
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

110 I heard that you only need one finger?

In the command room of the main battleship, Gula watched as his vanguard team was completely crushed by the enemy like chopping melons and vegetables, and his face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip out.

"Notify the heads of the divisions and let them go together!" He also received a report from his subordinates, knowing that the combat power of these people had even reached 400,000 or 500,000, and immediately decided to send the main force of the legion to fight.

"You don't need to send someone to embarrass yourself." Unexpectedly, a voice sounded from the bench behind him. Looking back, he found that it was King Kurd who put down his glass and stood up slowly.

"I went to clean up these little bugs myself."

... The

fourth and the third saw the cosmic battleship suddenly pressing down on the sky above their heads. Locust-like warrior.

But after waiting for a long time, I was shocked to find that there was only one person in the battleship group!

A tall guy wearing a standard combat uniform flew down slowly, the big cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, he didn't speak, and his aura was extremely oppressive.

The moment they saw this person, the fourth child and the others suddenly widened their eyes, full of disbelief, and exclaimed,


The appearance of the Kurd king and the appearance of Frieza's second form Almost exactly the same, it is no wonder that the three of them admit their mistakes.

He landed on one foot, looked around at everyone present with an evil smile, then tore off his cloak, stretched out his hands, and waved to everyone:

"Come on, little bugs, let me have a good time together. Let's play." The

fourth brother looked at each other and realized that this guy was not Frieza, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Lao Liu picked up the corpse of the soft-haired captain from the ground and said to King Kurd,

"The guy who said this to us last time has become like this. Are you sure you still insist?"

King Kurd's sneer didn't change, he waved his hands again, and said,

"Come on, little bugs, I'm afraid I'll pinch you to death if you're not careful. The three of you go together and let me have a good time.

" The fourth class was suddenly anxious, and the sixth man said to the fourth one, "Come on, fourth brother, let him know how good we are!" The

fourth fourth could sense that this guy's breath was unfathomable, and it didn't seem like he appeared on the surface at all. Yes, a little worried. Immediately, he thought that the person sitting in the spaceship behind him was not President Xu Ling, who was almost unable to enter the battlefield.

It's Lord Sharu!

Thinking of this, the heart of the fourth child suddenly became hot. Since Lord Shalu did not stop him from waiting for others, it proves that he feels that he can still give himself a few opportunities to exercise!

"Go!" He didn't think about it anymore, and his blind trust in Sharu made him rush straight up.

In the spaceship, Sharu shook his head, the secret passage is really troublesome. Then he glanced at No. 18, who was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, and asked,

"Are you going out for a while, or will I go in person?"

"I said I wouldn't accept your orders!" No. 18 said disdainfully, until now , she was still dissatisfied with Sharu.

"Oh, it's really troublesome."

Sharu sighed, slowly floated up, and repeated his words again.


The battle situation outside the ship has become clear, and the Kurdish King easily won the victory. This appearance is his normal state. Generally, he does not transform, and he can freely adjust his combat power. This is similar to Frieza and Guradu. Different.

The battle situation outside the ship has become clear, and the Kurdish King easily won the victory. This appearance is his normal state. Generally, he does not transform, and he can freely adjust his combat power, which is different from Frieza and Gula. .

Lao Liu was kicked far away by him, and now he can't get up for a long time.

The third child was stepped on by him, and it looked like his bones were broken.

The fourth child was strangled by his throat and held up in the air, his face full of mockery.

"Aren't you guys very good just now? Hahaha..." King Kurd laughed wildly, looking at the fourth child whose palms were covered with wounds, but his face was still unyielding, he mocked wantonly:

"Calling you little bugs, you guys You are really as vulnerable as bugs, I can crush you to death with just one finger!"

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded, revealing an iceberg-like coldness:


Sharu's figure Appearing in the field out of thin air, quietly suspended in the air, the back armor behind him is like a unique cloak, looking majestic.

He held his hands and looked at King Kurd coldly, causing the latter to suddenly have a bad feeling in his heart.

"You are Sharu?!" The Kurdish king narrowed his eyes and looked at Sharu.

Seeing the appearance of Sha Lu, the fourth and the others suddenly let go of their vigilance, as if as long as he is there, no powerful enemy will be a problem!

"Bah!" The fourth child, who was strangled by his throat, spat directly at the Kurdish king, making the latter furious.

"How dare you..."

He was about to increase his strength and directly smash the fourth child's throat, but suddenly heard a cold sentence:


There is no order in this sentence, it just shows that Sharu is as cold as ever, and when he falls in the Kurdish king, it seems like a dull thunder, making 430 unconsciously feel that if he only makes a move, he will definitely be killed.

"Is this an illusion?!" King Kurd was extremely shocked, and then felt extremely shameful. He was actually stunned by Sharu's words? !

He wanted to be desperate and tried to squeeze the fourth child to death again, but suddenly felt a breeze, and there was only a flower in front of him, and Sharu's figure appeared in front of him.

The Kurdish King's figure was a head taller than Sharu, but looking down at Sharu, the Kurdish King couldn't help feeling a little cold in his heart.

"I told you to stop." Sharu said softly, as if he was just ordering one of his subordinates.

"You just said that one finger can crush them..."

Sharu also raised his palm, his index finger was gently bent, and the [Compression] skill was quietly activated, compressing the air in front of him beyond his fingertips, and the density changed. very high.

Then shot hard.

"Boom!" A loud explosion sounded, and even faint ripples appeared in the air, spreading out.

King Kurd's body seemed to have been hit by an asteroid, and flew backwards without the ability to resist, smashing into a big mountain.

"I can crush you with just one finger."