
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 12: Negotiations

Alexandra's wing disappeared as Ramiel tried suppressing her Jenova cells with his Cetra powers. Using the lifestream as a seal that Ifalna taught him for that exact same scenario.

Though it was more because she calmed down when he appeared and began soothing her. "Was that a Megaflare? Why were you so angry in the first place?" Ramiel had a wry smile on his face and Alex sheepishly scratched her cheek.

"I hurt you... Sorry nii-san, and it just all exploded. I don't know why, everything just went dark all of a sudden." Alex looked at the ground and was ashamed.

'She's more attached to me than I thought. This will be complicated.' Ramiel put his chin on her head and hugged her.

"I told you it's fine, I'm not bothered by it. I know you didn't mean it. We've been together since day one." Ramiel kissed the top of her head and she began to melt in his embrace.

"You don't ever do that anymore... I missed that." She looked up at him and nuzzled her face on his chest.

"I thought you didn't like it, that you're a big girl now." He smirked at her and chuckled a bit. "Nii-san... Whatever, thanks for forgiving me. That was a bit immature of me."

"Well, isn't that supposed to be normal? You should be quite immature at your age. I won't hold it against you." Ramiel ruffled her hair and she glared at him.

"Hey, I brushed my hair for an hour to get it this smooth. Please don't mess it up." She huffed at him and he laughed.

"Okay, now let's eat dinner. I caught a lot of fish and even got a wild boar! Good thing I brought a lot of spices." He took her hand and they went back to their tent in the Shinra base. Fixing the ruined tent quickly.


After she fell asleep, Ramiel went outside and lit up a cigarette. Puffing up smoke with a heavy sigh. He flew up to the skies to get a better signal and created a barrier for the wind.

"Hey, Gast. I've gotta tell you something, it ain't pretty too." Ramiel started calling Gast and he was annoyed, because he was about to start an experiment.

"What is it then? I'm about to begin an experiment here, kid. I'm starting to go old, I can't juggle my family and work at the same time anymore." Gast was impatient and Ramiel sighed.

"Alexandra isn't exactly degrading. But she mutated earlier, spawning a black wing on her back." Ramiel said succinctly and Gast went quiet for a few seconds.

"Jenova... It's the Jenova cells isn't it? What happened? Did she mutate further? Went... Crazy?" Gast feared for the worst.

"Fortunately, no. But she was about to blow up Wutai village with a Megaflare earlier. If that isn't someone going crazy. I don't know what to tell you. She said something to me earlier and thought I got mad. Alex then went on a rampage, Wutai almost got annihilated earlier." Ramiel explained and Gast was aghast, no puns intended.

"Damn it, you made your sister too strong, kid. I don't know about you, but when things go down. You're the only one who can handle her. And in a world where there are supersoldiers, that's some scary stuff." Gast was really worried that Alexandra would go bonkers and Ramiel wasn't up to the task to stop her, permanently.

"Don't worry about that. She won't go to the deep end, old man. I have trust in her, besides. I think I'm the only one who can talk some sense to her. Though I think that Ifalna and Aerith can do something as well." Ramiel shrugged and thought that his number 1 priority is to not let her experience those kinds of emotions again in the near future.

"Alright then, I trust your decisions enough to know that you know what you're doing. We'll have to double down on our project when you return here to Nibelheim kid, that shit is scary. It's your fault too, turning her into a walking nuclear bomb that has a hair trigger." Gast sighed and Ramiel gave a nervous laugh.


At Fort Tamblin, Godo Kisaragi was already having a meeting with his council. While their men were collecting some information from the sites of destruction through investigations.

And the first files of the results came back, the people there reading them. "Godo, a wide part of the eastern forest is now a wasteland that is burned to the ground. Glaciers appeared in some places too."

"I know, we've read the same report. And that was just one of them, we don't know the exact reason why she really dislikes Wutai... But the fact that she has enough animosity to throw that attack which devastated the western part of the island is not good." Godo closed his eyes and imagined vividly how that attack destroyed everything in its wake.

