
Fated To The Alpha King

He Hates Love She Hates He Is The Alpha King She Is A Slave What happens when this two are tied together by fate? ------------------ Logan Raw, The Alpha King of the four region. He hates all about love and the mating bond. His father found his mate after getting married to his mother. His childhood was ruined because of this, Hence he vowed never to find his mate or fall in love. Snow, Lost her parents to her uncle, Felix's schemes. She became a slave to the entire Musher Pack and was made to serve all of Felix's male guests until she was made to serve Logan, The Alpha King without a heart. What happens when Logan eventually falls in love? That too, to a slave? What happens when that slave also turns out to be his mate? Will he accept this? Will the pack accept a slave as their Luna? There's only one way to find out?

Scarlett01 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


The cool evening breeze blew and the sea wave danced gracefully to the ceaseless music of the breeze.

The waves come and go as it incites everyone and anyone to want to have a dip in the sea but On the sea shore, just a few people were seen walking and enjoying the cool evening breeze.

The beach wasn't as busy as it used to be and the few people present were seen moving around in pairs. Among such people were Alpha Leo of the midnight pack and his Luna Rose.

They were walking hand in hand with Alpha Leo's hand resting on Rose's waist. They were both having a romantic moment walking by the beachside.

This has been a routine which they took every day as Rose loves taking evening walks by the beachside.

"Why do you enjoy taking a walk at the seaside every evening? Alpha Leo asked teasingly, his hand pulling playfully on Rose's cheek.

"Look at it, Leo."

Rose pointed at the sky as it turns golden as the sunset. "Look at the beauty of nature and tell me if it isn't worth watching." She placed her head on Leo's shoulder.

"Do you even have to ask this? I mean, nature is just too beautiful."

"It is indeed beautiful." Alpha Leo concurred.

He held Rose by the waist, pushing her ahead while he led her to their favorite spot on the beach.

They both took a seat on the beach sand and watch the sunset. Suddenly Rose sat up straight and she looked towards the far end of the shore.

"Do you hear that? she said to Alpha Leo who also sat up straight and looked in the direction she was looking.

"That sound like a baby." Alpha Leo stated and Rose jumped up.

"It is a baby."

She listened further and the loud cry of the baby was touching her heart. She couldn't sit back anymore. She immediately started walking in the direction that the voice was coming from.

She noticed a basket and as she drew closer to the shore. The cry became louder as she got closer to the basket, making it certain that the cry was coming from inside the basket.

"Oh No!

Rose hissed and jumped forward without thinking twice. She dashed forward and opened the basket to bring out the most beautiful parcel anyone could ever receive.

"Wow! Rose exclaimed as she brought the baby out of the basket. "She is so beautiful!

"Yes, she is," Alpha Leo agreed, with his mouth agape as he stared at the baby.

Rose looked around in search of the baby's mother or father. "Whose baby, is she? she asked and Leo shrugged before putting his hands forward.

"Let me hold her."

"Okay" Rose handed the baby to him while looking around worriedly.

Alpha Leo looked at the baby and smiled. His heart felt warm seeing her in his arms. He felt so drawn to her that he couldn't help but kiss her.

"I'll go find her parents," Rose said and she left quickly. She asked around to know if anyone was spotted with a baby at the beach that evening.

However, despite asking everyone around no one seem to have seen the mother or father of the beautiful baby.

"Was she abandoned here? Rose wondered sadly.

"That should be the case since no one seems to know who her parents are or how she got here" Leo shook his head pitifully.

"That's terrible" Rose hissed in anger. "How could anyone abandon such a beautiful baby here?"

"What if she is a gift bestowed upon us by the moon goddess?" Alpha Leo stated.

He placed another kiss on the baby's forehead and she cooed in response. He felt so attached to the baby that he didn't want to let her go anymore. In fact, a selfish part of him was hoping they wouldn't find the baby's parents.

Rose thought about his words and she nodded. There was indeed a sense in what he said. After all, they have been looking to the moon goddess for a child for a long time.

If no one saw the parents of the child or see anyone drop the child there, then it does make sense to think that she is indeed a gift to them from the moon goddess.

Rose again took another look at the baby her husband was holding and she couldn't help loving her.

"The baby is so adorable!

"Let's go home," Alpha Leo said, eager to go home with his newly bestowed baby.

"Okay" Rose nodded and she also followed her husband and they both went home with their baby.

As soon as they left, Juliet came out of her hiding spot. She watched the couple take the child away and she followed them stealthily.

She spotted them and noted where they resided. She hid herself somewhere to stay close to the baby as ordered by the Luna and since she had nowhere to go, she stayed in an abandoned shed close to the Alpha's house.

Meanwhile in the Alpha's house....*

Alpha Leo was waltzing around the room happily with the baby in his arms, He had refused to put down the baby since they arrived back home. He even slept holding the baby for the entire night.

"Leo, what should we call her? Rose asked as she went back to the room to see Alpha Leo singing a lullaby to hush her up.

She smiled and wiped a lone tear from her eyes, seeing how happy her husband was to hold a baby.

Seeing him that happy made her realize how considerate he had been towards her. Because despite her childlessness, he never loved her less. Only now did she realize how much he yearned for a child.

"We'll call her Snow" Alpha Leo stated with his eyes not leaving the little cutie.

"My pretty little Snow."

"What? Rose exclaimed. " How can you call her that?

"It's a nice name don't you think?

"But why would you want to call her that? It is not even winter yet."

"I know it's not winter yet but look at her, everything around is so cool. Besides, look at how white and flawless her skin is." Alpha Leo rocked the baby happily.

"Isn't she as white as snow?

Rose looked at the baby and nodded in agreement. "Snow is lovely too."

"Great" Alpha Leo was filled with immense joy.

"Hello Snow" He happily rocked her.

"Leo, you know I do not have much experience on how to raise a baby. So, I think we should hire a caretaker for our Snow, don't you think?"

Alpha Leo nodded at Rose's suggestion. "Yeah, we should." His eyes landed on Snow and his lips curled up.

"First, I would like to introduce my Princess to the Pack."

"Yeah, that's a good idea" Rose agreed.

Later that evening, Alpha Leo gathered everyone in the pack and introduced Snow to them all.

"I present to you all my baby and the future Alpha of the Moonlight pack, Princess Snow."

"Welcome Snow!" Everyone Chorused. They were all happy for the couple and their loud applauding sound rang through the entire pack as they congratulated the couple.

"Congratulations Alpha and Luna! Everyone shouted happily.

"Listen, everyone, I need a babysitter for my baby," Rose announced needing a babysitter for the baby.

Juliet took the cue and rushed forward. She knelt before the Alpha and Luna.

"I can do it."

"Who are you? The couple asked in unison.

"My name is Juliet and I'm very good at babysitting."

"Juliet, but I haven't seen you in the pack before now." Alpha Leo checked properly to confirm his statement.

"Are you new here? Rose asked, eyeing Juliet suspiciously.

"Yes Alpha, I'm new to the pack" Juliet bowed.

"Where do you stay?

"I haven't gotten a house but I have been occupying the empty shed beside your house."

Rose exchanged gazes with Alpha Leo and She smiled in satisfaction.

"You are welcome to stay in our house."