
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urban
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The City Titan (1)


This is an edited and added version of the last chapter, you can skip it if you would like.


The obnoxious scream of drunkards overshadowed Jack's gigantic screams from his empty stomach. He wasn't alone as everybody was left without food after checking in at the hotel, and none wanted to empty their rations.

They didn't have a big budget, so they needed to get cheap grub.

But sadly, they had embarked on the plaza of fancy food without a single fast food restaurant. Fair to say they were getting desperate, and with their legs about to give up, they had no choice but to enter the cheapest one they could find.

The street was full of drunks and couples, the fancy lights defiling the light sky with their blue and pink growl. The blocky apartments and building thinned down the gray and yellow road, apart from the occasional cracks making a back alley that gave off a tainted smell of blood and trash.

Explaining the reason for the unneeded prices, so seeing a menu they could afford was a luxury. So with a relieved smile, they opened the oak door.

Ding, ding.

A bell rang from the top of the door. The drunkards diverted their attention. The group sighed, seeing the reception. The place looked chill and dandy: The kitchen was exposed, making a show for the cheering people, and the coloring looked like a western restaurant thanks to all the polished oak furniture.

After a bow from the waiter, they sat at a 5-person table, as they did not have a table for four. Brett took no time taking out his phone, the others chattering about what to eat.

"Burgers sound good. We get free fries as well. Not much we can afford anyway, so that's my choice." Jack suggested, and the rest nodded. "Cool, so how much have we got with us?"

Snake opened his wallet, flies popping out as he did.

"80 bucks. We have more on the truck, though." Snake responded, letting loose of his stiff shoulders. He wondered why he even agreed before reminding himself of the reason. He came here to skip school, but that was stupid now that he thought about it.

Sai noticed his disappointment, patting him on the back.

Jack did not bat an eye as he was distracted by a nearby alley, where he felt a fierce glare piercing his head. He tried to identify the cause, but the darkness veiled their presence. Jack turned around, focusing on the menu.

"Hello," A waitress greeted, "What would you like to order?"

The group swiftly answers.

"3-Burgers, please." Brett opened his eyes to the world, seeing the forgotten burger.

"4 burgers," He added, making the others giggle. The waitress thanked them before exiting for the kitchen. The group leaned back into their chair, and Jack almost fell.

Sai's thought came rushing from the rear of his mind, leaning forward to Jack with a low voice, "Do you know where the "monsters" are?" He asked, being the only one to believe Jack's words.

Brett and Snake counted it as dumb fun, going into it as a simple vacation.

When Jack asked for weapons, they decided to grab a kitchen set. Thinking of it as roleplay, Brett had replied with a sarcastic tone when he was asked. They were ignorant, counting it as an excuse Jack made to travel.

People had gained powers, but monsters were still within far reach.

So despite the realistic photo, they counted it as professional photoshop.

"Who ordered the burger without pickles?"

Jack raised his hand with a giddy smile looking at the plate with the stacked burger. Waiter nodded, handing him the plate. Jack's face grimaced.

The burger had beefy meat and 2-pieces of sliced tomatoes with flowing extra cheese, complementing the inflated bun. There was just a teeny tiny issue. There was a mountain of pickles on it.

And looking at his friends, he tried to find a single trace of pickles, of which there were none. He scratched his eyes, giving up on asking.

"Trade?" He tapped Snake on the shoulder, glancing at his burger. Snake nodded, tilting his head before exchanging plates. Drool came from Jack's mouth, excited to dig in.

A few minutes later, the whole plate was destroyed.

Jack held his stomach a silly grin formed in his mouth. Before shattering into a darker expression, once again, getting allured by the presence he couldn't shake off. Sai looked confused, seeing the quick change in his face.

"Are you okay…? You seem pale," He questioned, scratching his yellow head.

Jack's smile broke, replying with a twitching grin, "No, I'm fine." He stared at his back before adding, "Why don't we split up for now? We will meet again at the hotel lobby."

The others pondered 'why,' before nodding. It would be fun to explore alone. It wasn't a mansion of horror anyways, so they couldn't see why not.

"See ya then."

Jack said before sprinting away. He soon disappeared faster than their eyes could perceive, everybody went their separate ways after, but Brett stood watching for a few seconds.

"Huff, Puff…"

Jack exhaled, trying to catch his breath. His bones ached to move from one place to another. They had walked a kilometer before he had realized he had forgotten about the presence, but now there he was, standing at the dark crack.

The smell was still solid to the nose, the rusting scent giving the place a grubby nature. His eyes were wide. Weighing deeper into the hole, his arms waving around. His head twitched from front to back.

He could feel something watching from the depths, where his eyes were ignorant too. He focused on the crunching footprints, where a piece of emerald dimly shone.

"Show yourself," He commanded the hiding figure.


He did not get a response, making him clench his fist. He wanted to punch the guy, he had something planned, and he was angry that he was left in the dark. Being watched all day got on his nerves.

"I SAID SHOW YOURSELF!" He shouted, showing off his middle finger.

Teeth glew from the background.

"…Okay then,"

The man emerged, revealing his tall height and broad shoulders. His eyes were fierce and hazy, like a thief who knew patience. He wore a skinny outfit with green stripes and an emerald placed on his right shoulder.