"What do you mean not good!?" One of the council members slammed his hand on the table. "It isn't just, not good, Godo... This is terrifying, one of those monsters is ready to send us to oblivion. While the brother is a mystery, we can't just do nothing and be sitting ducks here."

The others agreed and thought it was a national crisis of the highest order. "Silence. Look at this, this is the reason why I am much calmer than you think." Godo passed the letter that Ramiel gave them.

"What? A plan to oppose Shinra... But, is he seriously saying that we would lose without a fight? Such arrogance!" The council was outraged and Godo frowned heavily, that's why he hasn't consulted them about Ramiel's plan.

'My nation is in great danger, a disaster in the form of two people arrived. And these idiots still speak of arrogance, my country is doomed.' Godo closed his eyes and hung his head low.


'I need to refill my energy, my Ramielium.' Alexandra stared at her brother intently. Her intense stress and mental burden earlier, making her more fatigued than normal.

She began scheming and wanted to hug him tightly while she slept. So she patiently waited for her brother to fall asleep. In the middle of the night, she went up to his bed while using gravity Materia on herself so she would practically be weightless.

"Nii-san~ You still awake?" Alex waved her hand near his face and his breathing didn't change. She was sure that he was in a deep sleep. Alex then casted sleep on him even further.

"Okay, he's asleep. I can recharge peacefully now." Alex snuggled up to him and clung to him like a leech.

But what she didn't notice in her happiness was a pair of orbs that glowed in the dark slightly. Looking at her with amused eyes.

After a few hours of sleep, the sun started to shine and Alex naturally began to wake up. As they always woke up at the break of dawn, their body clocks having been used to it for years.

"Munya, nii-sama... Please hug me tighter~ guhehehe~" Alexandra hugged her pillow as Ramiel already woke up and was cooking them some breakfast with the fish he caught and some sausages he made from a wild boar.

"W-wha?" Alex started to sober up and she saw Ramiel cooking on a stove top that wasn't really possible to set up inside a tent.

"You slept well?" Ramiel asked her while cooking and he was currently shirtless. Just finished having a shower.

She drooled for a bit, admiring his back. They were currently using their forms where they look like teens after all. And it was a real treat for her eyes and soul.

"N-nii-san... What are you cooking? It's making me drool." She gave a preemptive excuse immediately. So Ramiel wouldn't suspect her for being a pervert.

"Just some braised fish and home made sausages. I made some fried rice too, I know you like rice and heavy breakfasts." Ramiel looked at her and gave a smile.

"Hngh, t-that sounds wonderful." Alexandra gave a cramped smile and was feeling guilty. Thinking that he must've known that she definitely snuck up on him and clung to him in his sleep.

"Now, let's eat. I have a feeling that Godo Kisaragi will send a message to us. So we need to try and find a squad of Wutai soldiers. If he didn't, then we just send them back to them again. Even if they aren't in one piece." Ramiel patted her head and Alexandra nodded, eating some of the fish.

"Wow, this is much better than what we ate at Shinra HQ. It tastes amazing." Alex forgot that she practically drugged him with a spell and clung to him. Her large appetite, winning out.

"Well, that's because it's all fresh and home made. Thanks for the compliment, say. Do you know why my left arm is numb? You think I slept on it funny?" Ramiel asked her seriously and she froze.

He then laughed and ruffled her hair. "Come on, Let's go after we finish breakfast. I have a better idea, just go to the center of Wutai. Let's just use confu on the Shinra soldiers." He started eating and just smiled at her.

Alex had a bright red face on and pouted at him for teasing her. "Nii-san, you're such a meanie... I won't forget this, I'll surely take revenge later when we're older..." Alex squinted her eyes, but he just laughed at her.


After Ramiel washed the dishes, they rounded up all the Shinra soldiers and he used confu on them. Everyone's eyes went blank and Ramiel also erased their memories by brainwashing them. So they won't be able to investigate Alex's rampage earlier. Attributing it to some gas leaks from Wutai's side, which was understandable. As they do not use Mako reactors for energy.

