
Exploring the Multiverse

Join Kade Mercer as he travels through anime and fiction worlds one after another with the help of his abilities————- First world: Solo Leveling Second world: Marvel Cinematic -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER!!! I don’t own anything apart from my OC characters Be aware that I'm only doing the mainstream animes/Manwha/Manhua/Novels/Games as my knowledge beyond mainstream ones is non-existent

Ikkarus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 18

The grand hall buzzed with anticipation as Kade's words hung in the air. They were awed by his arrogance, but more so by his confidence.

Kade looked at the crowd, taking note of the few hunters who exuded an aura worth recruiting.

"Now, I know why everyone is here. Let's not delay it any further and begin the test to see who'll be the new member of my SCA guild."

The crowd murmured as they heard the name of the guild for the first time, wondering what SCA stood for.

"Now, to join my guild, it is very simple. All of you that have gathered here today… will fight."

The crowd immediately raised their voices in disbelief at his declaration.

"Mr. Kade, you can't be serious! There are over fifty of us here, and some are not even made for combat. This is not fair," one of the hunters, who seemed to be a healer, protested, with others nodding in agreement.

Kade, with a grin, didn't hesitate and said, "And?"

While the others were trying to argue that this wasn't fair, one of the hunters, a strong swordsman, attacked the person standing next to him. This immediately triggered a reaction from the crowd, and without Kade saying anything further, chaos erupted as everyone started fighting.

The magic-class hunters distanced themselves and began attacking from a distance, while the melee combatants chased after them. Kade watched with amusement, guessing who would become his new guild members.

As the fight continued, the hunters seemed to forget one crucial detail, what was the limit? How many of them had to get hurt before this barbaric free-for-all ended?

After many hunters gave up and passed out on the ground, Kade, with his usual self, raised his hands. "That's enough. The ones standing may stay, but those of you who gave up and are unconscious, you may leave."

About half the hunters left with their heads down, while the others who had passed out were carried out by Kade's subordinates.

As Kade watched the remaining hunters, he wasn't surprised to find that half of them were healers. Instead of fighting head-on, they had used the people around them, teaming up with strong hunters while providing support, and in return, being protected by them.

"I officially welcome you all to SCA guild. Secure, Contain, Attack. You all won't regret joining me as we will become the strongest."

The hall erupted in murmurs of excitement and curiosity. Kade's elite team, still under his control, began to organize the recruits into smaller groups based on their abilities and specialties.

Kade walked among them, observing closely, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. He approached a young woman named Yoon Ji-Yeon, who had demonstrated an exceptional healing ability during the brawl. "Ji-Yeon, you will head our medical division. Your role is crucial to our success."

Ji-Yeon nodded, a mix of pride and determination in her eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Kade. I won't let you down."

Next, Kade turned to Kim Tae-Woo, the wiry young man who had shown stealth and lethal precision in combat. "Tae-Woo, you will lead our reconnaissance unit. Your agility and stealth are good."

Tae-Woo bowed slightly. "I'm honored, Mr. Kade."

He continued his assessment, stopping in front of Han Dae-Hyun, the tall, muscular man with a bright mind. "Dae-Hyun, you will be our strategist if ever I'm not here "

Dae-Hyun met Kade's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I won't disappoint you, Sir Kade."

Kade moved on to Park Ji-Hoon, the one who had initially questioned him. "Ji-Hoon, you will head our combat training division. Ensure that our members are always at their peak performance."

Ji-Hoon nodded, a slight smile on his face. "Understood, Mr. Kade."

Kade then addressed the remaining healers who had survived by allying themselves with stronger hunters. "Your cunning has earned you a place here. You will work under Ji-Yeon in the medical division, supporting our front-line fighters and ensuring our forces remain strong."

Finally, Kade turned to the group as a whole. "Each of you has a role to play in this guild. Together, we will Secure, Contain, and Attack any threats that come our way. Our journey to becoming the strongest begins now."

The recruits cheered, their spirits high despite the brutal test they had just endured. Kade's elite team began distributing uniforms and assignments, solidifying the roles within the guild.

The uniforms were unlike any standard gear. Crafted from the finest materials, they were sleek and form-fitting, designed to enhance mobility and provide maximum protection. Each uniform bore the SCA emblem, a bold, menacing design that symbolized their guild's motto. The black and crimson colours added an intimidating appearance.

As the new members donned their uniforms, they felt a surge of pride, after all their guild master is an S-Rank. Kade's presence loomed over them, his satisfaction evident.

Kade watched with a sense of satisfaction. His SCA guild was taking shape, and he knew that with this group of nearly competent hunters, they were just missing some biomass inside them, his plans were well on their way.

Meanwhile, at The Association headquarters

Chairman Go Gun-Hee sat in his office, his brow furrowed in deep thought. He had been reviewing reports all day, but something about Woo Jin-Chul's latest update on Kade's recent dungeon raid nagged at him. The details were sparse, and Jin-Chul's uncharacteristic behavior only added to his unease.

The door to his office creaked open, and Jin-Chul entered with his usual stiff movements, his eyes devoid of their usual spark. He stood at attention, waiting for the chairman to address him.

"Jin-Chul," Chairman Go began, his voice measured. "I've been going through your report on Kade's recent dungeon raid. There are a few things that don't add up."

Jin-Chul's expression remained blank. "What specifically, Chairman?"

Chairman Go leaned back in his chair, scrutinizing Jin-Chul's every movement. "For one, the lack of detailed accounts of the battle strategies used and the conditions of the team members. You mentioned that the team performed admirably, but there are no specifics. This is unlike you."

Jin-Chul nodded mechanically. "The raid was successful, and the team gathered a substantial amount of resources. There were no significant incidents to report."

Chairman Go's eyes narrowed. "No significant incidents? An A-rank dungeon raid typically involves detailed strategies, injuries, and critical moments. Your report is unusually vague."

Jin-Chul maintained his stoic demeanor. "Everything went smoothly, Chairman. There were no complications."

The chairman's suspicion deepened. He had known Jin-Chul for years, and this robotic behavior was entirely out of character. He decided to probe further. "And what of Kade's behavior during the raid? Did he display any unusual abilities or tactics?"

For a brief moment, a flicker of emotion seemed to cross Jin-Chul's face, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. "Kade led the team effectively. His abilities are always impressive."

Chairman Go's fingers tapped rhythmically on his desk as he considered his next move. "Jin-Chul, I need you to be honest with me. If there's anything you haven't included in your report, now is the time to speak up. The safety and integrity of the Hunter's Association depend on accurate information."

Jin-Chul's gaze remained fixed and his tone unwavering. "There is nothing more to report, Chairman."

Chairman Go's eyes bore into Jin-Chul, searching for any sign of deception. "Very well. You're dismissed."

As Jin-Chul turned to leave, Chairman Go's mind raced with possibilities. He had never seen Jin-Chul so detached and lifeless. Something was definitely wrong. After Jin-Chul left the office, Chairman Go picked up his phone and made a call to a trusted subordinate.

"Yoon, I need you to discreetly gather information on Kade's recent activities, particularly the details of the last dungeon raid," he said, his voice low and urgent. "Also, keep an eye on Woo Jin-Chul. His behavior has been…off."

"Understood, Chairman," Yoon replied. "I'll get on it right away."

Chairman Go ended the call and leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. The Hunter's Association was facing a potential threat from within, and he needed to know the truth before it was too late.