
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The second test - Chapter 28

Gil and the rest left the fair mid afternoon and made there way back to the castle. Everyone headed back to there own room ready for a intensive training session for the rest of the time before the second test. When Gil got back to his dorm he checked his inventory and filled it with the new set of food, he made a space for his cloak and mask before heading to the training hall. Gil wasnt the only one there and made his way to the spinning dummies to practice hand to hand combat.

The group spent each day training together and working on communication, on top of this training Gil spent nearly twice as ling on his own training. For the last week he was getting 4 hours sleep, this was pushing him to the extreme as at his current level he estimated he needed 3 hours to be fully rested.

"Have you seen Silver leave the training area?" A girl asked to a group of girls.

"I havent, nor anyone in may team" One of them answered back.

After the second day of seeing Gil first there and last to leave, some people tried to find out how long he was there, however they couldnt last as long and left.

"I heard its from 2 in the morning to 11 at night is when we gets to his dorm"

"Leon, what is with this years students, working so much harder then any other" Ava asked noticing that several students have been training to the extreme.

"No clue" Leon replied appearing behind Ava out of a rift. "But they'll need it for the test"

"Has Sarah gathered all the beasts" Ava asked. It was quicker to ask Leon who could appear and reappear anywhere.

"Yeah, also some extra ones" Leon replied.

"I told you not to get any extra" Ava yelled firing a bolt of lightning at the spot Leon's head was.

The day has finally arrived when they where given the information about the second exam. When Gil woke up he checked his stats.

[User name: Gil

Race: Human

Age: 15

health: 300/300


Strength: 62. Agility: 65.

Stamina: 67. Mana: 150/150

Intelligence 60

Level: 12

Free status points: 7

Ability (Can expand)

Skills (Can expand)]

In this time training all of his skills had advanced to the next level and had improved his magma attack to the same level as the other element attacks. Gil sat there looking at the system and checking it out, as he hadnt dont this since he first got it. Each day he checked the task section and had not seen any update. Going back to the start of the system Gil noticed something new.

[Core System

User Information

Notice log

Skill Tree]

The last two options that where there Gil hadnt seen them before checking the [Notice Log] he say a list of all system messages and the date that it appeared. Looking at this Gil now realised how slow he had been levelling, in the first week he had gained 10 levels now in the last week he had only gained 2. Closing that Gil looked at the [Skill Tree], the screen that appeared before Gil showed the 4 elements and lines coming of them, some strong and some faint, following a strong coloured one Gil saw it lead to the Magma ability. Tracing the 3 lines that came from it Gil cam to the Fire, Earth and wind element. Following a faint one from the wind element Gil saw a skill that had no name. He guessed this showed how each skill was made and the making of new skill.

"This will be help full" Gil thought.

Looking at the time Gil choose to have another full out training for a few hours outside before heading to meet everyone, he pulled the cloak and mask from his inventory making so no one could recognise him.

After training as hard as he could for 4 hours some students where staring out of there rooms looking at him but not able to make out who it was. Gil stopped when both his mana and stamina where near depleted. Walking back up to the entrance of the castle putting the mask and cloak in his inventory Gil want to the food hall.

When he arrived he saw Ruby and Jade already there.

"You two are up early" Gil said taking a seat between them.

"I could say the same for you, was that you training outside?" Jade asked

"No, i slept in and went for a light run" Gil said hoping that lie would work

"Thats good, how long have you slept this week?" Jade asked she had noticed the baggs under his eyes and told him to have a rest from training.

"I think 20 hours this last 5 or so days" Gil said "I had 8 last night so i feel fine" He quickly added.

Ruby the whole time was ordering different bits of food to the table and wasnt paying to much attention. Slowly the rest of the group arrived and once they all sat the food Ruby order arrived.

"This is my treat to everyone" She announced proudly

"Are you from a power family" Gil said without thinking looking at the large section of food in front of them.

"Yep, one of the 19 great families of the Draco continent, My family if the Whites and they specialise in scouting not a specific power, the main branch have speed type powers." Rose said proudful.

"Where all from the 19 great families" Hope said, "Im from the Perry family.

"Im from the Mundus Family" Will said

"Im the Dahlia family" Jade said

"As you know im from the Sparkes family" Tash said

Gil wasnt sure how to respond, 5 out of the 19 great families next generation where in front of him.

"What about you, whats your last name" Jade asked.

"I dont have one, before the gates opened my family wasnt very well of and once the gates opened im the last one left" Gil did have a last name but wouldnt say it, "The time the world hears it it will be the name holding the most power" Was something Gil always thought and told himself.

After that no one said anything and ate in silence. Once all the food was done they made there way to the out side area they have been going to.

"I heard from some second years they push you in a gate and leave you there for 8 hours"

"I was told that you have to face grade 5A monsters and see how long you last"

As they passed by other first years this was what the heard, arriving at the area there was rows of seats. Instead of going to the back like Gil wanted he was made to sit at the front by the rest.

"Alright time to tell you about the 2nd test" Leon said walking through a rift. "The premise for this exam is survival, you will go through a gate made by Sarah that will take you into the woods over there" Leon pointed to the large forest. "You will have to survive there for 3 days and 2 nights with only the supplies you can carry"

"There will be several different types of monsters on there ranging from 10F to a few 9D, if you need reference as to what these could be i would recommend reading 'Basic Monster's By Dior Haze' p.g 34-95. The monsters will appear in there but not all of them"

Gil instantly know the monsters that where referred to in this book and those pages, as he had read it before and with the help of the system could instantly recall it.

"The school will provide basic military food which are food pellets, i would personally recommend bringing your own. We will also provide tents and a flare that will let us know if you need any support, if you use this all members of your team will be brought out of the forest. Below your seats it a list of all the material that you may need"

Gil and everyone else grabbed the list below there seat and read through it.

"3 days worth of clothes.

Weapon of choose

1 pair of swim ware (Optional)

Food for 3 days (Optional)

Tent (School provides)

Bag (School provides)"

It wasnt a very long list but Gil was going to make sure he brought all he could think of.

"Since this is very rare that we do this as the second test we will allow students to increase there score depending on how they perform. I think thats all" Leon said. After checking his notes he fell backwards into a rift.

When Leon left most of the student ran to the library to read the book mentioned, just as Ruby was about to Gil stopped her.

"The monsters we can face are mutated animals such as:



Wild boar

and other animals found in the wood before gates opened.

The monsters from with the gates could be:




and lastly tree stalkers" Gil listed of then went into detail about what they where weakness and strengths and other information.

The group then spent the next day and the other one getting ready, when the day came Will took all the bags he could in his subspace leaving only Gil to carry his. When they came to the area they saw Sarah and 20 gates opened around her.

"You lot are the first to arrive you can enter now or wait. When you enter you will be within a couple hundred meters of each other. Try not to get lost right away" Sarah said as they looked at the gates.

"Lets go now" Hope said stepping into the first gate with the rest following.