Ramiel then looked at Alex and gave a smirk. Having an idea, she spawned a black wing earlier because of Jenova's cells having heightened activity due to her mental instability. When she was calm, Jenova didn't really have any influence on her due to the massive amounts of Mako in her body.

"What? I don't like that look on your face. Is my dear brother going to assault me!?" She gasped and tried teasing him.

"Hmmm, no. I want you to try and spawn a wing just like I can. Flying is really convenient, we could probably use Mako to fly, but that needs further training. Our wings are basically crutches, I want you to try and spawn one again. It will also be a good shock factor when we arrive in Wutai." Ramiel explained to her and she thought about it.

"Let me get a feel for it, I need to remember how it felt..." Alex concentrated and furrowed her brows. Trying to remember how it happened in the first place.

"You can do it, you've already done it once. Visualize it and try to control the Jenova cells. Let it free for a bit, you already know how. Just don't listen to its voice." Ramiel was gambling, but he knew that chances of success were high. He could also brute force the Jenova cells back to hybernation by using the lifestream which is everywhere.

Alex nodded and imagined it, loosening her control a bit on her Jenova cells so she could mutate and create wings.

After a few minutes, a jet black wing with feathers appeared and she sighed in disappointment. "I can't do it like you nii-san, I can only get one. But I feel like I can fly with it still." Alex flapped the wing and he nodded in satisfaction.

"That's enough. We just need to make you practice it." He patted her head and spawned his own. He then grinned at her, hugging her tightly. He jumped up to the skies and Alex knew what he was going to do.

"Nii-san! I swear, if you drop me from this height. I'll poison your food!" She wasn't really going to take any damage because of terminal velocity. But it was still in a human's instinct to fear such heights without a way to help yourself.

"Bombs away!" He let go of her and she let out a shriek. She spread her limbs to slow down and Ramiel flew next to her with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Come on, I'm waiting." He yawned and Alex glared at him. "Oh, you're so dead." She didn't knew it, but she also gave an unconscious smile. Enjoying the view of Wutai that was undeniably beautiful. Though there was a bald spot in the east from her rampage and a large crater at the west.

Alex steadied herself as she made herself upright. Putting Mako in her wing as she flapped it. She then felt that Mako was the key, and her wing was the conduit to levitate in the air. As it was really responsive to the stuff.

She fumbled in the air for a bit, but she noticeably slowed down. Concentrating for a minute, she suddenly stopped in the air and began to float.

"I.. I did it, this is amazing." Alex looked around and she was genuinely flying. Floating in the sky like a conqueror that was above everything.

"Feels nice, right? Let's go, race ya. Last one's a poopy head." Ramiel laughed and he bullet dived into the direction of Wutai village as sonic booms followed suit.

"Damn! I'm definitely not going to lose!" Alex had a smile on her face and accelerated as well. Breaking the sound barrier after a few seconds, but he was too far already.

Ramiel waited in the sky and had his arms across his chest, sunbathing. "Took you long enough, poopy head. Maybe I shouldn't give you your shampoo?" Ramiel laughed and she gasped.

"N-not the shampoo and conditioner." She was genuinely scared and he ruffled her hair. "I'm just joking." He then gestured for them to go down and they dived down to Wutai's main village where fort Tamblin was.

Black feathers started falling from the sky and the citizens began thinking it was a bad omen. The twins landed in the front of the gates and greeted the guards.

"Yo, tell Godo Kisaragi we're here for payment. Every 15 minutes he isn't here, we'll be razing a part of the city. Your time starts now." Ramiel began casting spells and a large ball of fire appeared in the sky. Casting a shadow on the village.

The guards froze and their first instinct was to open fire. But they saw the large shadow in the sky and it was a huge ass fireball. And the temperature in the surroundings began to rise.

One of them immediately ran away and the other guard was just standing there, cursing his comrade that left him behind.

"Wonderful day we're having. It would be a shame if a large fireball just landed in the village, don't you think?" Alexandra smiled at the soldier and he started shivering.

