
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urban
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25 Chs

The City Titan (2)

Jack regained his composure, putting on a business face. He stared at the man's face, which held a mischievous smirk. They looked into their eyes, each trying to get the upper hand.

"Why are you here?"

Jack asked, clenching his fist. His eyes looked dormant, trying to figure out a reason. The man who stood beside him was one of the numbered, number 2 to be specific. He asked him for a deal way back.

But why was he here? Jack had to know, as he was limp compared to a man like him. He had mastered his ability, and Jack could sense the immense horror leaking out.

"Why am I here? A silly question." He shrugged, before picking up a crowbar from the ground, "You still seem unstable. You had months, but you are still so weak."

His tone was more nagging than menacing. Like he was disappointed. Jack sighed before clenching his hands. He knew of much of a maniac he was: Thanks to their previous meeting, he also knew how much of a monster he was facing.

"You are on the for the monster, correct?" He asked, touching his lips.

"…How the hell did you-"

He was cut off before he could finish his sentence.

"Well, I heard the talk between you and your friends. I'm surprised they even believed you, but I am ecstatic you knew." He tilted his head before adding, "Would you perhaps want to make a deal?"

Jack scratched his head, rolling his eyes.

"I am sick of deals," He replied, "So fuck off and get to the point."

His eyes were cold, his body dull and pale. His eyes shined cyan, and the trace of brown dissapeared. Sage could feel a humungous aura flee from his eyes. He smiled at the boy.

Jack could feel something wave through his body. His eyes rolled and shook. The muscles broke from his hands. Then it went black before a warm and cozy fireplace lit up in his hearth.

He stiffened his hand before clicking his legs and rushing forward.

"Wow, that was fast," Sage said with a bored face.

Jack unloaded his arms, going straight to the chin. Sage sighed, flinging away his arm and changing the direction of the attack to air.

Jack tried to go for a low kick to the heel, but with a woosh, Sage jumped right before it made contact. Jack fell to the concrete, his face stinging all over.

"Heugh," He grumped, pulling himself up.

'What the fuck?' Jack thought, seeing Sage's movements. It was something you would see in a novel or a superhero movie. It was unnatural.

Jack spit on the ground before focusing his eyes on Sage's shoulders.

'How boring maybe he can avoid a punch or two?' Sage pondered before snapping his hands.


"Hello there," Sage simply said, blowing away Jack like a giant wave.

Jack's eyes widened, and his back smashed into the rock wall, a scar slashing deep onto his back. His eyes struggled with the bells ears chumming a melody. He bit his lips, but his eyes did not listen.

The district was blinding to Brett, his eyes not used to this amount of radiation. There were stalls everywhere selling anything from candy to accessories. All banded with an unreal amount of lights, defiling the night sky.

His dark eyes hardly hold on.

Unlike Sai, which was having the time of his life, sprinting from stall to stall, carrying candy apples and candles in his hands. Money was quickly running out, much to Brett's unsocial dismay.

"Are you okay…?" Sai asked with an innocent face, trying to lighten the mood on Brett's face, "You look… Terrifying."

Brett brushed his hair before sighing. "Yeah, I am." He slapped his face. Realizing he wasn't able to shut him off from spending.

They walked for hours before circling back to the start, giving Brett a relieved face.

'Finally… It is finished," Brett smiled, stretching his arms, 'I couldn't take more of that.'

Brett's arm stung before he slapped the part. Looking at his palm, he saw the corpse of a mosquito. Not thinking much of it, they continued before Brett finally got the courage to ask, "Let's go back to the hotel, Jack and Snake are probably waiting."

Sai nodded, relocating his mountain of bags. He licked the remaining candy from his fingertips before catching up with Brett, who was already running back to the hotel.

Brett pondered why Jack even requested to split up. He wasn't one to like going alone. He always made sure to invite people before going on a trip. Maybe something caught his eye, but he seemed scared asking about it. 'He was hiding something, perhaps?'

Brett glinted in his fancy words.

A piece of sweet Jazz music played from the revolving door. The hotel greeted the guests with a fancy chandelier. The staff all wore red suits. Professional and charming smiles were imprinted on their face.

The lobby stood up with circling couches. The chittering of tourists and pictures of celebrities hung from the walls like it was a hall of fame in a restaurant. They admired the view before approaching Snake, who was deep into his phone.

Without making a sound, they walked behind Snake.

Tip, Toe.

They looked at the video he was watching; It was a piece of the news. It was about the sudden increase in crime rates that had been a hot topic. Well, it was expected as no gang boss would stay still at the introduction of superpowers.

There was mayhem at first, so bad that the use of it without getting a pass was banned.

The government was quick on its wits, already planning to stop it. They had decided to make an academy, which Brett and Snake knew because of Jack, though Sai was still in the void.

"Boo!" Sai screamed.

Snake flinched, making his phone go flying. He extended his hands in an attempt to catch it and failed. He looked at the screen and sighed, seeing no cracks.

"You mother fucker!"

Snaked jumped on Sai, grabbing hold of his scalp. Brett watched wondering where was Jack.

/Bonus Thoughts/

Why did I even put myself up to this? Well, normally I wouldn't rant but making multiple power systems for one throwaway isn't my favorite thing to do, and god my schedule is extremely bad. But I hope you can enjoy my new "episodes" as I'm trying my best

(Authors corner)

50 Powers stones = 2 chapters release

100 power stones = 4 chapters

200 power stones = Death by exhaustion

10 collections in 1 day = 2 Chapters

20 collections in 1 day = 4 chapters.

Had to add some stuff, hope you enjoy your day.

Kexo_Be_Upcreators' thoughts