
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Entrance Exam

A month passed and it was February 26th the day of the U.A. entrance exam. Walking up to the imposing gates of U.A. I caught sight of a scene I was familiar with a green-haired boy 'talking' to a brown bobbed-haired girl with unusually pink cheeks.

"Look it's Deku and Uraraka so cute!" Hearing Airi's words I responded,

"Don't let him catch you calling him that he'll probably end up crying"

"Haha don't worry I won't" she assured taking my hand and dragging me past this world's main protagonist who was currently standing in place laughing like a maniac.

We took our seats in the auditorium that had at least a thousand seats but even then, they were all filled showing just how popular U.A. was. Surprisingly I couldn't find Jiro even though I knew she was here.

While listening to an explanation from the Voice Hero: Present Mic we quickly realized that just like in the show we would be split up. We quickly came to an understanding looking at each other.

"Bet?" I asked.


"Whoever gets the most points wins?"

"Sounds good loser had to do whatever the winner says?"

"Yep, you better use your head cause if you lose you'll definitely be giving it… to me, that is," Airi said declaring her intentions as she gave me a wink.

"Haah you're such a pervert just focus on the exam or you'll end up embarrassing yourself when you don't even end up in the top 10."

"Haha, you don't have to worry about me just make sure you give it your all"

Present Mic continued to talk about the rules of the exam which I pretty much knew already. We had 10 minutes to take down as many villain robots as we could. They ranged from 1 to 3 points and would be sprinkled throughout the city. Along with a 0-point robot that we were advised to avoid. Looking at the handout we were given we couldn't help but laugh when we realized the mangaka of My hero academia had named the Villain bots after Star Destroyers.

After the blonde-haired rocker finished his explanation, we got changed into something more comfortable. Airi ended up wearing one of my black hoodies and a pair of pink leggings with a belt attached that held her double-bladed lightsaber. While I wore a simple black sweatshirt and joggers.

"Did you steal that from me?" I questioned when I saw her.

"How dare you accuse a future hero of stealing! I simply found it in my room"

"Yeah suuure 'found' it"

"Don't act like you don't like it, or should I take it off?"

"I knew we shouldn't have had our first time outside I've turned my girlfriend into an exhibitionist," I said with a sigh.

"BAAAKA" she said sticking her tongue out and walking away and getting onto her bus but not before smiling mischievously, flipping me the bird and shouting,

"Try not to choke!"

After boarding my own bus I found myself in front of a huge gated replica city. I had both my lightsabers at my waist since Present Mic said we could take whatever we liked so they should be fine especially since I had made them myself.

I noticed a few people who would be my future classmates with mainly Ida and Izuku standing out. And as I was watching the crowd, I heard Present Mic call out,

"AAAAND START!" As soon as I heard the announcement, I led the crowd as we rushed into the city.

As I was running down the street a robot I recognized as a 1-pointer quickly emerged from around the corner.

"Target Lock-" but before it could finish its sentence it was bisected by the lightsaber I threw before calling it back to my hand as I continued to run towards the city center.

Next, I encountered two 2-pointers that looked like giant lizards. I quickly lifted one using Force Rend to pull it in two different directions simultaneously. Then I pulled the other one towards me before cutting it in half diagonally.

As I neared the city center, I saw a crowd of robots of each category. Not waiting anytime, I Force jumped into the middle of the group, crossed both my hands over my chest before extending them sending out a powerful Force shockwave destroying every robot in a 360-degree radius around me.

Sensing that there were no more robots in the immediate area. I quickly moved to the top of a nearby building to scout out the area. After that, I continued to take out Villain Bots as the other examines slowly began to gather around.

Suddenly I felt a small earthquake and a giant robot the size of a building that I recognized as the 0-pointer appeared. As everyone started to run, I noticed Uraraka was pinned under some rubble. While I could have tried to destroy the 0-pointer I didn't want to steal Izuku's chance of getting into UA even though he wasn't my favorite character in the earlier seasons doing so would definitely cause the entire story to be derailed.

Knowing that the 0-pointer appearance meant the exam was about to end so I decided to gather some last-minute points but not before watching Izuku launch himself into the sky.

Shortly after I heard an explosion and I knew he had managed to destroy the robot. Now I could have caught with the Force but I didn't want to mess with Uraraka's rescue points. Silently cursing that I had to be paired up with the main characters for my practical I listened as Present Mic announced,


Shortly after I saw Recovery Girl appear telling everyone to go home as she walked passed me she handed me some gummy bears telling me not to eat them all at once. Which confused me seeing that there were only four of them.

I watched as she kissed Izuku and healed his broken arm and legs before I turned to go met up with Airi. After waiting at the gate for a while I sensed her approach, looking over I saw her running over wearing a huge smile as she waved at me. Seeing this my heart skipped a beat fighting the urge to pull her into my embrace and kiss her right here in front of everyone I gave a small wave and asked,

"I guess your practical went well"

"Yep, I got enough points to get 1st even without rescue points so I'd say it went pretty well"

"Nice work," I said as we bumped fists.

"I know right!? How many points did you get?"

"Hmm I counted about 81"

"Aww I only counted 79"

"Well we'll have to wait to see how many rescue points we get before we know who wins"

"Damn I wanted to cash in today"

"Who says you can't I'm pretty sure Oba-chan's working late tonight…"

"Oh really" she'd said with a flirty smile

"Yep, come on we only have about 8 hours," I said grabbing her hand and pulling her along.

"And you called me a pervert," she said but she ran just as fast as me.

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