
Elden Ring: Transmigration

Author: THE_P1AN1ST
Video Games
Ongoing · 759.3K Views
  • 30 Chs
  • 4.9
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  • NO.200+

What is Elden Ring: Transmigration

Read ‘Elden Ring: Transmigration’ Online for Free, written by the author THE_P1AN1ST, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Fan Fiction, DARK Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: A story about a enthusiastic Elden Ring Gamer, who gets transmigrated into his favorite game. However, he has no cheats ...


A story about a enthusiastic Elden Ring Gamer, who gets transmigrated into his favorite game. However, he has no cheats and obviously no system. How will he survive in this cruel world? Will he meet his end facing the Tree Sentinel right at the beginning or perhaps survive a little bit longer? ————————————————————————— For more information, please read the chapter „What to expect from this Fan Fiction“. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

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Following a Hundred Years of Cultivation, I'm dying Before I Got Cheats

Jiang Chengxuan accidentally transmigrated to the immortal cultivation world and accidentally obtained the immortal cultivation heritage. However, his qualifications were really low, and after a hundred years of hard work, he was still unable to advance to the Foundation Establishment Realm. Just when he was discouraged, he came to a mortal city in silence, ready to end his life. That was when he got the long-awaited cheats. Detected that the host has achieved 100 years of immortal cultivation, hereby granting a life extension fruit, which can increase the life expectancy by one year. The next achievement task was now issued. Please complete the quest a hundred times. Complete it to achieve the honor of completing the quest a hundred times and you can get a chance to complete the quest smoothly. Ding! Please complete 100 times of technique practice, and achieve it to obtain a sense of perfection in technique inheritance jade talisman. Please complete 100 times of energy training to enhance the foundation bone. Please complete 100 times of talisman-making achievements... Please complete 100 times of enlightenment achievement... Please complete 100 times of alchemy achievement... Please complete 100 times of poisoning achievement... Please... Unknowingly, when Jiang Chengxuan heard the system's prompt again, he was told that there were no more achievements worthy of him to complete, because his existence itself was already an achievement that could never be surpassed.

West Traveler · Eastern
1216 Chs


Цас бударсан өвлийн хүйтэн орой. "Би чамайг хайрласаар ирсэн. Өнгөрсөнд ч одоо ч ирээдүйд ч чи зөвхөн минийх байх ёстой. Зөвхөн намайг харж, надад анхаарч, миний тухай л бод. Чи намайг хайрлахгүй байж болно. Гэхдээ хажууд минь байгаач. Чамгүйгээр би үхнэ" гээд тэр миний гарыг зөөлөн үнслээ. Түүний хэлсэн чин сэтгэлийн үгс зүрхийг минь эмтлэх мэт. "Энэ ертөнцөд зөвхөн би л түүнийг зогсоож чадна. Гэхдээ ямар үнээр, юуны төлөө гэж? Энэ бүхэн хэзээ дуусах вэ? Яагаад заавал бид гэж? Надад бурхдыг зүхэхээс өөр хийж чадах зүйл үгүй. Гэсэн ч би дайнаас сэргийлэх хэрэгтэй." Баруун болон Зүүн Суръяагийн хоорондох зуун жилийн цуст дайнаас хойш хоёр зуун жил өнгөрчээ. Тэрхүү дайны дараа мандан гарч ирсэн Тэнгэрийн улс гэгдэх Хонрей сүүлийн хоёр зууны турш хамгийн агуу гүрэн гэгдэнэ. Гэвч тэрхүү цуст дайн гэнэт дууссан шалтгаан юу байв? Зөгнөлийн жинхэнэ тайлал юу вэ? Хориотой хайр дурлал, улс төрийн далд явуулга, зөгнөлийн жинхэнэ үнэн зэрэг олон асуудлыг тэд даван гарах болов уу?

Tsendee · History
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3 Chs


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This is surprisingly good I didn't expect this to be this good considering elden ring fanfics are rush, mostly bad, or hard to read


It has potential. It's pretty good, so far. Now I except the MC to travel more around and fight more, and get to do all quest (I did). Thanks you!


good so far is he going to use his knowlodge later for finding weapons talismans and other stuff ....................................................


Reveal spoiler


I need more!!


it's really rare to find a good elden ring fic like this one, good job author you did a great work here👍👍.


not everyday you find a souls like fanfic it's wonderfull and very interresting i recommend you read it and leave your review




I like it...............................


Since it's a elden ring fic it's automatically 5 stars ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


That story really good, i hope you don't gonna dropped that story because this story is really nice. And also it's because that a story about elden ring


Finally a actually good Elden ring fanfic. Every one please red it is very good.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Esta historia tiene mucho potencial sigue con el buen trabajo autor 😎 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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