
Dungeon of Infinity

Sudden Tremor! Destructive phenomena suddenly struck the earth. An unknown calamity that lasted for a whole minute can be felt across every corner of the planet. After this devastating earthquake followed by another destruction that wipe the land clean, a hundred meters of water. A great tsunami scours every city, every town in every country. Submerging most of the land that exists on planet earth. Almost everything was cut off, but fortunately, even in the face of the imminent extinction of human civilization, every single human was transferred to another realm which led them to safety. After some time they learned something, they're not on earth anymore. They're currently in a dungeon, far away from earth! "You're all safe here, there's no need to panic as this is the fate of humanity. The earth, your home is no longer safe. The Merge has happened and with the help of Higher Gods we were able to assist you and transfer your species to this realm." An Angel with multiple wings floating in the air said to humans. Unbeknownst to other Gods, a single human returned to 'earth'. ============= I don't own the cover photo, if you own it and wanted to take it down, please let me know. Thanks!

SilentSolitude · Fantasy
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5 Chs



(Heart of Sanguinary)

Type: Consumable/Material

Quality: Epic

•A rare type of fruit that only grow at the tree of Spirit Larch, A tree that mixed with whistle titans blood and It rarely bore a fruit. It could take up to 50 years before a new fruit can be harvested. Can purify and enhance a bloodline, making it more valuable comparable to a legendary-quasi item.

Evaluation: It is highly suggested to digest it once it mature it will be very beneficial for the host. !WARNING - Once it matures, the probability of a beast coming for this is VERY HIGH!


After reading the description of the item in front of him, it made David speechless for quite some time. After a while he reacted.

"Oh my god! What the fuck did I just encounter." David shouted in surprise. Luckily he was the only one in the area.

It is obvious that this fruit is valuable. He did not know what was going to happen if he ever consumed this but to enhance your bloodline does not sound bad.

Before anything else, he quickly asked the system.

"System, can you specifically know when exactly is the time that this fruit will mature?" David asked the system.

'Reply: Due to the current level of 'Analyze' calculating the exact time of its maturity is not possible at the moment.' System said as a reply to David.

"Shit, so it is due to the level restriction." David already suspected this, since the item in front of him is a Legendary-quasi item, the chances are high that he cannot get all the information about it.

"In this case, how can I know if the fruit mature?" David asked the system.

'Reply: Once the fruit of Spirit Larch mature, it will release a smell of blood, it is said to tempt every beast within its vicinity, they will rush for it like crazy and kill everyone who gets in their way.' System reply to David.

David is in deep thought, knowing what the system said made him realize how dangerous this fruit is due to it's effect on other monsters. David is not a greedy person, but for the sake of gaining strength he needs to take the risk. But as of the moment he does not have any weapon or skill in his arsenal to fight any monster. He will only put himself in a dangerous situation.

After a while, David suddenly remembers the pending skill he has, and his skill 'Absorb'.

"System, Is there any difference if I use my skill to absorb this fruit rather than consume it?" David asked, at this point he wanted to know if there is an advantage to absorbing this immature fruit.

'Reply: Due to host current state it is more beneficial to use your skill and Absorb it rather than consume it. Waiting it to mature will have you face something you cannot handle and in your state you will only meet a meaningless death. If you ever consume it your body might not be able to handle it as well. It is highly recommend to accept the Pending skill.' System said and reminded David of the pending skill once again.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that, I just need to find a cave first and I still need to give you the specimens you need. In this case, it looks like it is much better to Absorb it and rather than consume it since it will benefit me more at the current state I have. Also I notice that the way you are talking is becoming more and more of a human?" David said as he asked about the system.

'Reply: It is far from that, host. It's only due to the skill Analyze, since I am your system I have access to your skill but only you can use them. Yet for some reason, Analyze is accessible for me, so when I answer your question the skill analyze automatically activates. Due to that I was able to understand you more clearer. I was able to provide a satisfactory answer to the host, In the end I'm restricted to talk and I can only answer if being questioned.' System said.

"I see, but you becoming more of a human would be great as well. At least I have a companion that I can talk to while I'm here on this planet. By the way, how do I activate the skill absorb? Is it the same with Analyze?" David asked the system.

'Reply: Yes!' The System said.

"Good! In this case, activating the Space Bag should be the same as well. I'm going to put this on my inventory first then find the cave. That's where I'm going to get the pending skill and absorb this fruit." David said, as he raised his hand, he put a grabbing motion and activated the skill Space Bag.

'Store' David thought.

