time, don't be so reckless.] 

But despite all that, she doesn't approach me and keeps her distance.

A trip to the nearest mountain isn't bad either, and now with Aqua by my side it will be even easier to get there without any problems.

Lilith looks at me in exasperation 

-Is it so necessary for that thing to be outside? 

-Not really, but it likes to be outdoors.

It doesn't hurt me, or bother me, no matter how I look at it, I come to the same conclusion. 

[I am his, so I must always be by his side.] 

-I don't see the need to have a lizard with Wings hovering around him.

[Nor do I see the need to have a bitch like you around him]. 

Maybe I should intervene, but I don't sense any negative feelings. 


While Aqua and Lilith continued arguing, a strange presence had emerged somewhere in the territory. 

But it seemed that neither Lilith nor Aqua had noticed it. 

I looked in the direction of the strange presence, but I couldn't tell what it was. 

One thing I have learned is that each race has a different presence, the presence of the demons is ominous and dense, while the elves have a soft and natural presence.

And the presence that I am feeling at this moment, does not belong to any of the previous ones.

-Is it approaching?

Lilith and Aqua heard my faint murmur and all their attention was focused on me. 

-Are you going to tell this thing that it shouldn't bother us yet?

[Huh? Keep quiet you little bastard] 

-No... But, there is something that is approaching us.

Lilith and Aqua looked in the direction of my gaze. 

-I can't feel it

[I can't either]

This is strange, especially Aqua, she's supposed to be linked with me and she should be able to do it. 

I circulated energy to my eyes to be able to see better. 

I saw something that surprised me 


I didn't have time to think about it, my body reacted by itself. 


Lilith says my name in surprise 

Yes, it's strange, when I realized it has AI kicked the ground hard and it had shot out towards, that

I didn't understand the reason I just knew I had a duty to do it, it's strange, I don't feel any attachment towards other women apart from Lilith and my mother. 

It's strange 

That's why I didn't understand why my body reacted to the woman who was desperately running away.

[Why did you leave like that?]

-I don't know

I honestly didn't know.

I looked back and Lilith was running to catch up with me, but she couldn't, I was faster, this desperation welling up inside me, oblivious to my thoughts. 

[That's not helpful]

I knew it, I know it's strange but.... 

-I have to do it

[I understand]

It helped a lot that Aqua didn't ask more about my sudden career. 

 That woman with blue eyes and blonde hair, she doesn't look that tall, she has a well-proportioned body, it would be correct to call her "Tender."

The look on her face can only be described as "Absolute Terror". 

The sweat on her forehead and her breathing agitated. 


I started running beside her while trying to get her attention. 

She fearfully turns her gaze towards me 


However she had ignored me and started to run even faster, it wasn't difficult to keep up with her but I'm worried that Lilith will lose my trail. 

There is no other option 

I ran even faster and stopped her running. 


Seeing that she was easily caught she tried to get away but it was impossible. 

-What's wrong with you?

I asked as I looked at the terrified woman. 

Her breathing was irregular, very agitated, it seemed as if at any moment she could collapse. 

-Let me go! -That's on its way!


Suddenly a cold wind rushed through my body and I quickly grabbed the woman in front of me and jumped to the side, followed by a loud crash. 

When I looked back, in that place where I was until a few moments ago, a large jet blue sword was embedded in the ground. 

I knew it, instinctively I knew it. 

I knew what it was


When I looked back a jet-black robot in Humanoid form was staring at us, but there was something different, it was different from the Kage I had faced. 

This one was more aesthetic and slender, with a more "Human" appearance. 

-The woman in my arms trembled shakily as she looked at the Kage.

-Were you running away from that?


The woman's blue eyes stared at me, as if she was silently asking for my help. 

I didn't understand why, but I knew she couldn't die. 

She had to live, my intuition told me that. 

-What is your name?


It feels familiar

-I understand, I'm Lucas and I'm going to take care of that thing.

Harriet's eyes widened 

I don't think I'm a hero, nor do I feel the need to save everyone who crosses my path.

-There's a woman with black hair and red eyes, she's probably on her way to this place, ask for her help, in the meantime, I'll take that thing away, you must tell her my name, and that it appeared, you must know its name, right?

Harriet nodded. 

If what I think is right, she should be a Jewel, although I don't know what she should be called in this place, besides, she doesn't look like an elf, she's more on the human side, than on the Elf side.

