
DRAGON BALL: Through Blood and Dirt.

The dude gets thrown into the dragon ball multiverse and lands on earth as a human child who has just lost his parents to the red ribbon army. as a human, he is weak, but he can't leave his fate to others. join in and help decide how he will progress through blood and dirt.

McTripp · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Eight: Sparring with Gohan part 2

Seeing that Kai was still okay to continue Gohan motioned him on while he was in thought, Kai had good instincts but was obviously lacking someone he could train with. Gohan was sure he would become one of the world's greatest martial artists in the future if he kept at it and gained more experience.

Moving forward again Kai didn't try to go all in with a full offensive this time, taking note that Gohan was a lot more agile then he looked.

They exchanged kicks, punches and blocks at high speed while not breaking away or trying to step into each other's guard.

Gohan would comment and give advice from time to time as he watched Kai's movements and allowed Kai to study his form and footing without attacking overly hard or breaking the balance of their stalemate.

They continued their exchange of offence and defence intermittently changing roles as the sparring session evolved into more of a coaching session then anything else.

After half an hour of this Gohan signalled a stop to the spar, he had a good grasp on Kai's skill level and had also noticed that Kai had to constantly restrain himself from aiming at his pressure points as it seemed that his martial arts focused on incapacitating opponents with precise movement.

Inwardly Gohan didn't like it. Kai's martial arts was made for killing not self-defence and he wondered why Kai's father would teach him such a thing.

"That's enough for today young Kai, it's about time for breakfast don't you think?" Gohan said with a smile that could barely be seen through his white moustache.

Kai who was huffing and trying to suck up all the surrounding oxygen to catch his breath just nodded unable to speak for the time being.

"Whao!! that was amazing!" Shouted Goku in excitement from the steps of the house.

"Hahaha! yes it was Goku, Kai did very well for someone his age." Admitted Gohan.

Then continued. " How bout you take Kai to catch some fish for breakfast while I get the fire ready... After his caught his breath ofcourse, hahahaha!"

Finally finished puffing Kai looked up. "I'm good now." He replied with assurance.

"Great, just follow Goku. He will show the best river for fishing." Gohan said as he made his way towards the house to get started in the kitchen.

Cheering, Goku ran off into the forest while shouting. "Come on Kai! I know where the best fish are around here! I can't wait for grandpa's food!"

Shaking his head Kai took off after Goku and soon caught up. his was worn out from the spar but still had the energy to run at this pace. As Goku wasn't the speedster he would be in the future yet.

As he followed the monkey boy, Kai asked. " Hey Goku, how long till we reach the river?"

Looking over his shoulder." Ohh, it not far, we're almost there look!" He said, pointing just ahead to where the forest abruptly stopped at the edge of a cliff, Goku didn't stop running and jumped over the edge. "See you at the bottom! Whoooo!" he called out to Kai who had stopped briefly to take a look, after all he wasn't someone who would jump off a cliff just because someone else told him too... 'Yep, that's a big drop.' Kai thought as Goku land in the water with a splash.

Stepping off the cliff and pumping ki into his feet Kai floated down slowly and stopping on the water before letting go and plunging under the waters surface only to be greeted by the sight of Goku punching a fish twenty times bigger then himself in the head, knocking it out.

Chuckling inwardly Kai shook his head and looked around for his own fish to catch, though he doubted he would need it after seeing the size of the fish Goku had just gotten but hey, who knows. Saiyans eat so much that it's illogical anyways, better to be safe then sorry... or hungry in this case.

Looking around for a fish of a decent size didn't take long as this river was teeming with them and it just took a swift chop of his hand to put the fish to sleep.

Kai followed Goku who was climbing the cliff with the Fishes tail between his teeth and sigh in exasperation at this scene. using his ki again he flew up and grabbed Goku's fish as he past by bringing Goku with it in turn.

"Whaoo! you can fly!" said Goku excitedly as he grabbed hold of the Fishes tail with his hand.

"Yeah, but not for long. I'm still getting used to it." Kai replied cooly as he landed them on the cliff safely.

Goku practically had stars in his eyes as he asked. "Can you teach me?"

Kai paused in thought for a second then nodded. "I don't see why not but I can't do it right now.How about this, after I'm done in Korins tower I'll come back and teach you then. what do you think?"

"Ahh man that's so far away I wanted to learn now." Said Goku as he deflated.

Seeing this Kai laughed and cheered him up. " It won't take that long, only a few months, anyway let's get these fish back for grandpa Gohan. I'm starved."

Goku nodded. "mmm mmm me too! let's go!"


A/N: Greetings and salutations my good readers.

I have an announcement... I have found out the gender of my second child it is.... insert imaginary drum roll... a girl! hahaha yes thank you thank you I'm very happy too. anyways I'm busy, always busy but sorry for the inconvenience releases and know that I won't drop this even if it takes me 5 years to get to the hundredth chapter. as always thanks for reading and I'll see you next time on Dragon Ball: TB&D.

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