
Dungeon of Infinity

Sudden Tremor! Destructive phenomena suddenly struck the earth. An unknown calamity that lasted for a whole minute can be felt across every corner of the planet. After this devastating earthquake followed by another destruction that wipe the land clean, a hundred meters of water. A great tsunami scours every city, every town in every country. Submerging most of the land that exists on planet earth. Almost everything was cut off, but fortunately, even in the face of the imminent extinction of human civilization, every single human was transferred to another realm which led them to safety. After some time they learned something, they're not on earth anymore. They're currently in a dungeon, far away from earth! "You're all safe here, there's no need to panic as this is the fate of humanity. The earth, your home is no longer safe. The Merge has happened and with the help of Higher Gods we were able to assist you and transfer your species to this realm." An Angel with multiple wings floating in the air said to humans. Unbeknownst to other Gods, a single human returned to 'earth'. ============= I don't own the cover photo, if you own it and wanted to take it down, please let me know. Thanks!

SilentSolitude · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Improvement // Momentum?

It's been 3 hours since David absorbed the Heart of Sanguinary, and he continuously feels the excruciating pain in his hand. What's worse is that it started to spread throughout his whole body. For someone like David, even though he has a system, and skill, in a fantasy-like world, this didn't change the fact he is still a normal human being with a mortal body that is very fragile.

Having the system or skill didn't change anything in his body at all, they didn't give him any enhancement or body modification, and even the current attributes he has are normal statuses for a human adult.

'Shit! For how much longer is this going to continue? The pain started spreading throughout my body.' David thought, he wanted to give up hours ago, but he knew that once he did that he would certainly die. If he's lucky to survive he might be crippled instead.

'System! Why didn't you say anything when I absorbed this fruit? Is this a normal side effect? Am I going to feel this every time I use my skill?' David thought in his mind, he didn't know if the system could still communicate with him even though he was talking in his mind.

'Reply: Host should remember that I am an auxiliary support. I can only help you if you ask for help, I cannot assist the host without an order. As for the other questions, this type of effect can be nullified if the host body is strong enough. And yes, you will continue to feel this type of effect if your body cannot handle such power. In case the host didn't remember, you have a mortal body and you absorb a fruit that can't be found anywhere on earth, the density of energy or mana it contains can kill a normal person since this fruit also has the blood of Whistle Titans.' The system replied to David.

'It's like you're saying that I'm not a fucking normal person! How long are these going to continue? I can feel it moving around my bod...' David was talking to the system when suddenly.

"FUCKK!! AHHH... ARRGGHH..." David's bloodshot eyes suddenly opened, and he shouted at the top of his lungs due to the pain he felt. Yet behind that shout hides a roar of a mysterious being, It sounds so loud that it trembles the whole cave. It even reached some part of the forest around the cave and all the beasts that heard it flee in panic.

'Reply: Based on my observation, you will certainly be abnormal, any normal people have given up already last 2 hours ago, but the host was able to last this long.


'SHIT!' David continued to curse in his mind, he felt every of his bone breaking into half, it was like being crushed by a heavy truck. Yet for some reason. It was also being healed as well at a swift rate. For David, this becomes torture, but he can't do anything about it, he can only make sure that he will not pass out. This process continues for another 2 hours. But even all through this time, David didn't fall unconscious, he wanted to give up multiple times but it only strengthened his will to continue.

After a while, David slowly opened his eyes. Even after that gruesome torture, you can still see in his eye that he was full of energy and vigor. He notices that the pain gradually vanishes away. One thing is for sure, David could feel something different in his body, Something wild and chaotic, but it didn't hinder or damage his body, he felt energetic and stronger than before. He notices that he's still lying down, so he slowly got up and starts checking his body.

"System, tell me what happened. I feel my bone has been broken multiple times, but here I am standing, I can also feel that I'm stronger than before," David said as he asked the system.

'Reply: The host body has gone through a modification, It's been broken and healed exactly three-hundred and fifty-eight times. Due to this process, the potential of your body broke through the limitation of your species. At this moment, the host body has been enhanced. You may check your attributes later.' The system replied to David and proceeded to continue.

'Regarding your other questions, the reason for your strength is obviously the fruit called 'Heart of Sanguinary'. It was able to enhance the overall strength of your body, due to your skill 'Absorb' the remaining amount of blood coming from Whistle Titan has been absorbed and used to enhance your body, making it as it is now.'

David is completely speechless about it, he remembers Whistle Titan after the system mentions the tree where this fruit came from, it has a mix of blood that came from a species called Whistle Titan. What makes him more amazing is that with his skill 'Absorb' even a tiny amount of power can be extracted and used as a power-up for him, the benefit of this skill is out of this world.

"This is fantastic, I feel powerful! With this power, my chances of survival will definitely increase. I think I should try and absorb something and get the pending skill as well." David said, he stood up and did some stretching. He was even more surprised after a few stretching. He was more flexible than before, his body had been buffed making it more solid. Clenching his fist makes a crackling sound, and after that David pressed his hand tight as he casually throws a light jab.


A crackling sound can be heard, due to the sudden increase in David's power, he cannot control the amount of power he can use, and the jab was able to create a wind pressure that shakes the air, making a violent wisp around him.

"I should learn how to control my strength first, or I could kill someone accidentally," David said to himself, he was amazed by how his power increased. After a while, he heard the system reply to his previous question earlier.