"Hey, my sister's talking to you man. I didn't know that the people of Wutai are rude, especially a soldier." Ramiel teased him and the soldier began sweating heavily.

"Uhhh. Y-yes, that would be a shame..." The soldier gulped and began counting the time in his head. Praying that their leader would come within 15 minutes. Because he was sure that they would definitely begin razing their land to the ground if he doesn't.

After 10 minutes, Godo Kisaragi came to the gates. With a bit of sweat on his brow from the exercise and nervousness. Seeing the large ball of fire in the sky.

"Hey, it's your turn man. We don't got all day." Ramiel and Alexandra was playing old maid with the guard who was incredibly pale.

Godo and the other guard who called him was definitely not expecting that and he coughed to get their attention.

"Ahem, I am Godo Kisaragi. The ruler of Wutai, I believe that we have a talk to be had." Godo calmed his nerves and greeted them.

"You already know us, but it's good manners to introduce one's self in a first meeting. I am Ramiel and this is my sister Alexandra." Ramiel grinned at him, extinguishing his spell and reabsorbing the Mako from it which made them sigh in relief.

"Please let me guide you to fort Tamblin. We will talk there." Godo gestured for them to follow him, but they shook their head.

"No, we talk here. All the members involved are already here, are we not? No need to rope in more people that have useless opinions, old man. Time is gold." Ramiel stood up and began the negotiations.

"A-alright. So, what is it that you're going to offer us anyway?" Godo tried getting the one up, but Ramiel clicked his tongue and wiggled his index finger at him.

"Tsk, tsk. Old man, politics is useless here. You and I know, everybody knows. That we have you and your whole nation by the balls. Your stupid little friends at that flimsy fort might not, but your soldiers and warriors know. You don't have a single chance in defeating Shinra." Ramiel's eyes glowed and Godo frowned heavily, but he couldn't refute his words.

"So here's the deal. We'll give false reports to Shinra that you're much stronger than we believed. And many casualties is inevitable if Shinra invades your nation." Alexandra smirked at him.

"But what's the tradeoff?" Godo furrowed his brows and Ramiel smiled at him. "I'm glad you asked, we want to turn this place into a tourist attraction. And we'll have a monopoly on it. Fair trade if I do say so myself." Ramiel threw some plans for a beach resort and some island hopping establishments.

"A... A tourist attraction? Do you take us for fools!?" Godo was understandably angry, but Alex stomped on the ground and the earth split. An earthquake shook the whole village.

"Shut up, old man. You have no power here, you don't talk to my brother like that, understand? He's the only reason your nation isn't a burning hellscape. He values Wutai very much, but I could care less." The air shaked as Alexandra's Mako leaked from her body.

"Now, now. Let's make the man pick. It's his choice in the end, either submit. Or see your home burn to the ground. I think it's an easy choice?" Ramiel smiled at him and Godo almost had an aneurysm.

He was proud, but they were right. Even if he used their secret Materia. And in the chance that they win, Wutai would definitely be in an apocalyptic scenario.

"Y-yes... We have a deal..." Godo gritted his teeth and swallowed his pride for his people. "There it is, I knew you were sensible. Though we can't expose ourselves. So Shinra will probably finish consolidating their forces in a year or just a few months under. But we'll try to save as many people as possible."

Ramiel struck a hard bargain and Godo was powerless. Accepting the fate of his country with a defeated sigh.

"Good choice, we'll leave and give our report to Shinra. This is the file we'll give them, you better play your roles in the war. Or there will be dire consequences. We might be strong enough to split up with Shinra, but it's too valuable. We can't rebel just yet." Alexandra nodded at him and Godo received some files from her.

The twins then flew away. Godo and his men just stared at them, thinking it was a fever dream or something. "What monsters, I can't even fathom how much they will grow... Those children aren't human. The world will either be in flames because of them, or flourish to new heights. We're only here to be actors in their play." Godo massaged his temples and ought to prepare for the future.


Thanks for reading everyone, anyways. Ciao.