
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Visit to the cell- 2

Dominic stared at Alicia. The woman was getting really crazy.

"Fool me? No one can fool me, Alicia. I fool them instead," Dominic replied, his voice coated with pride. This led to Alicia letting out another chuckle. This man had so much confidence in himself. It made her laugh.

"The girl managed to do it. She fooled and is still fooling everyone. Well, except for me. This is really going to be fun to watch," Alicia replied as she danced around the cage. The woman was in her early 30s yet she behaved like a kid which pissed off a lot of people.

"Do you mind being clear? What do you mean by fooling us all? Alicia, for once, speak not in riddles. I am really curious to know," said Oliver who had been quiet since. He had listened to Alicia speak and one thing he knew for sure was that the lady never told in full detail. It was one of her annoying characters.

"Riddles? I speak not in riddles. Isn't it clear enough?" Alicia asked with a quirked brow. "If you are looking for the open details, I will only give that after I've seen her. Fair deal?"

Dominic shook his head in annoyance.

"I'd see to it that she gets here someday. Though, I can't tell when. I'll be leaving now," Dominic replied and took a step forward.

"Dominic, what if she's the one you've been looking for all this while?" Alicia suddenly asked out of the blue to make Dominic halt. He turned around and looked straight into Alicia's eyes.

"Don't give me hope, Alicia. If she is the one, I would have sensed it a long time ago. She is not," Dominic replied and Alicia nodded.

"I understand. It was just a 'what if' stuff. Have a nice day," Alicia replied and Dominic began walking away with Oliver trying to keep up.

"Dominic. Please slow down. I can't keep up anymore," Oliver shouted as he panted.

Ruffling his hair, Dominic finally stopped and Oliver got to him.

"Much better. Let's go slowly," Oliver said as they both walked out of the dungeon.

"One thing I know is that Alicia is never wrong. But then, she never speaks the whole truth," Said Oliver before sighing.

"I am the least bothered. What the girl is, or whatever her aim here is, she'll be exposed someday," said Dominic, and Oliver replied

"Kingdom Ern has been experiencing some problems. The citizens have been vomiting blood now and then"

Dominic nodded.

Oliver looked at Dominic and wondered how to tell him of the reaper Marianne saw the last night. Deciding to keep shut, the duo continued to walk in silence. In the public library of the mansion, Marianne looked dumbfounded as she dropped the book on the table in front of her.

If what the book had was true.. Oh no.

Marianne's head began to spin. She wasn't ready to die yet.

Going to a shelve, she placed the book carefully and walked out of the room.

Finding her room, Marianne jumped on the bed. She knew she had just a little time before accompanying Dominic to the party. Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep..


Dominic lay on his bed, his chest facing the ceiling. Was she really the one? If only Alicia could throw more light on the issue. The case of Kingdom Ern bothered him. He knew not why the citizens vomited blood. Getting up, he walked away from his room, towards the dungeon.

"I knew you'd come back, Dominic. But I wasn't sure why," Alicia spoke up the moment she noticed Dominic standing outside her cell. "I'm not a criminal to be left alone here. Don't you think I need to have some fresh air?"

Dominic smirked before replying, "The air here is very much comfortable, Alicia. But then, everyone needs a change of environment," Dominic replied and Alicia's eyes widened. She could now see her freedom not too far from her. "Would you like to spend a night with the wolves? It's been a long time since I fed them a full human. Though you're now bony, they'll be glad to have you there"

Alicia grunted angrily. Oh, how foolish she was to think Dominic would let her out.

"Would you be happy if they kill me? Are you so heartless?" Alicia questioned. She had known Dominic for some time and the man was never short of words. He always had sarcastic feedback to leave the other person annoyed.

"I'll be sure to give a befitting burial. The only seer in a hundred years. It's on some conditions though, if the wolves tear you apart, I don't think I'll be able to gather your flesh. Then, I'll be sure to burn the remaining part of your body and store the ashes. I'm a nice man," Dominic replied as he raised his shoulders in pride.

"Fool," Alicia cursed and Dominic answered

"You said?"

"Why are you here? If it's about the girl, I can't say anything about her until I come in contact with her," Alicia said and Dominic smirked even more.

"It seems like you're so much interested in the girl. Well, I'm not. On the contrary, the people of Ern have been vomiting blood. Did you see anything on that?" Dominic questioned and Alicia closed her eyes, trying to think.

"I think I did. But it wasn't clear and I didn't pay much attention to it," Alicia replied and Dominic nodded.

"Dominic, if she's truly the one, don't you think you need to kill her before she kills you?" Alicia asked and Dominic let out a sigh.

"I would not. We're not so sure yet so no need to jump to a conclusion. But if she's the one, I'm glad to have her back,"

Dominic said and began to walk out of the dungeon.



Watch out for my message in the next chapter.

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