
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Visit to the cell- 1

Marianne continued to stare at Regina until her figure was out of sight.

Heaving a sigh, she held the knob and opened the door to the library. The library was fairly big, bigger than the local one in her town. The walls were dark grey in color with countless shelves which held books. Making her way to the shelves, she began to search for anything related to reapers. A memory passed through her eyes. One that had taken place months ago. It was when Carolina and Marianne had watched a movie that featured so many creatures including reapers. That night, Carolina had been so scared to sleep, fearing that a reaper would come to reap her soul.

"Miss, what do you need?"

Marianne suddenly heard a voice. The sudden voice made her heart skip a beat and she turned back to find a man. One Georgia introduced to be Oliver.

"Oh.. Pleasant day," Marianne replied as she forced an awkward smile out of her lips. It was embarrassing to be caught scattering the books in a stranger's house.

"That doesn't answer the question. Does it?" Oliver questioned and Marianne bit her lip.

"Do you mind coming again? I didn't catch up with the question you asked earlier," Marianne replied still holding an awkward smile.

"Do you need anything? You should have asked a servant to help you find the book you're probably looking for than scatter around like a rabbit. Are you one?"

Marianne's eyes narrowed down at him. "I may look like anything but certainly not a rabbit. Do you happen to know the shelves that hold history?" Marianne asked and he nodded.

"I do, miss. Wouldn't it be better if you specified what exactly you need?"

"A book about reapers is what I need. I don't know if it was my imagination but I encountered a reaper yesterday night. I want to read about them"

On the mention of the reaper, Oliver's face darkened.

"Maybe it wasn't your imagination. Give me two minutes," Oliver replied and walked away to the other end of the library.

Maybe it wasn't her imagination? What did he mean by that?

Marianne was confused. Why would such a creature visit her?

"Aha," she heard Oliver say as if finding what he was searching for. Grabbing a book, he began to walk back to Marianne.

He handed a book to her which had the title 'Death(The bringer of death).

Marianne's brows furrowed. Death? The bringer of death?

"I believed I have helped you with what you need. Next time, do not go scattering the shelves. It's Dominic's property," Oliver said and began to walk away.

Marianne held the book firmly in her hand and walked to a seat in the room.

The book looked old.. Not looked, it was definitely old.

Opening the book, she found out the first page had been torn. Flipping again, she finally found some information.

'The Grim Reaper is a spectral entity that is said to be the conscious embodiment of Death itself. Since the 15th century, Death has naturally been sensed to be an invigorated mortal skeleton, draped in pitch-black robes and holding up a scythe. With this scythe, the Reaper severs the soul's last connections to life and consents to the soul's unassailable advancement to the afterlife.

The Grim Reaper has often - falsely - been depicted as an evil spirit that preys on mortals. In truth, however, they are neither evil nor good, merely a force of nature and order. Death is a fundamental part of life and the Grim Reaper has to take possession of the souls of the deceased to maintain the balance of nature. The Reaper does not "kill" mortals, but only ushers their spirits to the next domain and it is not their place to judge souls or determine what will become of them'

Marianne closed the book, trying to digest all of the information she had taken in. From what she had read now, reapers weren't something pleasant to see. Did seeing the reaper mean they would die soon? A lot of thoughts ran through Marianne's mind.


Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, a door opened and a man got into a small room to meet another man there.

"You took quite some time, Oliver. Did you expect me to wait for you?" the other man in the room asked the one who just entered.

"Pardon me, Dominic. I was searching for the parchment in the public library. Will we be going to see Alicia?" Oliver responded.

"I don't see why not. The guards have been complaining that she'd been causing a nuisance in the cell," Dominic replied and Oliver nodded.

"She's trying to get our attention. Let's go visit her, shall we?"

Both Dominic and Oliver made their way to the underground dungeon in the mansion. The guards stationed at the gate bowed their heads in respect to both Oliver and Dominic as they helped them open the gate.

Taking long strides, Oliver and Dominic passed so many cages. The smell of dead bodies lingered in the air but the men were not affected by it. Not even one bit. Finally stopping at a cage, a woman came into sight.

"Ha ha ha.. I was waiting for too long," the woman said in a lovely voice; a voice pleasant to the ears.

The woman had flowing white long hair and a sweet smile adorning her face.

"Alicia. We felt like visiting you," Dominic spoke up to hear the woman called Alicia laugh maniacally.

"Oh boy. I thought so too. Are you here to see your future? Doom! Doom! All I see is Doom!" Alicia screamed.

"The guards told me you've been causing a nuisance for some time now. Why?" Dominic asked, hitting the point.

"Why? What do you think?" Alicia questioned back still having a smile on her face.

"What do I think? Does that matter?" Dominic replied with a question of his own to hear the woman laugh.

"Let's strike a deal, Dominic. I'll tell you, but I want to see the girl. The girl Georgia brought in,"

Oliver looked taken aback, but Dominic wasn't. He had a hunch it was the girl who made Alicia so happy.

"What information would I be getting if I bring the girl?" Dominic replied.

"Nothing much though. Don't you think I need company? I've been here all alone for the past 3 years," Alicia pouted her lips, feigning sadness. "All I can tell from a far distance is that the girl isn't who you think she is. Not only is she smart enough to fool you all, but she's also not human. She would bring doom! Doom! I'd be here to witness it all," Alicia spouted. "In a hundred years, someone has finally fooled the all-powerful Dominic Grey. A woman. I always say- women are the smartest.