
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The Fair - Chapter 27

Gil work earlier then normal looking at the time it was 1 oclock. Him and the group had decided to go for a morning run round the castle at 6 get ready then go to the village. Before the run Gil wanted to practice with [Shadow Fighting], before making his way to the training hall Gil put his cloak on hiding his face. Making his way there he made sure not to make a sound he went to the middle of the hall and activated [Shadow Fighting].

Starting by summoning just one Goblin Gil started using his new attacks. The Goblins where now falling ofter just one hit and didnt make much of training, increasing to the max he started using [Close combated] he found that it worked with a sword in hand and with bare hand as well. The goblins didnt stand a chance and where quickly disposed of.

"Guess goblins aren't a challenge now" Gil said.

Newt he started practice on one of the skills he thought of before but hadnt completed, activating [Mana Detection] he gathered earth mana and slowly added flame mana into it until it combined and the earth mana had a slight red tingle to it. Compressing the new mana he focused to not allow it to escape like before.

[Magma creation learnt]

[Magma creation lvl 1

By heating up the earth to the melting point magma was created]

Gil was pleased with this as he read that a famous hunter used magma powers and had destroyed a whole mountain by melting it, he was planning to use it against Tash's ice shield. One thing Gil had notices was that using mana was now alot easier and attacks formed near instantly, where as before he would have to concentrate to forming it with the relevant mana particles. Using mana shaping Gil compressed the ball small and smaller.

[User not strong enough to continue]

Gil had never seen this message before, looking at the ball of magma it has shrunk from around 30cm to around 20cm. Blasting that at a dummy, the ball flew straight through and caused a loud bang as it cooled and landed in the ground. Gil went and looked at the ball and went to touch it but felt it was to hot.

Standing back up Gil then went through the different shapes he could create with magma. The square he made shock was normal a shield looked like a good substitute for the flame one.

"The magma is hotter then the normal flame and when it's cooled still is a sturdy shield." Gil said.

Now Gil tried something he had before and has never succeeded, closing his eyes he pictured wind mana coming into his body and gathering in his feet. Gil felt a bit lighter before the mana disappeared back in to the air.

"Guess not today" Gil thought.

Going back to training Gil summoned 8 goblins and looked at the training dummy. He plan was to attack the dummy and dodge to goblins.

To anyone watching he looked strange, dodging an unseen opponent whilst attacking a dummy, but luckily he thought he was alone.

Tash woke a bit early then normal and was going to see if Gil wanted to go for an extra lap of the castle. As she headed k we to knock on the door she saw a light at the end of the corridor leading to the training room. Knowing only Gil would be awake this early she headed over.

"What time did he wake" she thought to her self looking through the door.

She noticed several things all at once. The first being 3 dummies already destroyed, one with a large whole in the chest another littered with small wholes through the whole thing and lastly one cut from shoulder to chest. She then looked at Gil using the dummy next in line, he was moving weirdly jumping left and right, up and down and only slashing every now and then. Focusing a harder she thought she could see something in the shadows but want sure.

Gil had finished training and was about to head back when he saw Tash In the training room door.

"Morning" Gil said walking at her.

"Good Morning" Tash replied

Even though they had spent a few weeks with each other nearly all of the time, Gil was still unsure how to talk to people. Checking his watch they went to the front ad the castle for the others.

Tash looked around to check no one is there before asking Gil a question.

"What is your power" Tash asked flat out

Gil had thought about this and how to answer, he had shown a strong power but had never been 'classed, as a power holder.

"Elements, I can use the power of the 4 basic element and then create now ones to use" Gil replied, thinking this was the best answer.

"Okay" Tash said with a forced smile. "What where those things you where dodging" she was about to ask when she was the other 4.

"Everyone ready" Jade said and they all set. The speed was a lot slower then what Tash and Gil where used to.

"Hey Ruby, race you to the end" Tash called.

"Yeah, Gil wanna join" Ruby asked.

"Sure" He replied

Looking up they where halfway round the lake side of the castle section. The three stopped getting into a running stance.

"3...2...1....GO" Ruby yelled.

At first Gil was in the lead then Tash and lastly Ruby, then suddenly Ruby shot forward in front of both of them then slowed down to keep the lead. Joining the other 3 they finished there run.

"Alright, meet back here in an hour ready for the fair" Jade called as they headed to there dorm rooms.

When Gil was washed and back in his dorm, he was looking at what to wear. He had his normal training cloths, and some new cloths he brought last time he was in Serv. Opting for the later he put his new cloths on. The new cloths where a brown leather jacket and a pair of black shorts. Putting the cloak in the cloak and sword in his inventory Gil headed to the front of the castle.

