
Dungeon of Infinity

Sudden Tremor! Destructive phenomena suddenly struck the earth. An unknown calamity that lasted for a whole minute can be felt across every corner of the planet. After this devastating earthquake followed by another destruction that wipe the land clean, a hundred meters of water. A great tsunami scours every city, every town in every country. Submerging most of the land that exists on planet earth. Almost everything was cut off, but fortunately, even in the face of the imminent extinction of human civilization, every single human was transferred to another realm which led them to safety. After some time they learned something, they're not on earth anymore. They're currently in a dungeon, far away from earth! "You're all safe here, there's no need to panic as this is the fate of humanity. The earth, your home is no longer safe. The Merge has happened and with the help of Higher Gods we were able to assist you and transfer your species to this realm." An Angel with multiple wings floating in the air said to humans. Unbeknownst to other Gods, a single human returned to 'earth'. ============= I don't own the cover photo, if you own it and wanted to take it down, please let me know. Thanks!

SilentSolitude · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Merge // System?

Sudden tremor across the planet earth! Destructive yet unknown phenomena suddenly struck the earth. An earthquake that lasted for a whole minute can be felt in every corner of the planet. Bringing in another wave of destruction to the land, a hundred meters tall of surging water. A huge tsunami swept every country in the world, covering them like a blanket.

Numerous monuments and buildings, including the wonders of the world, were either underwater caused by the tsunami or have been destroyed. Almost everything was cut off, with no electricity or water whatsoever, but fortunately for some reason, every single human being was transferred to the unknown realm which led them to safety.

-Original Realm-

High in the sky, an unknown existence is currently floating in the air. With 6 wings on their back, the three of them are looking down below where numerous golden lights are flickering. They're the current residents of earth. Humans!


After a while, the field which is incredibly huge, was able to accommodate all human beings that are close to 8 billion population. The flickering lights also came to an end, and all the human beings were able to arrive in the area.

One by one, every single one of them opened their eyes and was greatly shocked at the event they experience, one moment ago they were still at their homes, work, bar, train station, vehicle, etc. Some of them also got into an accident due to the tremor they experience. Yet they arrive at this unknown place with no injuries whatsoever.

However, the people who are most shocked are the old people and disabled. They were finally able to talk, walk, hear, and stand up. The old people also got their youth back, people who were 90 years old were suddenly 40 years old, and a whole 50 years was returned to them. It's like everyone was back to normal without disabilities and injuries.

One commotion after the other, all types of voices can be heard from different people. They 're shocked, again and again, and they notice that some of the people come from different countries yet they can understand their language without an issue.

"Where are we? As far as I remember I got into an accident, I'm sure that my hand has been cut off, but my hand is fully intact." A man said as he stared at his hand.

"What's happening? Where are we!"

"Son! You're healed, I'm so happy that you can stand up now."

"What the fuck? Dad?"

"Son? How did I become younger? Wait! You... are you my wife?'"

"Husband!? How did we get younger!"

Countless voices can be heard in the field, and different types of emotion can be seen. Some were crying due to happiness, some were shocked by the event they felt, and some were worried for a reason.

"Listen!" A majestic and calm voice can be heard, it sounds neutral yet far from gentle. Every single human was able to hear it and they looked around to see where it was coming from.

"My species are called Angels! Our species are the ones who administer every existence that came into this realm." Numerous found out where this was coming from and looked up at the three entity that were floating in the air.

"I know your circumstances, some of you are confused and you have no idea what's going on. But let me tell you right now that you're no longer on your planet called Earth. Right now you're in a realm, inside a dungeon.

Some of you are confused because you died yet you're here. The reason is the golden shroud that the HIgher Gods grants to your species, it was already in your body the day early before the calamity happen and it will automatically be activated before its start. Because of its incredible power, everyone who died or sustain injuries will be returned to their original state.

Don't worry, you're all safe. There's no need to panic. I want you all to listen carefully as I will not entertain any questions nor repeat myself. The earth, which is your home and planet, is no longer safe. The reason behind this is something we call 'The Merge'. And this has happening for a long time since the creation of life itself even the Higher Gods cannot destroy it or stop it. It's unfortunate that the merge has come to earth.

As of the moment, the earth is in the process of recreation. Not only is your planet earth gone but it will be recreated, your planet will expand enormously, boundless life will sprout out, and the birth of new species will be created. Yet something beautiful hides its danger." The Angel said as he continued.

"Even if you survive the calamity that destroyed your planet, the natural disaster will still kill you as there's nothing that can defend your fragile body, but let us say you're lucky and manage to survive that then you will certainly die with the process of the recreation of your planet.

The Higher God predicted this event and was able to help your species to safety which led you here. As for some questions in your mind, we cannot send you back to earth... For now...

I'm sure that you will learn the rest of the information after you leave this realm since this place can only be opened for a set amount of time, it's more like an entrance. Let me give you another information right now there's an infinite number of realms that exist, and you're inside of one of them, and what holds this realm together is called the 'Dungeon of Infinity'. It's a separate space from the universe, It's like heaven and hell." The Angel paused for a moment and saw the faces of the human below. This is pretty much normal for him since this is not the first time that a species managed to enter this realm. Their job is to inform them of everything they needed to know before they send the human to the lower realm.

