
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Zen guided us to the second floor inside the mansion, the decoration is extravagant, as if a collector had a constant exhibition in his mansion, there were paintings, statues, chandeliers all kinds of objects that added to the atmosphere of the place.

The most curious of all is that we could not see other workers inside the mansion.

Although I had no intention of knowing even more the background of the situation in which Hervast finds himself, perhaps it would be better to investigate the matter, it is probably for the best. 

Besides I must train, if that humanoid shaped robotic creature that called himself Kage, I honestly have a bad feeling about that

What would have happened if I hadn't been in that place?

Or if the girls had come to that place alone, although I'm not aware of the magnitude of Lilith's power I think she could somehow stand up against it. 

Let's stop thinking...

I sighed and turned my gaze back to Lilith. 

At some point we had reached the room 

It is a room nothing less than elegant, as if it was an aristocratic room, furniture, a big bed and a big chandelier right in the center of the room, despite being Elves one would think they are beings attached to nature, however that doesn't seem to be the case. 

-Is something the matter?

Lilith noticing my look turns to see me.

I was looking out the window 


I lie down on the bed after answering 

-You don't look well

Lilith walks to the bed and sits down next to me. 

-Why do you say that?

-Your look

I feel confused 

My look? I don't think I have anything particular 

-Maybe I'm a little tired

-You don't look very convincing

I let out a light laugh and closed my eyes.

A basilisk, I have no idea what form they will take, but somehow I can guess given Hervast's situation, he's practically turning to stone, but... the question is how long does he have left?

How long have you been in this situation? 

He gave me a deadline of 2 weeks

What a problem...

I opened my eyes only to find Lilith staring at me. 

-Let's go to the bathroom

She said as she got up from the bed 

-It's ok

I have no reason to refuse, although I can clean myself easily, it never hurts to do it like before.


We just got out of the bath

It was extremely satisfying, it's been a long time since I felt so comfortable after taking a bath, even though Lilith....


She takes the initiative whenever she can... I... obviously I don't refuse, however I'm extremely tired. 

We didn't have a carnal encounter, but Lilith likes to do handicrafts...

-What do you think?

-I am very pleased

Lilith smiles angelically

-I'm glad

-Now what do we do?

We have to find the basilisk, however I have no idea where to find one. 

-There aren't many basilisks and they usually live in mountains, they don't tend to share territory so it should be relatively easy to find one.

I sigh slightly 

-I am very tired 

I said as I jumped onto the bed 

-Considering the battle you had I'd be surprised if you weren't.

Lilith sits on me 

-It seems you weren't counting on Aqua

I shake my head 

-I know she's inside me and she heals me constantly plus I took a lot of damage, I also used too much energy, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to hit me the moment she came out.

-You give her too much work Poor creature!

Lilith's hair sways slightly over my face with each movement. 

-You've been through too much in a row, I honestly don't know how so much trouble comes in.

I said while gently caressing Lilith's legs, this is definitely glorious, I missed so much this soft, voluptuous but firm sensation.

I felt the corner of my mouth lift up slightly. 


Lilith was looking at me with a big smile on her face.

-I've been waiting for you for a year


The year I was going in with Luna, originally I thought it was on a whim, but it was a necessity.

-So... once we get out of this place let's live quietly.

His crimson eyes stared at me. 

-That would be ideal, but it's not that simple, is it?

-It's complicated

-You're a jewel and I'm your chosen one.

Lilith smiles 

-Besides you are a King without a crown

Until this moment she mentions it, I had not been aware of that fact, however I don't know much about it. 

-What is an uncrowned King?

-Hum, I thought you knew.

I shook my head 

-A King without a crown is one who makes a contract with an ancestral beast, all the major families have one, however that is a mystery, the contractors are kept anonymous.

-Wait... then I...

-Yes, you revealed yourself as a contractor at least to the important people in hell.

-Is that bad?

Lilith thinks for a few seconds before answering

-In simple terms, you have potential to become a King, or at least be equated to one, to be King, you have to rule your own territory.

-Thus King without a crown

-Right, but it's rare for an uncrowned King to become a full King, for that he would have to defeat the current King of his race or found his own Kingdom.

-That sounds annoying

Lilith smiles amused

-Definitely, besides you don't like to rule over others, so it's unlikely that you'll be a complete King.

-Hahaha I'm not fit to rule, but if I were to found a Kingdom I'd like to name it Alisterion.


-I read it in a novel, it sounds powerful.

All in all, it's a name I like. 

-Arms Shroud?

-You got it... -Eeeh...

-I know several things



-This was not expected hahahahaha

I couldn't help laughing, this was totally unexpected. 


Lilith seems to be thinking 

After a few seconds she speaks again 


-Handler one

-You definitely have culture

Can this woman be any better?

-We got sidetracked

Lilith said. 


-In conclusion I exposed myself as Leviathan's contractor even though it's with one of his daughters.

-That's even worse, the higher ups in hell have an idea of Leviathan's potential, yet they are unaware of the daughters' potential.

-Besides, I still have to make a contract with one of them. 

I remembered the promise with the Ice leviathan. 


Lilith's eyes were wide open and she looked surprised. 

-Didn't I tell you?


-Oops! Well I still have to form a contract with that leviathan, as I was very weak when I made the contract with Aqua, if I made the contract with the ice leviathan I would have died, however I remember that she wanted to fight against Luna.

-My mother?

-Yes, when he almost killed me in response Aqua and the Ice leviathan came out, I signed a contract with Aqua and made a promise with the other leviathan.

Honestly I still can't say for sure that I will be able to withstand all that power, however I can do my best until that moment arrives. 

-Do you at least know where it is?

-Not really, but Aqua might know.

-I am at a loss for words

Lilith looked puzzled 

-Yet, for that time to come, it should be a while longer.

-You're right...

Come to think of it... 

-What does the basilisk look like?

-Hum... it's like a snake with antlers on its head, if you look directly at it, it can turn you into stone, it's like a curse. 

-It sounds complicated.

-It is

I sigh heavily

-Everything to get back home

-In the worst case scenario, we'd stay and live in this place.

-Yes, but... What about my mother?

Lilith remains silent for a few seconds before answering.

-We definitely have to go back

-A year without seeing her is too long

-For a human yes

Sometimes I forget that I'm actually a demon. 

-Jaaa it's ok

-Do you want to play?

Lilith said before kissing me 

After a few seconds our lips parted 


-Let's start

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