[Charm +1]

Gil saw this message and was looking round, he saw Jade walking out of the front gate closely followed by Ruby, Will and Hope. Jade was wearing a white shirt and blue trousers, with a brown jumper tied around her waist. Ruby was wearing a light blue dress that made her hair stand out even more. Will had changed out of his normal robe into a matching pair of blue trousers and shirt. Lastly Hope was wearing something that Gil thought looked like the training uniform but upon looking again was just a black set of running clothes, the contrast to Hope pale feature made the dark stand out. Just when Gil had looked at every one, he noticed Tash walking out. She was wearing a light blue dress that had white snow flakes at the bottom.

"Everyone ready" Jade asked seeing everyone there.

"Yeah, i have food and drink with me if anyone wants some" Will replied.

As the group started to move they talked about the upcoming test, what it could be and what they wanted from the fair. When they saw the village it was different then before, the roofs had balloons and banners on them and the streets had colourful stalls on them.

"What is the fair for" Gil asked,

"Its a sort of good by and a welcome, the 3rd years are going away for work experience in there chosen fields for 4 months and the second years are coming back Monday." Hope said.

Gil had only just realised that he had only seen a few people older then him, not including the teachers. Entering the village the group picked up a flyer looking at what there was.

"I need some more food for my room" Gil said looking at his inventory and the food icons was down to 2 meaning it would need stocking back up.

"We can walk round picking up food, will are you okay to store it, then we look at some of the stalls and see the prizes and then theres the future teller that i want to try" Jade said, checking that will was okay carrying the food in his sub space.

Looking at the food, Gil didnt want any of the bakery ones that are full of sugar but ones that would be cheap and keep him full for a long time, however he wasnt allowed to just buy his army food but had to get some fresh cookies to make it look normal. After looking at the food section the girls had al brought a large amount of freshly baked goods and gave them all to Will in different colour bags to separate what each person had brought. AS they moved further down Gil noticed some of the games, sharp shooting, strength test and many more. The prizes fro each where strange, toys of different beasts, parts f beasts not used as material and strange bits of clothes.

The 6 made there was to one to the stands that had a large selection of all the rewards.

"Welcome Welcome, to win the prize get the corresponding number from below the boxes" The man behind the stall called out, as the 6 made there way there he waved his hand showing the boxes and suddenly balls of water covered them.

"How do we get the number" Will asked looking at the balls of water.

"Use these to throw them at the box, through the water and secure the box." The man said holding up some small bident's

"How much is it" Gil asked not wanting to spend much.

"100 credits, but you can win prizes up to 10,000 credits" the man said showing a ring which Gil had no clue what it was "Or you could lose it all" Snapping the ring away.

"Me first" Ruby stepped forward paying the credits.

She looked at the box closet and through the bident, it made contact with the water ball popping it and securing a box.

"Number 5" The man called grabbing a large beast that looked like an otter, "A mutated otter, but when its a toy it looks like just a large otter" The man started the first half of the description up beat then ended it like he was board.

Hope went up and didnt manage to win anything, nor did Jade. Hope didnt manage to pop the water and Jade missed all together. Tash went up and won a small bottle of hell hound blood which non of them know what to do with. When will went up he won a giant eagle feather.

Gil stepped forward and picked up the bident, he went for a box in the middle so he would be less likely to miss and throw as hard as he could. The bident shot forward and burst the watter ballon, but due to how hard Gil trough it he also popped the one behind it.

"Ahh so strong, number 9 and 1" The man said. "Number 9 is a semi rare astral flower that grows in moon light, when grown it has a beautiful silver petal and a black middle. " The man said handing him a white seed. "And number 1 is a giant teddy bear" giving Gil a normal teddy bear.

"Jade you can have the seed and Hope you can have the bear" Gil said handing them each the respective item as he had no interest in it and could only think of the wasted credits. As Gil said that both girls face lit up as he gave them the prizes.

"Thank you" They said at the same time.

"Alright time for some lunch" Will said.

"Where going to get something fresh to drink" Jade said pulling Hope and Ruby with her as the rest went to the park. After a few minutes everything was out of Wills subspace and on the ground and not long after the girls came with some drinks. AS they sat down Jade and Hope moved over to Gil and gave him a mask. Gil looked at them not sure what to say as he had never really been given anything before.

"We went back to the stand and won this as a thank you for out gifts, the man said it was made from a grand Ent." Hope said with a big smile.

[Mask of the Ent

A mask made from the remains of the grand Ent, the white wood has been burnt 76% creating a blacked section]

Gil inspected the item to look at the description.

"T...Thank you" Gil said.

The group had lunch and spent the rest of the day looking at some stalls, winning other prizes and buying lots of food, all that time Gil kept hold of the mask not letting Will store it.