He lifted off his long dark hair, revealing a humungous forehead.

"... That's bigger than my..."

Jack grimaced, seeing the head over 8 inches.

(Authors Drafts)

This is the unfinished version, go knock yourself up if you wanna see what has been added


[Warning: This is the first version so you can skip it if you want to continue the story]

The obnoxious scream of drunkards overshadowed Jack's gigantic screams from his empty stomach. He wasn't alone as everybody was left without food after checking in at the hotel, and none wanted to empty their rations.

They didn't have a big budget, so they needed to get cheap grub.

But sadly, they had embarked on the plaza of fancy food without a single fast food restaurant. Fair to say they were getting desperate, and with their legs about to give up, they had no choice but to enter the cheapest one they could find.

The street was full of drunks and couples, the fancy lights defiling the light sky with their blue and pink growl. The blocky apartments and building thinned down the gray and yellow road, apart from the occasional cracks making a back alley that gave off a tainted smell of blood and trash.

Explaining the reason for the unneeded prices, so seeing a menu they could afford was a luxury. So with a relieved smile, they opened the oak door.

Ding, ding.

A bell rang from the top of the door. The drunkards diverted their attention. The group sighed, seeing the reception. The place looked chill and dandy: The kitchen was exposed, making a show for the cheering people, and the coloring looked like a western restaurant thanks to all the polished oak furniture.

After a bow from the waiter, they sat at a 5-person table, as they did not have a table for four. Brett took no time taking out his phone, the others chattering about what to eat.

"Burgers sound good. We get free fries as well. Not much we can afford anyway, so that's my choice." Jack suggested, and the rest nodded. "Cool, so how much have we got with us?"

Snake opened his wallet, flies popping out as he did.

"80 bucks. We have more on the truck, though." Snake responded, letting loose of his stiff shoulders. He wondered why he even agreed before reminding himself of the reason. He came here to skip school, but that was stupid now that he thought about it.

Sai noticed his disappointment, patting him on the back.

Jack did not bat an eye as he was distracted by a nearby alley, where he felt a fierce glare piercing his head. He tried to identify the cause, but the darkness veiled their presence. Jack turned around, focusing on the menu.

"Hello," A waitress greeted, "What would you like to order?"

The group swiftly answers.

"3-Burgers, please." Brett opened his eyes to the world, seeing the forgotten burger.

"4 burgers," He added, making the others giggle. The waitress thanked them before exiting for the kitchen. The group leaned back into their chair, and Jack almost fell.

Sai's thought came rushing from the rear of his mind, leaning forward to Jack with a low voice, "Do you know where the "monsters" are?" He asked, being the only one to believe Jack's words.

Brett and Snake counted it as dumb fun, going into it as a simple vacation.

When Jack asked for weapons, they decided to grab a kitchen set. Thinking of it as roleplay, Brett had replied with a sarcastic tone when he was asked. They were ignorant, counting it as an excuse Jack made to travel.

People had gained powers, but monsters were still within far reach.

So despite the realistic photo, they counted it as professional photoshop.

"Who ordered the burger without pickles?"

Jack raised his hand with a giddy smile looking at the plate with the stacked burger. Waiter nodded, handing him the plate. Jack's face grimaced.

The burger had beefy meat and 2-pieces of sliced tomatoes with flowing extra cheese, complementing the inflated bun. There was just a teeny tiny issue. There was a mountain of pickles on it.

And looking at his friends, he tried to find a single trace of pickles, of which there were none. He scratched his eyes, giving up on asking.

"Trade?" He tapped Snake on the shoulder, glancing at his burger. Snake nodded, tilting his head before exchanging plates. Drool came from Jack's mouth, excited to dig in.

A few minutes later, the whole plate was destroyed.

Jack held his stomach a silly grin formed in his mouth. Before shattering into a darker expression, once again, getting allured by the presence he couldn't shake off. Sai looked confused, seeing the quick change in his face.

"Are you okay…? You seem pale," He questioned, scratching his yellow head.

Jack's smile broke, replying with a twitching grin, "No, I'm fine." He stared at his back before adding, "Why don't we split up for now? We will meet again at the hotel lobby."

The others pondered 'why,' before nodding. It would be fun to explore alone. It wasn't a mansion of horror anyways, so they couldn't see why not.

"See ya then."

Jack said before sprinting away. He soon disappeared faster than their eyes could perceive, everybody went their separate ways after, but Brett stood watching for a few seconds.

"Huff, Puff…"

Jack exhaled, trying to catch his breath. His bones ached to move from one place to another. They had walked a kilometer before he had realized he had forgotten about the presence, but now there he was, standing at the dark crack.

The smell was still solid to the nose, the rusting scent giving the place a grubby nature. His eyes were wide. Weighing deeper into the hole, his arms waving around. His head twitched from front to back.

He could feel something watching from the depths, where his eyes were ignorant too. He focused on the crunching footprints, where a piece of emerald dimly shone.

"Show yourself," He commanded the hiding figure.


He did not get a response, making him clench his fist. He wanted to punch the guy, he had something planned, and he was angry that he was left in the dark. Being watched all day got on his nerves.

"I SAID SHOW YOURSELF!" He shouted, showing off his middle finger.

Teeth glew from the background.

"…Okay then,"

The first part is parallel to the last version but the ending is not as good.