
DRAGON BALL: Through Blood and Dirt.

The dude gets thrown into the dragon ball multiverse and lands on earth as a human child who has just lost his parents to the red ribbon army. as a human, he is weak, but he can't leave his fate to others. join in and help decide how he will progress through blood and dirt.

McTripp · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine: On the road again.

3rd pov. 3 days ago.

In the Dark of the night a plane could be seen flying over the western region of Diablo desert as it steadily made a beeline towards a castle that sat alone in solidarity.

The night was a cloudless one making the plane cast the only shadow on the desert below.

*tshh* "Mai to base copy? over." The lovely voice of a woman broke the silence of the planes cockpit.

*tshh* "Copy Mai, good to have you back. Your clear to to land, over."

*Tshh* "Thanks Shu, good to be back." Mai replied as she flipped the switch for the landing gears and flew the plane down and landed in the castles hanger.

Unbuckling the belt and shutting off the engine Mai left the cockpit and made her way through the halls of the the castle to the third floor where he friend and employer waited for her.

"Did you get it?" a short blue goblin looking humanoid asked impatiently.

"Yes, Pilaf sama one Rocket pepperoni pizza." Mai replied pulling out and opening a capsule that had

a box designed for keeping food hot in it.

"Good! good! hahahhahaha now with this we make our plans to take over the world! hahahaha." Said Pilaf as he rushed forward to take the pizza, cradling it in his arms as he laughed manically.

Watching her boss, Mai was confused after all how the hell woulda pizza help you rule the world? "But Pilaf sama... it's just a pizza..."

"Oh Mai, have you never heard of the expression Food for thought?"

"Ahh ofcourse Pilaf sama is the greatest..." Mai said giving in to her employers... eccentricities...


"Can't wait to get on the road again, cuz I just wanna beat up some creepy mass murdering aliens with my friends, and I can't wait to get on the road again."

*Humming Continues.*

It had been a day since Kai had left Gohan's and Goku's place in the Paozu Mountains.

He was currently just walking along a dirt road relaxedly humming as he took in the mornings sunshine and enjoyed feeling of the cool wind that caressed his skin.

Kai was currently faced with a choice.

Whether to swim across the ocean from the east of the continent to its western most side or to travel by land.

Being of the mind that swimming over would not only be faster but offer more benefits to his training, where as he considered moving by land as more of a distraction. There were still many places and people he wished to visit, and Kai could easily see himself getting into unnecessary situations that would take away from his current training.

He was on a tight schedule after all.

'Yep, I should just swim. that would be better right? hmmm yeah? Yeah! okay let's do it! the days not getting any earlier.' Kai decided as he push his ki down to his feet and took off toward the ocean.


There's something to be said about swimming across the ocean in a non-stop cross continental trip in this world.

One, it's exhausting as fuck. And two, if you don't swim fast enough, you're probably gonna get eaten...

It reminded Kai of those videos he watched in his old world of when someone would drop food off the side of the oil riggs out in the ocean. Only one second would have to pass for there to be hundreds of fish fighting to snatch up the food.

So you could imagine when Kai dropped into the water off of the continents eastern most shore the scene it caused.

Only these weren't some small fish, but huge ass monster fish with smallest of them being three meters long and longest around ten meters, throw in some sharks that make the megalodon look like their younger brothers and some pliosaurs, mosasaurs and liopleurodons and you got yourself a moshpit of gore and carnage that Kai was happy enough to come out of unscathed.

It wasn't till later that he figured out that if he radiated his ki outwards that it would dissuade the larger predators from approaching him.

As the sun peaked over the horizon the next day Kai found that there was still no land mass in sight causing him to worry slightly. he was tired sure but he was more worried about going off course and swimming to far south this missing the continent altogether, still he pushed on and as the sun set behind him he just focused on his limbs as he flailed about in the ocean.

Kai saw two more sunrises after that day and when he finally reached the shore on his forth day he collapsed on the beach and past out in exhaustion, swearing to never do something like that again but knowing that it was as stupid as say that after waking up with a hangover.


Greetings and salutations my good readers, how y'all been. aye Yo sorry for not dropping a chapter in a while. I just been busy. never not going stop being busy but it is what it is, I don't do this full time or anything. anyway thanks for reading and I'll try to get the next chapter out soon then this one. be safe and enjoy your days. I'm out.

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