Now I can fight, Aqua is with me and I have more confidence in being able to handle it.

-Aqua, get ready


-Harriet, trust

I let go of Harriet and turned around to stare at the most human Kage I have seen up to this moment. 

The jet blue sword that was a few meters away from me, returned to his hand as if a mysterious force was drawing it to his body. 

-I want to try new things

A thin-bladed sword created with Ice appeared in my hand, its slightly curved blade made it look like a Katana. 

At some point I considered forming a weapon, but Luna insisted it wasn't necessary and that I shouldn't worry about it, my powers are more than enough to create the Weapon I needed, I can create Water thanks to Lilith and I can manipulate it at my whim thanks to Aqua, expert in everything, master of nothing, it's the kind of combat I want to pursue, it suits me better.

I exhaled air one last time 

The energy began to run through my body, strengthening me in a great way. 

From the previous fight I was able to learn something, something disastrous about me. 

I'm still hesitating

Even though I am a demon now, I still have a lot of humanity, but I am a hypocrite, part of me does not want to do it, if possible I want to live in peace, but that is not possible, not now, not now that I am still weak, the world is vast and immense and it is not unique, there are worlds out there with many things to discover, My path is still beginning, I am still nothing, I am still nobody, my title as Chosen One, it was given to me, it was not earned, but to answer Lilith, to answer Luna, I must be powerful, so powerful as to devour the world if necessary, that's what I want, that's what I long for. 


A whisper left my lips, the blade of my sword was surrounded by a thin layer of water, even thinner than a person's hair, dense, thin and powerful.

That's it 

An arrow of water was created and shot towards the Kage who was a few meters away from me. 

The Kage swung his sword and easily cut off my attack. 

As if it perceived me as an enemy, it began to move, it was fast, very fast, but it was manageable. 

He launched attacks against me, but I managed to dodge them and deflect them with my ice sword, his attacks were heavy, but less heavy than the Kage I had faced a short while ago, but I can't be targeted, I was too weakened at that moment, I didn't have Aqua

The icy aura of my sword with each contact froze the Kage's jet sword.

It was simple, abnormally simple, something wasn't right

Something was strange, I had a bad feeling 

I imbued my sword with energy 

The Kage could feel it and tried to jump back, but I didn't let him, I lunged forward. 

His jet sword broke and he was cut in half. 

-I won

It was easy, too easy 

Something wasn't right 

Something wasn't right 

I could feel Lilith coming towards me. 


[This isn't right] 

Aqua sounded worried

[Almost all of them... were wiped out]


[There's only one beast left, I can feel it, it's falling apart] 

[This world is falling apart]

[The world without beasts, it cannot stand, the jewels of this world...]



Aqua didn't answer, I knew it, something wasn't right.

The Kage chasing her, me reacting, Lilith couldn't sense it, neither could Aqua.

-We have to go

That was the conclusion I came to

If almost all the ancestral beasts were exterminated, the Jewels and the ancestral beasts, they are complements for the world to be stable, for the world to be able to sustain itself, both are necessary.

But as long as only one of them is alive, the world can exist, but... the loss, weakens the world.

I never thought I would get to see what Luna told me.

The sky changed color turning a blood red color

A bloody sky 


Lilith had arrived at Harriet's side 

Harriet was agitated

Lilith worried 

The sky cracked 

As if it were a glass window, the ground trembled.

And from the open aperture in the sky

Black figures began to emerge

Humans, dragons, all sorts of jet-black shapes emerged.

I knew it, this world is about to perish

Jewels don't miraculously appear overnight, it takes time, but the question is, will this world continue to exist until that time comes?

We couldn't waste any more time, I knew it

-There is no time we have to go

Lilith and Harriet looked up at the sky with wide eyes. 



Aqua moved to the side and her body began to grow. 

-Go up


Lilith nodded and jumped towards Aqua, but Harriet didn't, she was shocked by the vision unfolding in the sky, I couldn't blame her.

I grabbed Harriet and jumped towards Aqua. 

-Fly towards that mansion


I never thought to see it

I never expected to 

The beginning of the end

If you like my story add it to your library

thanks for reading :D

Sincerely I want to continue writing this novel, but the time is not enough for me, but I will do it every time I can and I have enough time, I hope you like the chapters.

KURO_SCANcreators' thoughts