After that it instantly disappeared, the only fruit that's hanging on the tree of Spirit Larch has been directly stored at David Space Bag. After successfully getting the fruit David immediately get down the tree and flee from the area. Afraid of any monster seeing him.

David was able to run away and quickly search for a cave he could hide. David is jubilant now for the treasure he gained today. But what David didn't know is there's an up coming consequences for taking such a fruit.


After a while, it took hours of time before David was able to come across such a cave and for the first time, David was able to encounter a beast. Fortunately for David, this is just a low rank beast that doesn't have much intelligence and what surprises David is how much of a fantasy he is right now.

[Elemental Slime]

Type: Poison Slime

HP: 100/100

Overall Grade: Low

Skills: Poison Spit, Protective Coat

David was currently staring from inside the cave, as the slime walks around it sometime rolls over or jumps around, but even though that this is only a low grade beast, the poison it has seems lethal. The grass it passes through immediately dies and turns black. This means that even a low level beast can definitely kill an adult human, fortunately the slime has already past him by, he's really amazed of how much fantasy this is.

"A slime huh, I'm really in a fantasy world huh, I thought that my world was full of aliens and something, but it appears like the universe is full of surprises. I should get going already, I'm tired of hiding around like a fucking coward. I should get a weapon at least or skill so that I can start leveling up." David said, since the time he got here he had always been on high alert, which is good, but he constantly hidden from everything, since he didn't want to risk anything, including his life. But he was tired of it, David proceeded and walked inside the cave.

As he walks further, he instantly notices the colorful gems around him, They emit different types of color and provide a minimum light as well. But due to the numbers of this crystal it made the cave brighter and beautiful. He touches one of them and felt the warmth inside it. David also tried and Analyze it.


Type: Material

Quality: Normal

•It is one of wonder in the nature, It was due to elemental stone combine with the magical essence that Crystalite was able to form. This rainbow like stone is loved by many. Its magical essence is low to begin with because of how fragile it is.

Evaluation: It is mainly used as a decoration, but it's also useful as a crafting material for lamps.

David was able to read the information and he can't deny it, he also love the color it emits, it will also be beneficial to make it as a lamp. He thought that it would be lovely. He didn't hesitate to put it in his Space Bag. He understands that he only has 3 remaining slots, after being occupied by Heart of Sanguinary and Crystalite. But nonetheless he's not worried since it will grow over time and he will get an additional slot.

After taking a Crystalite, David also discovered that he can stacked them up without an issue. In this case he will not have to worry about same item taking a slot in his Space Bag. He continue taking a Crystalite. He didn't need to dig to get it, he just needed to point at the Crystalite and it would immediately disappear.

"This should be enough." David said with a satisfied smile hanging in his face.

David didn't just casually take everything, he left some around the cave for them to continue in brightening them around. Upon checking in his Inventory, he has a total of 268 Crystalite and some of them are in Uncommon quality as well. But they didn't take any inventory space, David simply saw the drop down around and everything is perfectly arranged by it's quality whether it is bigger or not.

David, didn't meddle to long with the material he got, he tried to walk deeper in the cave yet he could not proceed. The light provided by Crystalite didn't reach the end, and David is currently at the end where the lights stop. In this case, David searches for a hidden area or place in the cave where he can begin the absorption and assimilate the passive skill.

30 Minutes after, looking around the area where David came from, not a single room could not be found, he had no choice but to go deeper. He took out a Crystalite and held in by his side, after taking it out it instantly lighted up a path for David. Fortunately. after another 30 minutes of walking he was able to find the room he's searching for.

David quickly looked around this small area. It's actually 3 meters wide and it's enough for him in the meantime. After making sure that the area around him was safe, he temporarily covered the entrance with a stone he got and also put Cristalite everywhere to make the area lit.

"First thing first, let's try and absorb this thing. I'm sure that I would not feel anything at all with this compared to when I received the Passive Skill." David said to himself and then took the fruit from his Inventory.

"Absorb!" David said, Almost Immediately the fruit glows faintly and starts to melt. This shocked David. This jeweled like fruit suddenly melted and seeped inside his hands. After the help instantly regret doing it.

'I should receive the Passive Skill first before this, fuck!" David said as he felt an excruciating pain.

From now on, I'll be calling them 'Monster' Instead of Animal or Beast.


I actually made this chapter a bit rush than typing it, I'll try to re-read it and check if there's anything I should change or fix.


Please let me know if you find any grammatical errors and I'll check if I can upload another one tomorrow. Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


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