
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Meeting him again- 1

"I would believe you, Marianne. Tell me," Georgia said as she noticed the ambivalent expression in Marianne's eyes.

"It.it.was.. Sigh! I don't know if you'd believe me... But I.. I.. Encountered a reaper," Marianne said as she closed her eyes- failing to notice the angst in Georgia's eyes.


The weather wasn't a cordial one. It was that period of the year when the rain always threatened to pour. In the gigantic library of the Grey's mansion, Dominic sat on a chair at the very end of the room. He held some parchments in his hand which he read with a bored expression on his face.

"Foolish humans," he muttered as he turned the page. The large door to the library flung open and he need not be told who was there.

"Dominic, why did you do that?" Georgia asked furiously as she marched to the man who had an amused look on his face.

"It depends on what you heard, Georgia," he replied, dropping the parchment on the table adjacent to him.

"Oh stop this, Dominic. Do not pretend like you know nothing," Georgia replied, folding her hands on her chest.

"I expected better. Throwing tantrums?" Dominic asked as the corner of his lips pulled up.

"Why wouldn't I? Now tell me, what was your aim in doing that to her? I brought her here for my reasons," Georgia ranted in a harsh tone as of warning Dominic.

"Just keep talking, I'll yawn when you say something important," Dominic replied which got Georgia pissed.

"Explain to me, Dominic.. Why did you visit her? She told she saw a grim reaper. How the f*ck do you explain that?" Georgia yelled out to Dominic who looked nothing close to bothered.

Finally, he yawned before replying to her. "I'll pardon you today, Georgia. The next time you call my name without adding the six-lettered word- 'Master', I pity your outcome,"

Georgia blinked her eyes continuously. This man was getting crazier by the second.

"And since when was that rule implemented?" Georgia retorted. "Since the very second you prioritized the girl over me," he replied before closing his eyes and ignoring the lady in front of him.

Georgia rubbed her temple as she sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry if you feel I'm prioritizing her over you. I think I acted precipitously. Why did you do it, Dominic?" She spoke, but this time calmly.

"Are you stupid or just playing deaf?" He asked, opening his eyes fiercely. His red eyes looked deep into her eyes. "Besides, since when did I have to explain myself to you? I am Dominic Grey, in case you've forgotten. Mind your utterances and count yourself lucky I haven't snapped your head. I don't tolerate this sort of attitude. I'm a man with very thin patience, Georgia. I don't think I need to remind you," He said in a calm voice, but Georgia was no fool to not decipher the hidden meanings of his word.

"Sorry for intruding," Georgia murmured and began to walk away from the room. "Pardoned. I might not take your intrusion kindly next time," Dominic whispered..


Georgia clutched her dress in anger. Dominic was really pissing her off to no end. There was a word that could describe Dominic- it was 'Psychopath'

He loved teasing people with his harsh words. At times, no.. He could be characterized as a narcissist.

Pressing her lips together, Georgia walked out of the mansion. She buried her hand in the jade-colored gown she wore which had two front pockets.

She took a walk down the woods. Dominic was really one hell of a man for building his house in the middle of nowhere. Closing her eyes, she opened them to find herself in a different place. It was a lonely road. Lonely because no one could be spotted outside. Taking a few steps, she halted when she saw him. It was a man with cream-colored hair and beautiful blue eyes. He wore a sweater and a pair of black pants. The man looked charming with that killer smile he had on his face. Biting her lip, Georgia continued sucking in the man's appearance.

"Where are you off to, darl?" A sweet feminine voice asked which brought Georgia out of her train of thought. Darl? It made Georgia chuckled dryly as she hid behind a nearby rock.

"To get wood. I'll be back soon," the man replied. The lady who asked could now be seen. Bitch! Georgia cursed seeing the lady who possessed black hair and brown eyes. No doubt, the lady was beautiful. But why then?

"I want to come along. Can I?" the lady questioned as she got very close to the man. Like it was nothing, the man scooped the lady into his hand and gave her a ferocious kiss. Georgia's palms balled into fists.

"I love you, Evelyn," the man spoke pulling away from the kiss. The lady smiled as she pecked the man's cheek.

"Alright then, I'll be indoors. Please do not waste time else I and our unborn baby would come searching," the lady referred to as Evelyn said and began to walk away. Smiling, the man began walking to the forest not too far from where he had spoken with the lady.

Georgia who had been watching all of this couldn't help the tears. They rolled down her cheeks and she sniffed. Getting up, she wiped her tears and began to follow him.

She needed to end all of this now.

Reaching deep into the woods, the man turned back with a smile adorning his handsome face.

"Georgia, stop being immature and come out," the man spoke leisurely and Georgia did exactly what he said.

"It's been really long since I saw you. I know I have a poor memory but I'm sure I made it clear to stop following me around. Didn't I?"

The man asked and Georgia swallowed.

"You did. And I will, after today. Ian, why not give me another chance? I promise to make it right this time," Georgia spoke gently as she took a step forward to see the man step backward.

"Have you no shame, Miss Georgia Unok? After wiping out a whole town for your own good? Sorry, but in case you didn't hear me well last time, break everything we ever shared," Ian replied. "Not like we shared much though," he continued as he shrugged his shoulders. Georgia's eyes widened upon hearing him.

"Say that again and I'll.. Everyone makes mistakes, can't you forgive?" Georgia asked trying to control the tears from slipping down.

"Of course Miss Georgia, and I hold no grudge against you but, I've found a woman for myself.," he said as he touched his pink kissable lips as if remembering the kiss. "Also, don't hold back before me. You're free to cry. Sometimes it washes the pain off"

Like she heard the word she was looking for, the tears came falling.