
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urban
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25 Chs

The Giant, The Man, The Goat.

The man swung his arms around a luscious field. He explored the wilderness, trying to figure out what it was. His mouth was sewn together, no words able to come out. His cords shallow, his eyes following the dismay of a butterfly.

The wind blew with a warm change his body tingled at the gentle heat. A stick crunched out of his vision, he turned around, but nothing was there.

He flickered his eyes before giving up on searching. His hands leaned to the long grass, with his chestnut hair growing longer now and then. He walked for the time, an eternity, his heart becoming heavier to carry, and his body soon followed.

He limped forward, grabbing a lone rock on the way. He reached the end of the field and grasped the sky before his eyes and long white hair composed to the ground.

A boy opened his eyes to a mountain, cracking grass and chestnut trees holding onto his back, his eyes fluttered, but his mouth became a show of silence. As he walked for a time, a person grasped onto his shoulder.

The chestnut-haired boy ignored, scurrying his steps. But no matter where he ran or hid, he found himself in the luscious plain, but the man had been there smiling while running. The chestnut-haired man did not realize why.

Soon he sprinted, his feet digging deeper into the mud while the group following him blew out of proportion. And when he touched his face, it was not a frown.

Before he realized he ran alongside the people.

But then the plane ended, and he stumbled on his steps. His brown beard grew longer, and his light brown eyes darkened. The skulls of many stood behind he fell beneath his knees, weeping in a shallow cave.

A man touched his shoulder, tilting his head before cutting the boy's head.

A mountain peaked over the lands, a goat stood in the middle, a boy traveling next to him. He smiled with open brown eyes and floating long chestnut hair. He was young, the path of the mountain long awaiting his arrival.

But the time never came. An arrow was shot, erasing the boy from existence. A bandit grinned at his clean shot, and the goat pondered.

The goat did not get it, looking at the dead.

The bandits snatched his belongings, and the goat fled, continuing the will to reach the top. He soon realized his legs were not strong enough, so he jumped and jumped.

And then he reached leaps, from rock to boulder, the distance closed.

The goat reached the peak, where a lone tree stood in a barren wasteland. The goat approached the tree, which had a sad look.

"Why?" The goat asked. The tree stood in silence.

"Why?" The goat repeated, and the tree stood in silence.

The goat looked at the land before escaping.

'I wonder why too. Why the land is too lone.' The tree answered in his mind, but the goat was long gone. 'A life for a life, whatever the word is.'

Jack's eyes flickered from what seemed like a long dream. He reacted to his mouth and sighed, seeing it intact. He laid his eyes on Sage. He was screaming and pleading, his head beneath a pair of legs.

Jack could not turn his head as Sage's head got chopped clean off. Jack opened his mouth before holding it back.

'But why?' He asked himself. His mind didn't seem to be his own. A salty taste entered his mouth. It was his tears. He giggled, which alerted the man, as he bent towards the near-dead boy, examining him with his gray and piercing eyes.

He wiped away his green hair.

"As I told you, a contract is a contract. You would have died, so do not worry," The man said, disappearing into thin air.

Jack smiled before once again losing consciousness.

A titan dwarfed over a city dormant with grass and greens. He sat on a mountain that looked so small compared to him. He was watching over the cheerful children, the mischievous merchants, and the chivalrous knights.

A smile popped on his face, and the people noticing the sudden change in the air waved at the giant. The giant adventured away, and the king smirked.

1-week later.

The giant ran with a giddy grin, a pile of pure gold in his grasp. He stopped and lay down. He gently put the gold in front of the city halls. The citizens cheered and praised him for his kindness.

The giant smiled.

Days passed as the giant watched over the city, the citizen's eyes becoming bored, the previous gold running out. The giant smiled while the citizens clicked their tongues.

The giant wondered why, but he kept smiling. He was intrigued by the presence he had received.

And then a pile of giants attacked the land. The friendly one stood in their path. The smaller titans shook as the Giant readied a slow but deadly kick.

They were scared to move, obliterating them but releasing an ocean of pressure, but the steam cracked the walls.

"Monster…" The town called him before he walked away…

"Human," He said before his body crumbled into piles of dirt, and a boy with chestnut brown hair emerged from between. The boy approached the long streaks of green grass.

He swung his arms around a luscious field. He explored the wilderness, trying to figure out what it was. His mouth was sewn together. No words came out. His cords shallow, his eyes following the dismay of a butterfly.

The wind blew with a warm change his body tingled at the gentle heat. A stick crunched out of his vision, he turned around, but nothing was there.

He flickered his eyes before giving up on searching. His hands leaned to the long grass, with his chestnut hair growing longer now and then. He walked for the time, an eternity, his heart becoming heavier to carry, and his body soon followed.

He limped forward, grabbing a lone rock on the way. He reached the end of the field and grasped the sky before his eyes and long white hair composed to the ground.

Jack opened his eyes. A cyan glow engulfed his body. He felt dead.


He muttered, before losing consciousness.

(Authors Notes)

50 Powers stones = 2 chapters release

100 power stones = 4 chapters

200 power stones = Death by exhaustion

10 collections in 1 day = 2 Chapters

20 collections in 1 day = 4 chapters.

(Authors Rambles)

Hello, I have applied for a contract. So In honor... Here's one of my earlier drafts of the story, and oh boy does it suck.

"I'm bored,"

The chestnut-haired boy lay in the field of lush grass. Under the moonlight, he shook off the feeling of loneliness. Everything seemed uninteresting no matter what he tried; he couldn't seem to smile and lacked interest in life, always trying to fulfill his adventurous mind.

No matter what he did, he was bored, making his exam scores rake down. He found himself as an outsider- he couldn't empathize like he could before – His emotions felt sore to a sense.

He had a high IQ that surpassed legends, being gifted with quick learning – He could learn 30% faster than a genius – But when he realized he was running far ahead, he looked back and ran backward.

He sealed away his ability in the rear of his mind, becoming the class clown. He was contemptuous.

"Should I start martial arts? That seems fun."

Perhaps to excite himself, as his life was dull, every time he hung out with his age group (14-15), he felt like he was babysitting toddlers; that kept annoying him in crass ways.

What was he supposed to do? He was mature, too mature nobody could ever understand him, as they were still far behind- even if he was shackled behind in academics.


A simple question, yet it hits like a chunk of flintstone gummies.

He always tried to act his age, and every time he tried- he was too childish -giving him the title of The 'Class Clown,' He slowly stood up, staring at the sparky night sky once more.

From the corner of his eye, a cosmic meteor flew through (Normally known as Falling Stars,) shimmering with a sale light.

He did not make a wish and continued to walk away from the plain, entering the nearby city which held his home.

Tomorrow was a weekday, and that meant dealing with the popular kids; They were dumb, and even though he knew all of the dark secrets they held from the school, he refrained from ruining a flock of failures and dreams.

...Yeah it was bad

...Introducing The Plot

Kexo_Be_Upcreators' thoughts