"Rest assured as you'll return to your planet after the recreation, once you return a so-called 'Mystic Dungeon' will appear, this is connected to where you're right now, since the time here is different from your planet, once the strength of your species is enough for you to survive on your own it's estimated that you will be back to your planet after 10 years which is around 50 years on that planet, and in a meantime, you will be teleported down below this realm, that place is pretty safe, its will also be your starting line, you'll need to gain strength and power to protect yourself or the others.

Here's a small gift from Higher Gods, this is called Attributes Window, It doesn't have other features but it lets you see your attributes, talent, and skills, it has other features that you can explore by yourself.

I don't have other things to add and I'm sure that you will learn everything while you're here, One more piece of advice before I send you all below. Try and climb every realm in this dungeon within this period, the higher realm you climb the better. You might get a treasure along the way, it will help you greatly." The Angel said as he waved his hand all of the humans were once again shrouded by a golden light and they disappeared one by one. Until no one remains, after a while the smile that hangs around the face of the Angel disappears and was suddenly replaced by disgust.

"Fucking Humans, just how many of them exist in the plane of the universe. Do they exist on multiple planets? If not for the rules and laws of this Dungeon I already killed all of them, I'll let them go for now, but once they are back on their planet and have access to dungeons I'll gut their species one by one after they enter. I'll make sure to make your species extinct this time." The Angel said as he maniacally laughed and vanished from the air along with the other angels on his side.


It's been 10 Hours since the Human population teleported to the Original Realm, and right now the planet is still in chaos. Most of the country is already submerged, the remaining land is full of huge pits and cracks and most land animals died due to this calamity. Every building has been destroyed to the ground, yet after a while, another phenomenon occurred and its tremors shook the earth, the shock sent another wave of tsunamis around the world.

Outside the planet, a huge crack suddenly appears in space and manages to pull the planet inside the crack. In this solar system, the so-called Earth no longer existed.

-Millions Of Light Years Away-

In the middle of an unknown solar system, a huge planet suddenly appears out of nowhere. It was perfectly aligned at a safe distance between other planets. This planet was once called Earth, it's been inside the crack for millions of years after being recreated and merged with other planets. Right now everything that is human-made has been destroyed or disappeared without any trace at all.

After a moment, the crack disappears in an instant after tossing the planet to another solar system. The new 'earth' is a thousand times larger than its original size, everything is alienated but some of the plants look similar to before.

Even though the 'earth' has been inside the crack for millions of years, it has only been 12 hours since the human disappearance from the planet earth. After the planet has settled into its new solar system, numerous types of cracks appear in every corner of the world, and countless monsters and species, from weakest to strongest rush outside the crack.

Some of the species that came outside the crack had humanoid shapes with different colors of skin, long ears, short height, and many other things.

Yet in an unknown forest, a golden light suddenly flickered. Brighten up the area, shaping into a person. as the form was shaping the person who's inside this light fell down.


"Ack... Fucking Shit! That hurts. Where am I? Is this the first realm?" David grunts as he looks around him, noticing that he was in a forest that was unfamiliar yet familiar to him.

"This... It's an Oak Tree!... is it an Oak Tree??" David said, as he tilted his head, he was currently confused at what was happening. He remembered this type of tree since it's pretty common and you can see this in most forests.

"Am I in the realm? Wait the Attribute Window, how do I use that." David remembers that the angel said they would receive an Attribute Window.

"Most of the Novel you can call is by saying something, let's try calling it. System!" David said his hobby is reading novels and manga, and he's pretty familiar with this type of setting. Suddenly David heard something. It sounded mechanical, a machine booting up.


David suddenly heard a voice and looks around, but he notices a message letter floating in front of him. He knows that the one who talks is the one inside his head.


'Reply: Hello...?' System replied.

"Wait, you can communicate?" David said with expectation since he felt that something was wrong as he couldn't see other people around him. He didn't want to overthink too much.

'Reply: No, the system will only reply to the host if being questioned.' System replied.

"Wait, am I your host? What are you and where did you come from, are you part of the features?" David asks in confusion.

'Reply: Yes, for today onwards you're my host. And there's no indication of where I came from. My current purpose is unknown, but my current mission is to help the host survive on this planet. And I'm also not part of the features.' the system replied and continue.

'Also based on the situation, It's possible that I came from that metal on your bracelet, I sense some familiarity with it.'

"My Bracelet? Oh, this? This came from my Grandfather. He gave me this after he died, and it's been 4 years since then. But can you clear things up for me, you said planet. I thought I was in a realm." David said.

'Reply: Most of my features are turned off, as of the moment I cannot provide other assistance for you than to monitor your attribute, skills, status, and others. But the original system that you receive has features that monitor your life and location. In conclusion, it's like a hidden virus that constantly monitors all the things you're doing, this includes the things you'll get or gain' the system replied.




Hi guys! I'm sorry I know it's like dumping the information but please bear with me, also English is not my first language and there will definitely be an error so please let me know if there's a grammatical error with the chapter so that I can fix it. Thank you!

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