
Dungeon of Infinity

Sudden Tremor! Destructive phenomena suddenly struck the earth. An unknown calamity that lasted for a whole minute can be felt across every corner of the planet. After this devastating earthquake followed by another destruction that wipe the land clean, a hundred meters of water. A great tsunami scours every city, every town in every country. Submerging most of the land that exists on planet earth. Almost everything was cut off, but fortunately, even in the face of the imminent extinction of human civilization, every single human was transferred to another realm which led them to safety. After some time they learned something, they're not on earth anymore. They're currently in a dungeon, far away from earth! "You're all safe here, there's no need to panic as this is the fate of humanity. The earth, your home is no longer safe. The Merge has happened and with the help of Higher Gods we were able to assist you and transfer your species to this realm." An Angel with multiple wings floating in the air said to humans. Unbeknownst to other Gods, a single human returned to 'earth'. ============= I don't own the cover photo, if you own it and wanted to take it down, please let me know. Thanks!

SilentSolitude · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Shiny Jewel

"What?" David was shocked by the statement of the system.

"Can they see where I am right now?" David said as he promptly asked the system right away.

'Reply: For the safety of my host, I deliberately removed and disabled this feature the moment after I was activated. I also preserve some of its useful settings and made them my own, In this case, I'll have a piece of general information about the host's current location. Rest assured as I made sure that they would not be notified about the removal of the features' The system replies to David.

Knowing that the system already settled everything about his Attribute Windows being tampered ease David, he thought 'If this is the case then those damn angels gave this to us to monitor everything we're doing, is that why they encourage us to climb the realm since they can monitor every treasure or item we can get? But for what reason?'

"Those angels said that they would transfer us to the lower realm so that we could start climbing the Dungeon. Can you tell me if it's only me that was transferred here? And what exactly is this planet?" David asks the system a few questions.

'Reply: Life Detection features are currently disabled, There's no confirmation that you're the only person who's been transferred to this planet, but it's highly possible that your arrival to this planet was because of the interference of that bracelet.' The system replies as it continues.

'Based on the general information I gather, this planet is about a million years old, other than that no other information can be extracted, the host needs to provide plants, dirt, or other specimens that can be analyzed.' The system replied.

"I see, I can definitely do that, there are countless specimens around me, also can you tell me all the features you have and can simplify it like in those RPG games?" David said.

'Reply: System was able to find what's 'RPG' is based on Host memory, here are your Attribute Windows with your skills and current status.' The system replied to David, after a moment a silver transparent window appeared right in front of David,


Name: David

Level: 1 (0/10)

HP: 100

MP 50/50

STR (Strength): 10 = F-

CONS (Constitution): 10 = F-

DEF (Defense): 8 = G

DEX (Dexterity): 9 = F-

PER (Perception): 7 = G

INT (Intelligence): 9 = F-

LCK (Luck): A (Exceptionally Lucky)


STATUS: Healthy | Unidentified?? |


Active Skills: Analyze | Absorb | Space Bag (5 Slots)


Passive Skills: Unidentified?? | [Pending!]



"Wait, where did this active skill come from? And looking through my status window, someone could definitely kill me immediately with just a slap I'm too weak, and what's with the question mark?" David asks the system in confusion.

'Reply: The active skill called 'Analyze and Absorb' was added along when I was activated and regarding the questions mark in your status window it can only be identified, later on, there's no need to worry as the skills are currently unidentified they're still inactive, they're not putting any effect or harm on host body, for unknown there's something that preventing me to access its information. By the way, you have a pending skill to receive.' The system asks David.

"Well, why do you need my consent? Should you just give it to me immediately?" David ask.

'Reply: It's highly recommended that you're aware before the skill assimilates with your body since this is a Passive skill and you might feel uncomfortable while it merges with your body.' The system said and it proceeded to continue.

'Just a reminder after you accept the assimilation, it will take effect immediately. It's highly suggested to find a safe place before doing anything.' The system warns and notifies David.

"I understand, in this case, I should find a safe place first," David said as he got up on the ground. After he arrived on this planet, he was instantly distracted by the system in his mind and didn't quite take a look around him.

He notices that the forest is not really that thick and there's enough sunlight around him, it didn't block any lights at all, and since he needed to receive the skill he thought of finding a cave first. While on alert with his surroundings, he carefully took a step and started walking around afraid to encounter any beast.

'I need to find a cave or something that can safely cover me at least. Since I'm all alone I should find something I can eat and take care of general needs.' David thought as he continued to walk around, he also climb on the tallest tree to have a better scope of what was around him.

"What's that?" David saw something in the distance, he was able to notice this almost immediately.

"It's glowing? It looks like an apple, it is a fruit?" David saw this glowing thing in the distance. He didn't think that this was a fruit since it was mysteriously glowing. He decides to go where this fruit is. But he didn't forget to make sure that everything was safe around him. He would also not hesitate to turnaround if he ever saw any beast or animal in sight. David kept that in mind as he knows that with his current status the risk is enormous when fighting a beast. He might truly die if he confronts an unknown beast on this planet.

