
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Dream- 1

The year 1800

The little girl smiled at her reflection in the water.

"Marianne... Rianne..."

She could hear a faint voice call out to her, but she ignored whoever was calling to her.

"There you are"

A huffing woman grabbed her hand.

"I love my dimples"

The little girl whispered softly looking at her reflection in the water.

The older woman smiled as she pat Rianne.

"That is because you are special, Rianne. Very special," the older woman said to earn a little giggle from Rianne.

"Now let's go back, Rianne"

The older woman held her hand.

"Will I come to play tomorrow?"

Rianne asked the elder woman.

"No Rianne. No"

The woman blurted and Rianne's eyes welled up.

"I am sorry dear, I didn't mean it that way. You will, but don't wander too far"

The woman replied and Rianne chuckled.

Rianne was presently fourteen, but she looked like a girl of seven. That was due to her being a different creature, she decided to slow down her aging.

"She wandered off again, Tiff"

The woman holding Rianne's hand reported Rianne.

"I always knew this one would be stubborn"

The woman called Tiff let out a sigh as she spoke.

"Take her to her room"

Tiff ordered and the elder lady led Rianne to her room.

"Mother, would you teach me the poem today?"

Rianne asked in a soft voice.

"That is if there is still time, Rianne. Didn't you think you're being too relaxed? At your age, you should have learned to read and write so you can start the practice. I'll speak with Tiff, you have to learn Rianne"

The woman smiled warmly at Rianne.

"And, I am not your mother. You have no mother"

The woman continued.

That was true, none of them had parents. Females couldn't mate with females definitely.

They were a group of ten goddesses whose blood had been rumored to boost a man's mortal power.

Attacks had come from the humans countless times since they lived on earth, but just five of them could deal with an army. A ritual was done whenever they needed to create another of their kind.

Which made the lady's statement correct.

She had no mother.

She was born from the ritual, and so was all of them at some point.


Rianne replied as she bit her lip making a slight dimple appear on her left cheek.

"Good girl. Now stay in your room and do not get out"

The lady said.

Rianne nodded, but she wasn't one to stay behind closed doors.

Noticing the woman gone, she tiptoed out of her room to her garden.

Rianne loved playing with the flowers. She touched them all gently until her eyes caught sight of something.

It was a human, in their territory.

She was supposed to scream and call for help as humans, especially males sought their blood after all. But she approached him.

"What are you doing here?"

She asked boldly as she reached the boy.

He was a few inches taller than her.

He turned to her emotionless.

"You should be scared, after all, we humans sought your blood"

He deadpanned.

A faint smile appeared on her lips when her eyes caught sight of his sheath holding a sword in it.

"You know sword? Teach me, please. Mother refuses to teach me. Always wanting me to learn their sick practices. I need some fresh air away from all of this magic"

She pouted making a faint dimple etch on her cheeks.

His brows twitched. He had come to survey their land so he could know how to infiltrate. But who knew he would meet trouble?

"You should leave before I harm you"

He deadpanned.

He aimed to get the blood of at least a goddess. It would earn him millions because even the richest wanted their blood.

"You want my blood right? I'll give you my blood, boy human. But you will teach me. Deal?"

She asked as she stretched forth her hand to him.

He tilted his face as he looked at the little girl in front of him.

She was offering her blood to him in exchange for training.

Did she know she was playing with fire?


He said gauging her emotion.

"Please. Take my blood"

She made a slight cut on her hand and her greenish blood fell off.

He licked his lips.

What millions sought was in front of his very own eyes.

"Deal. We meet here by three tomorrow. I'll teach you all you need to know, in exchange for your blood, whenever we meet"

He made his last words clear to her and instantly, she flung her hands on him and hugged him.

"You're so good, boy human... Thank you... Do come tomorrow. I'll be here"

She hugged him one last time and ran away giggling.

But almost immediately, she ran back.

"I am Marianne, Rianne for short. What is your name?"

She asked him beaming.


He deadpanned.

She nodded her head and ran away leaving him speechless once more.


'Dear readers,

It's your author- Silksiren. If you've got to this juncture in this book, I'll like you to tell me what you think.

This book isn't like others, and at some point, you're meant to be confounded by the way things are moving. It's a book with so many enigmas which would always leave you hanging.

Remember it's a dream which might also be part of the past. Do not get too worked up as I am doing my best to make sure it doesn't confuse you too much. Also, the update is slow and I apologize. I am a human and I have priorities. Though writing is among them I have other things to deal with. A lot is happening now, and I promise that once things are settled, I'll give two chapters every day. Aside from that, I'm a very social person. Don't be a ghost reader and tell me what you think about the characters. When free, I'll be sure to read the comments and reply if possible. You're my fuel, readers and I'll like.. No, love your encouragement.

Much love,