'Reply: For the safety of the host an automatic safety measure has been active, the skill 'Absorb' are under a cooldown of 5 days, this is due to a sudden increase in the host's strength, the power in the host's body is currently running wild and rampart. The only reason it's not affecting the host is that I am keeping it stable, it's being isolated to the other form of power on your body or they will go against each other and the host might explode to death. It's recommended to control your power first!' The system said as a reminder to David.

As for David, he felt disappointed that he could not use his skill immediately, but he understands what the system is trying to say. He should learn how to control his power first. He's very grateful that he has this system. It might sound robotic sometimes. But in the end, its priority is his safety and he really appreciates that. For David, even though it's not a human, it is still his first companion on this unknown planet.

"Well, can you tell me about this Whistle Titan? I keep hearing that name." David asks since he's very curious at this point.

'Reply: Reminder for the host, I'm not omnipotent, the basis of my knowledge is also limited to your sill 'Analysis', other than that I'm your auxiliary support which helps you with your skills and other, other features may unlock in the future. Yet regarding the host question, the Whistle Titan is an ancient species that is long gone and extinct, they once roamed this planet millions of years ago. Their deaths are unknown but based on the data they can be considered Demi-Gods. Their power is said to be on par with God's, even a Higher-Gods will have difficulty fighting them. Yet this gift comes with a curse, their body cannot contain all of their power. They're too strong even for themselves.

Until the last species of them are on the verge of its death, it's said that after it dies a 'seed' was planted somewhere on this planet, a beautiful tree where leaves are made of jade, flowers out of diamonds, and its fruits contain the last bloodline and the original power of Whistle Titan.' The system said to David.

'Holy shit, how lucky am I to get that fruit in the middle of nowhere?" David said out loud and as he could not contain his excitement when the system interrupted him.

'Reply: Actually, the fruit that the host absorbs only has a partial amount of the actual fruit that I mention. It might contain a mixture of blood but it's too tiny compared to the actual fruit. The fruit I mention is the only fruit that exists in this far universe, its values far exceed the one that the host absorbs, it can even tempt the Higher God to descend to a mortal world just to have this fruit.' The system replies to David.

"Did I ask you a question? Why are you answering that, you just kill the mood." David was upset after the system interjected with the information about the actual fruit. But it makes sense, if he actually absorbs the actual fruit he might truly die after using the skill. Even the tiny amount almost killed him, what about absorbing all of its power?

'Reply: You did ask a question, your tone is.' The system replied.

"Fine, In this case, I'm prepared to receive the pending skill, after that show me my status." David said, after a moment. A similar pain quickly rushed through his body, and even though he was ready David still fell to his knees almost instantly, yet with the current status of his body. He was able to handle it quickly, he got up while the skill underwent a merging process with his body. This time the pain took 10 minutes only after it slowly vanished.

"That's not bad, looks like most of the effect has been nullified by my body. It didn't go through the same torture twice. Could you pull up my status system?" David said as he stood up. A minute after a familiar transparent board appeared in front of him. Taking a look at his status made him happier. 'Looks like the pain was worth it after all.'


Name: David

Level: 1 (0/10)


HP: 800/800

MP: 400/400

STR (Strength): 38 = F

CONS (Constitution): 39 = F

DEF (Defense): 45 = E-

DEX (Dexterity): 32 = F

PER (Perception): 20 = F

INT (Intelligence): 32 = F

LCK (Luck): A (Exceptionally Lucky)


Current Status: Unidentified?? |


Active Skills: Analyze | Absorb | Space Bag (5 Slots) | [Burst Point (Unavailable)]


Passive Skills: Unidentified?? | Momentum |



"Momentum? What kind of passive skill is this? Also, why didn't I level up after that brutal torture? I'm a freak of nature compared to another level 1." David asks the system.

'Reply: The host didn't level up due to the skill 'Absorb'. Using this skill will only allow the host to absorb specific power-ups. Usually, you will only get a few attributes, a skill, or buffs permanently, yet this didn't include EXP.' The system took a quick pause and then continued with the explanation.

'Here's the information about your passive skill 'Momentum'!


Momentum [Unknown]: A mysterious skill that is unknown who created it or where it originated, it easily transcends the standard quality of the skill, Its actual quality or level of skill is unidentified. You will automatically receive an immense increase of power while in a battle.

The host will gain +1 point for all attributes temporarily. It will continue every minute as long as the battle continues!

'BURST' Percentage will also increase while in a battle, upon reaching 100% You'll gain a temporary active skill called 'Burst Point'.



An active skill, which you can apply with any of your weapons or hands if unarmed. For the next 3 seconds, your attack will contact additional damage increase up to 100% ~ 800%! The BURST percentage will reset after using this skill.


I'm sorry if I continue to overload you bunch of information, I just want to get over it and that's why I did this for the first 4 chapters. This might continue until the next chapter but I will make sure to focus more on David's adventure, which will start in the next chapter! Thank you for reading! :D


By the way, this novel was able to get an opportunity to be part of <Fresh Stories> which I don't have a lot of ideas what it is. Haha anyway, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, I am just one man doing all this job, I write, edit, and clean as well. I try my best to make any chapter I upload readable. Please understand if there's any error just let me know and I'll make sure to edit it out and fix it for you and for future readers.


I'm also quite busy with my current work. So if I didn't manage to upload any novels that might be the reason, but I'll make sure to stay within my schedule with 3 chapters every week. Thanks!


By the way, I've successfully uploaded 4 chapters! (5 total including auxiliary) This might be the last chapter and I hope to see you again by Friday! Thank you!

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