After a while, David was able to arrive below the tree, unexpectedly he didn't encounter any animal or beast along the way. The path he took let him arrive in this area in a short time but, he felt very weird that there was no beast at all.

After taking a look at the glowing thing hanging on the tree, he's more confused than before, he thought. 'Is this a fruit or a jewel? It's not that it's shining but it reflects the light of the sunlight making it glow, it's rather beautiful.' David thought. He wanted to take this right away yet he didn't even know if this was consumable or safe based on its look.

"How would I know if this is safe? Should I experiment with this with the animal first, should I find an animal like a rabbit or rat?" David said, but he suddenly remembered one of his skills. It's called Analyze, but he didn't know how he could activate this.

"System, how can I activate my skill Analyze, should I just say it out loud? Can you also tell me more information about my skill?" David asked the system since he didn't have any idea about his current skill and how to activate them.

'Reply: No problem, you just need to say Analyze out loud or say it on your mind as well. Here's the rest of the information about your skills.' The system informs David about the activation of the skill and suddenly a different panel popped up in front of him about his skill.


Analyze (Growth) [Level: 1] - Skill that can Identify any item in the universe. Its only restriction is its current level, it's highly recommended to upgrade this skill, additional information can be provided once the level is enough.


Absorb (Growth) [Level: 1] - Consumable items can be eaten or digested, in the case of skill Absorb, you can specifically get an attribute, buff, or skills, permanently in any items, minerals, materials, etc. The effect is determined by the level of the skill and the quality of the item host will absorb. It's highly recommended to upgrade the skill for additional bonuses.

Notice: Absorbing a similar or the same item will lower the effectiveness of the skill, and it will lower the chance of gaining anything. It is possible to gain none. Yet absorbing high-quality items will have the effect threshold, multiplying the effect of gaining a better quality of skill, buff, or attribute.


Space Bag (Growth) [Level: 1] - Inventory Space granted by the Higher Gods, due to unknown reasons, it became a growth skill with an unprecedented effect that makes even the gods shocked by it, it can hold an item with the effect of stopping the time, it's highly useful for foods and other consumable as the item will not deteriorate in many years, living things are not allowed as they will immediately die. It's highly recommended to upgrade the skill, you will have an additional slot on your space bag and there might be a shocking effect in the future once it reaches enough level.


David was currently reading through it, and he was shocked beyond belief after reading his skill, Analyze is very good when it comes to the items he's not familiar with, it can Identify anything in the universe, but it might have a restriction for now due to its current level, but it's quite a good skill nonetheless. As for his Space Bag, it's also a perfect skill, the unprecedented effect that it's talking about might be the system but since he has the system, those higher gods will not do anything to him since they didn't know anything about him or his system.

As for his skill 'Absorb', it might be his most useful and powerful skill of all, it might have a restriction of not gaining anything by absorbing the same or similar item, but in any case, you can get something powerful if you absorb a high quality of the item.

After getting familiar with his skill, David is more motivated to get more powerful. Right now his first goal is to survive on this unknown planet. Way back on earth, he was only 16 years old when his grandfather died. Both his parents died in an accident, only his grandfather was there to take care of him.

His relatives were also kind enough to provide help for him as he was all alone, but he wanted to refuse their help but they didn't let him do that. David still lives at his parents' house and his relatives visit him once every week. His relatives also gave him enough money to buy food, but David was able to save up money as he could cook for himself and budget the money he had. He learned to live by himself and survive on his own with the help of his kind relative.

He promised himself that he will make sure to pay for all the favor they did to him, after 4 years. he wanted to visit his relatives but that's when the calamity happen. Everything around him is in chaos. the tremor of the earthquake destroyed his family home, he was devastated after seeing this. But before he could do anything he was transferred into the realm. He tried searching for his relative but to no avail.

Right now, other than to survive on this planet, one of David's goals is to find his relatives, he knows that they're safe in the realm, and he's quite sure that he's only on this planet due to the system that was activated on this Attribute Window. He has another goal as well, and that's to find the reason the Angel gave the people an Attribute Window with a feature to monitor what they're doing. There's no clear reason but he will make sure to find out. But to do that he clearly needs strength to not only defend himself but protect the people who are important to him.

David looks up at the jewel hanging on the tree, now that he has a clear goal. He will make sure to use his skill effectively and become powerful. Being transferred to this planet might be a blessing in disguise instead.

David looked at the jewel hanging on the tree, and he used his skill to analyze the jewel in front of him.

"Analyze!" David said it out loud, he could say it in his mind but he just did it to see if there was any difference when said in his mind. After that, a silver panel appears in front of him, and after a while, he was shocked by the information he had just read.

"Oh my god! What the fuck did I just encounter."




From now, starting with the next chapter instead of saying Attribute Window, it will be Status instead. I just kept the word Attribute Window due to the first chapter. But moving forward it will be 'Status Window'.


For more information about the Status or Attribute of David, see the "STATUS INFORMATION" In Auxiliary Chapters.


Please let me know if you find any grammatical errors and I'll check if I can upload another one tomorrow. Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


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