
Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Transgressing into a new world, Xu Shan found himself in possession of a mysterious book that granted him the ability to manipulate reality at an equivalent price. However, he soon realizes the world he now inhabited was far from simple, especially since the body he transgressed into belonged to the Third Prince of the strongest dynasty, who had been born with a Demonic Heart. Afflicted with the unique ability that made him incapable of growing stronger other than by devouring the strength of others, he understood that his path was destined to be filled with bloodshed, manipulations, and schemes...

Demonic_angel · Fantasy
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267 Chs

Prologue: The Cursed Book

"3 March 2018."

"It came true... What I wrote in the book came true! It's unbelievable! This book... It's magical! With this, I can do whatever I want!"


"6 March 2018."

"This book... I don't know where it came from, but I'm sure it's something that shouldn't exist in this world. I've tested it twice, and both times, what I wrote came true! I feel like God at this point. Is that the case? Did I really become a god who can do anything?"


"10 March 2018."

"I have made a mistake. I never should've used the Book. This book... made my wishes come true, but at what cost? I've lost my wife! I've lost my parents; I've lost everything I once held dear…."

A single tear fell on the paper on which a person wrote his inner thoughts that he never shared with anyone. He felt like he had died a thousand deaths at the moment. He was unable to even speak for now. 

His pen kept moving as he kept writing, even though he felt utterly broken on the inside. "What I thought to be a gift from the gods... Was that truly the case? Or was it a curse of the Devil? Did I really make a deal with the devil, losing everything in return for my desires?

"All that I have left is my Son. I can't afford to lose him as well. I can never use the Book of Destiny! It's time I bury my past forever, along with this cursed item! I can't lose my son as well! I'll never let this book sway me again."

The man didn't know when it happened, but he had formed a habit of writing everything in his personal diaries as he felt suffocated. The single diary of his contained so many secrets that it could've stunned everyone in this world!


"1 March 2023."

"He is really sick. The doctor says he might not survive any longer! He is the only thing I have left in this world! He's my everything! I can't afford to lose him. I don't know what to do anymore... If I also lost him, I won't be able to forgive myself! Please, God, save him!"


"3 March 2023."

"His condition has gotten worse. Did gods abandon me as well? Do I not have any choice? No, I can't watch him die! If gods don't help him, I'll take the devil's help! I'm ready to make a deal with the devil!"

"This might be my last entry in this journal. I've decided to use that Cursed Book once again! I hope it works! I hope it can save him, even if it takes my life in return!"

A middle-aged man sat before his study table, writing something in his journal. Only the dim light coming from a distant lamb could be seen in the room, barely lightening it up. 

The man's eyes looked sleepy, with dark circles all around as if he hadn't slept for days. His hair was unkempt, and his clothes appeared to be dirty, but the man didn't care. He was more worried about his only son, who was hanging by a thread between life and death at the moment. 

The man couldn't do anything to protect his son. He wasn't a god to be able to save someone's life, but there was something he had that could... No matter how much he hated that thing, he had to use it one last time!

After writing his thoughts in the journal, he closed the black journal, stood up, and walked to the bookshelf in the back, holding the journal firmly in his right hand. For him, each step felt like a thousand. 

He stopped just before the bookshelf, which was filled with hundreds of books, all being written by well-established authors. Amongst all the books on the shelf, he pulled back the red-colored book but only slightly. 


The silence in the room was broken by a creaking sound as soon as the book was moved from its place. The bookshelf started moving to the left, revealing a secret path that was hidden by the shelf. 

As soon as the man entered the secret path. The Book Shelf returned to its place, and the tilted red book straightened up.

"It's been a year since I last used the Book of Destiny. It could very well be my last time using the book since I have nothing left to lose anymore. All that the Book of Destiny can take from me is my own life. What else can it take? As I'm putting my life on the line, I must make it count!"

"My son might lose a father, but I'll ensure he gets something worthy in return! If he gets life in exchange for my life, I'm willing to give my life to him! I'm already a sinner! Death is what I deserve!"

After walking for a short distance, the man reached a room. The stark white room was completely empty. There was nothing there, not even a table. Still, the room looked very modern.

The middle-aged man walked to the center of the room and tapped his foot twice on the ground before stepping aside. 

A small section in the floor moved up a little before sliding over to the side, revealing a secret storage compartment in the floor. 

The small box-shaped opening was only half a meter wide, and half a meter deep, so not many things could be kept there. 

The man grimly stared at the only thing that was kept in the compartment... A pitch-black book that had no words on the cover. 

The middle-aged man let out a tired sigh as he kept his journal in the compartment while bringing out the black book, which was heavier than any book he had ever held. It was as if he was picking up a heavy piece of stone!

Even though the book appeared to be made of something similar to paper, it was heavy, as if it was made entirely of metal. 

The man brought a pen out of his pocket before placing the book on the ground. 

He kept turning the pages of the Book, trying to skip past the pages where he had written his previous wishes. He didn't even try to glance at what he had written before, as all those wishes came at a cost that he wanted to forget. He hated himself even more!

After only a few seconds, he finally found an empty page. 

His hands trembled subconsciously as he thought about the consequences of what he was going to write, but at the same time, he couldn't stop himself! His son was the only thing he cared about now, and he always wanted him to be safe. He had made up his mind.

He clenched his teeth as he wrote the first line in the book. 

"My Son…"

The man wrote his complete wish, praying that it comes true and his son gets to live! 

As soon as he finished writing, the line which was written using a black pen turned bright golden. 


The man gave a painful cry as he grabbed his chest, feeling a soul-crunching pain. It was as if his soul was being destroyed for what he had demanded! He had tried to revert the natural laws!

Even though what he had asked for was something that he knew was too much, he didn't hesitate for even a single second since his wish meant that his son could have a long and healthy life! That's all he wanted!

Despite being in so much pain, the man was still happy. As he had seen the ink on the page turn golden, that meant his wish had come true! What he wrote came true! Now he didn't care about anything! Even if he was to burn in the flames of hell for an eternity for what he did, he didn't care. At least his son could live now...

He even ignored the blood that kept spilling out from all his orifices, including his eyes, nose, and ears. 

With trembling hands, the man closed the black book, pushing it inside the compartment, sealing it once again, hoping it was never going to see the light of day again after he was gone… especially not with his son!