
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Meeting him again-2

"Why purposely hurt my feelings?" Georgia asked with a cracked voice. "Feelings? I never thought you had one after creating a mass murder," he deadpanned.

Gulping hard, Georgia took two steps closer to him, only for him to take two steps back.

"Don't you think it was too early to judge me? I loved yo--" Georgia tried speaking but was instantly interrupted by his cold stare. The smile on his lips died down as he started intensely. "Love? Don't be ridiculous. I said this earlier, Georgia Unok- I.have.found.somebody," he said, stressing the last part. More tears began to drop from Georgia's eyes and she bit her lower lip.

"What happened to the nicknames we made for ourselves," Georgia questioned to see his lip curve into a small smile.

"I buried them together with my feelings for you," he replied curtly.

"You're not even married to her yet. I still have a chance," Georgia spoke up to hear him chuckle.

"Oh, I think I missed telling you. I'll be wedding my beloved Evelyn Jacques soon in the local church located in Rockville. I'll send an invitation to the mansion which would contain the finer details. You're highly invited," he spoke which made Georgia press her lip together

"She would never marry you once she knows you're not human.. I'll be sure to tell her about it," Georgia replied which made Ian chuckle.

"I would love to see you try," he replied, still smiling.

"How are Dominic and Oliver?" Ian asked.

"You didn't ask about them, I thought you'd forgotten their existence," Georgia sarcastically replied as she sniffed.

"We could have had a proper conversation if not for you bringing up our ugly past," he said and it made Georgia frown. Ugly past? "How blind I was then not to have seen through your facade," Ian tched.

"I did not..," Georgia tried speaking but was shunned by Ian who looked around like he was observing something.

"We have company," he uttered and Georgia suddenly became aware of her surrounding.

"Witches," Georgia muttered under her breath.

"Who do we have here? A couple. I must say, I enjoyed the bickering a lot," a woman with short wavy blonde hair said as she approached Georgia in particular.

"Who are you?" Georgia asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"Take a lucky guess. I might spare your life if you guess right"

Georgia bit her bottom lip gently.. This was trouble!

"Seems like you're tongue-tied.. Let me help you with that," the woman replied. "Charge!"

The lady screamed..


Marianne checked the time. It was just minutes past twelve. Her stomach burned. She hadn't eaten. Besides, where was Georgia? Marianne asked herself. .

'I can't keep waiting for Georgia. I am pretty sure I'll die of hunger while doing that'

Sighing, Marianne got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

Stepping out, her mind recalled the reaper.

"Might you happen to need anything?" Marianne heard a voice after stepping out. A girl who held a mop and bucket; dressed in servant clothing asked.

"Oh, can you take me to the library?" Marianne replied with a smile. The servant had blonde hair with beautiful black eyes. Not too plump but of the average statue.

"Sure miss. Give me a minute to drop this bucket and mop. I'll be back," the servant replied and bolted out. Marianne took a good look at the hallway. She wanted to visit the library and read more about grim reapers. Maybe that would enable her to know why it visited.

"Alright, let us go," Marianne heard the servant speak.

"I am Marianne," Marianne introduced herself immediately after they began to walk away from the hallway.

"Oh.. I am Regina. Nice meeting you miss," the servant replied and Marianne nodded her head.

"I am the only nice servant you'll ever meet in this mansion. I know why I'm saying this. Call me anytime," Regina spoke and Marianne offered her a smile.

"I'm a book lover, I mean I read a lot. I also love the romance genre- 'the happily ever after' stuff," Regina continued as she giggled. The girl seemed to be a bubbly person.

"Great. I love reading history instead. Learning more about mythical creatures. I think we both have odd choices," Marianne said and gave Regina an awkward smile.

"No, I don't. Every normal lady loves reading 'Happily ever after'. No offense Marianne, but you're the odd one here. I mean who enjoys reading history? Maybe that's why Master Dominic despises you a lot," Regina spoke as she raised her chin. "Be a doll and maybe he'll show a little interest in you... We're here"

Marianne halted hearing Regina.

"I think you're mistaken, Regina. I'm not here as one of his.. Umm, you know. I'm here as a butler so don't mix things up," Marianne retorted to hear Regina chuckle maniacally.

"Tell me more.. It's only a matter of time before he sweeps you off your feet. Every cheap girl and even wealthy ladies fall head over heels for him. Some try to resist, but with a smile of his, their so-called resistance melts," Regina replied and Marianne's lips curved up.

"Are you talking from experience Regina? If so, you should have said it earlier. I'm not interested in Dominic okay," Marianne replied.

"Really? Why the unnecessary exposing gowns? Even trying to play prince charming.. How funny. He was right when he said it was just too cliche to get his attention," Regina responded in a mocking tone. Marianne's eyes widened. Did Dominic go telling everyone? That shameless man.

"He didn't. I just happened to be around your hallway when it happened. I'm only eating into your time, Marianne. Have fun at the later party with him and maybe you'll impress him better there. This is the general library. Read as you wish.." Regina added and began to walk away.