
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Second test - Day 1

As Hope walked through the gate she looked behind her, to see the gate had it had already disappeared, she now took in the environment she was standing in. There where trees around here blocking a lot of the sun, only allowing a few rays to come through, she couldnt even tell how tall the trees where. On the ground where the rays had made it through the ground was littered with flowers and patched of grass. Hope closed her eyes and focused on detecting her team, her power at this level only allowed her to get an idea of the creatures around her.

"Natasha, Will, Jade, Gil and Ruby" She said listing of the members as she found them. She made her way to Will first as he and Hope where used to fighting together and the others can handle there own fights.

"Will, behind you"Hope called out as she made her was there so he wouldnt mistake her for a monster.

"Where to next" Will asked

"Jade 40 meters to the left" Hope called. Knowing there was a chance they would be separated when the enter they decided to stand where they entered and only move encase of a monster or Hope calling there name.

"Jade on your left" Hope called.

"Hi" She replied with a smile.

"Next is Ruby and Gil that are close together" Hope said walking in a different direction.

"Ruby walk forward, Gil walk to your left" Hope called out letting them know where to walk. After a second or two both of them where visible. Lastly they headed of to get Tash.

Once they had Tash the group sat down with Gil making a ball of fire for light.

"We need to find somewhere to set camp, as the students cant set up camps near each other and in prior years teams have fought over them" Ruby said.

"Good thing were first here" Tash replied

"Will can you bring out a map and compass" Jade asked

Will handed here these and Jade looked at them, part of here training as a healer was to learn how to read a map so she can go find people on the battle field.

"Theres are several monuments that are marked allowing us to get our baring's, most of them are close together so that good. I guess we have to pick a direction to head of in" Jade said.

The group headed of in a random direction for 30 minutes. Gil was in the front with Jade, Will Hope and Jade where in the middle and Tash as the back. Every now and then Hope would either call out the directions of a monster or fire her bow at one. After 30 minutes they could a small clearing in the tress with a white monolith on it.

Jade walked up looking at the map, then the sun for a few minutes.

"Alright thats East, South, West and North" She called after checking everything "If we head West for a while there is an opening not to far from the water we can camp at?" She asked the group. No one having any problems with it they headed West for about an hour.

When they reached the opening they looked around for any beasts, finding no the looked for a goo spot to make camp. After finding a nice and large flat area they started to set up. Gil walked away from the group and raised his hands, slowly a wall of earth around 3 meters tall and 10 meters wide came out of the ground. Repeating this action so there was 3 sided square he then made a roof for a small section.

"Put the tents under here, provides good protection from all around" Gil said looking at the confused face of the rest of the team.

"Alright, Me, Ruby, Will, and Natasha will stay here and Gil and Jade go get some water" Hope said.

"How come im staying" Ruby was complaining

"Jade can read the map and got to the water there and back better then anyone, Gil has the most versatile attacks" Tash said thinking along Hopes line of thinking.

"Exactly" Hope said

As the two went to get water Hope and the rest started putting up tents, there was one large for the girls and a smaller on for the boys. Slowly Will started to take the other equipment out of his subspace handing it to the girls and putting his and Gil items away.

Tash was sorting out her sleeping bag when Hope ran to her.

"2 Goblin coming from the left, about 45 meters away" Hope said with a slight panic in here voice.

"Youve never killed a Goblin before?" Tash asked walking to the open section and looking lest

"No, only animals that have been exposed to mana" She replied. "30...25...20...." Hope started to whisper. The 2 started to enter Tashs vision and as soon as she did she fired 2 ice daggers at there heads killing them. Since the first time Tash killed a goblin she felt killing them was easier then before.

"Ruby, can you move the bodies" Tash asked

"Uhhh i can, but i would prefer not to" She replied.

"They could be part of a larger group and send others to fin there body" Tash replied remembering that goblins are a pack monster and dont travel alone often.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Ruby moaned grabbing each by the arm and rushing of then coming back. "They're a few hundred meters that way" she said shaking the blood of her hand.

They finished setting the tents up and getting a large pile of wood for the fire they planed to set near the entrance of the camp.

as Gil and Jade got to the waters Gil brought out balls using mana to make sure there was nothing in there.

"What do you plan to do after finishing school" Jade asked bottling up the water, they decided to get fresh water instead of Gil making water to save his mana and show they can follow a map,

"Not sure depends my final grade, what about you" Gil Replied

"Joining the Army to work with my parents and be a healer" She answered

"Sounds nice" Gil answered tugging the neckless round his neck.

"Is that from your parents" Jade had noticed this before.

"Yeah, its my mom and dad's rings and a picture of my family" Gil showed her the rings

"Can i see the picture" Jade asked not knowing why

Gil opened it revealing a picture of a man, women and small girl. The women had nice silver hair and eyes that matched Gils, the picture didnt show much other about her but Jade could tell she was very beautiful. Gil seemed to have the same face structure of the man apart from a light brown hair and sea. Jade looked at the little girl and saw she was the opposite of Gil, she looked like her mother but with brown hair and sea green eyes. She wanted to ask there names but saw Gils longing gaze at the pictures and decided to wait.

"Lets scout the area in a wider parameter to make sure we dont get a surprise visitor tonight" Gil said closing the locket putting it back below his shirt.

Jade drew the map out again and looked at the area around them, once they had enough water they walked in a large circle checking for monsters. The found a few Goblins and mutated animals as well as one group of students, after telling them where they are on the map the walked of.

"So whats the story with you and 'Tash'" Jade asked, saying Tash in a teasing tone of voice.

"There isnt one, we are just partners in school. If i wasnt here no onw would notice me walking down the road" Gil said

"You guys spend nearly every hour together, and thats it?" Jade asked

"All we do is train and talk about random thing, like we are now" Gil said

"But doesnt that make us friends"

"No clue, I've never had any so dont know" Gil answered honestly "For others they may be able to say that it isn't a friendship or others would say it obviously is one but i have never experienced one so im not sure"

Jade wasnt sure how to respond, on one had Gil was right they only talked due to being together a school but that was how you made friends.

"Well where friends therefore making 'Tash your friend. On that note how come you call here Tash" Jade asked. She new Tash was short for Natasha she just wanted to know why she allowed him to shorten it.

"With everyone calling me Silver because if my hair she shorted it to Si, i done the same to here name, hence Tash"

"Alright, ill call you Si so what are you going to call me. You cant shorten Jade to Ju" She teased.

"Ummmm.... Going on the same lines as how i got mine using hair, as yours is green i read about a rare emerald found inside a gate. It came from a place that had a lot of water and heat under large amounts of pressure causing a lot of the things there to crystallise. This emerald formed around a star flower resulting in a minor healing power, the name was called Sarigdus." Gil said he remembered this from the book about best items brought from gates and this was one of them. "How about Ari" He finial came to a conclusion.

"I feel bad now for only using Si" Jade said "I thinks its perfect"

"Ari...Ari...Ari" Jade hummed as they finished there walk killing any monsters near them and heading back to there camp.

"Whats the plan for the night" Will asked when Gil and Jade came back.

"I can stay up long periods of time so ill do the night watches" Gil said

"Ill stay up as well" Hope chipped in

"Well need you ability for the morning more" Tash said "Also any monsters that come close enough to be a threat Si would kill"

"Ja.. Ari what about your preference" Gil asked

"I dont mind staying late but anything past 12 ill struggle with" She replied looking at the confused faces of the others at her new name.

"Alright, im going to do some sword training against the trees" Gil said walking out

"Ill join you" Tash said walking of.

Once Gil and Tash where out of range Ruby rushed to Jade.

"So whos Ari" She asked leading to Jade telling them about how Gil came up with the name.

Gil and Tash didnt return for a while and the others could here a few tree falling down as they each worked on there powers. When they did come back it was slowly turning dark, Gil made a large circle in the ground at the entrance to the camp and made a fire there. The groups had there dinners and slowly went of to bed.

Gil and Jade stayed talking about random things until Jade couldnt stay up any longer and made her way to the girls tent.

"Okay, time to pass time" Gil said. He activated [battle sense] allowing him to vision the whole camp then [mana detection] in case anything tried to sneak past.

The first thing he attempted was to focus the mana in his feet and again it failed, after trying a few times and not succeeding he thought about the training he could do without leaving or waking anyone up. Coming to the conclusion it was the basic one he used to do, he started to do sets of sit ups, squats and push ups until a monster arrived or someone woke up.