
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

109 Come on, the three of you!

"My God, I took off the weight-bearing suit, I feel so light!" Lao Liu kept shouting exaggeratedly.

He even waved his hands freely in the air like swimming, and the whole person floated upwards!

The gravity of the planet that landed for battle was about four times that of the earth. For the four or three people who were accustomed to two hundred times the gravity with heavy objects, it was really light as nothing. Sharu stood outside the porthole, looked at their excited look, shook his head, and put down the controller.

Due to his conceit, Captain Blonde didn't wear a detector. After seeing the people on the opposite side suddenly take off their heavy clothes, he seemed to feel that the opposite side had changed a few people to fight. Although he couldn't see the combat power, he felt completely different.

However, with a few hundred combat power, even if the world changed "seven-two-three", it would be tens of thousands. So Captain Blonde didn't care at all, he stretched out his hand and said,

"You three, let's go together!" The

fourth and the third were free from the shackles of the heavy suits, and all of them could directly observe each other's and their own combat power. In incredible ecstasy, he suddenly heard the words of Captain Blonde.

Several people looked at each other in astonishment, is this guy on the other side stupid? The combat power of several of them has reached more than 450,000, and the fourth is 510,000. This guy is only about 60,000. Where does the confidence come from to let the three of them fight together? !

Because it was too absurd, they carefully sensed Captain Blonde's combat power again, and found that it was indeed only 60,000.

The corner of Lao Si's mouth trembled unnaturally. He seemed to want to laugh, but suddenly he remembered something and said to his brother,

"Don't underestimate the enemy, maybe this guy can control his qi like us and hide his fighting power!"

"What? ?!" Lao Liu exclaimed.

"Well, it's very possible!" The steady third child nodded and said.

The enemy's ordinary soldiers with detectors have already seen the combat effectiveness of several people, and they retreated so far away that they did not dare to approach the front. , no one wants to be like him.

Hearing the captain's words, the soldiers were all startled. A soldier who was close to the blond captain wanted to remind him: "Team... Captain...they..."

Unexpectedly, the blond captain raised a hand and interrupted. In his words, he said directly:

"I have seen them through, it's nothing special."

The soldier immediately respected his captain. Could it be that the captain also hid his combat power like the three opposite him? ! I haven't seen it since we've been together for so long, and he really deserves to be the captain!

The fourth brother glanced back at his brother. The long-term tacit understanding made everyone understand each other's thoughts, put on a fighting stance, and seemed ready to fight at any time.

"Hmph, you actually dare to challenge me..." Captain Blonde thought to himself, very disdainful.

"Third Brother, Sixth, use all your strength to make him suffer heavy damage before he can react! When he uses all his strength, it will be very difficult to achieve results!" The fourth finished the explanation lightly, and then let out a low growl:

"Go!" The

voice fell, and several people immediately disappeared from the place, leaving only a few afterimages.

"What?!" Captain Blonde didn't expect their speed to be so fast, and he couldn't see the movement at all, and his heart suddenly became cold, wondering if he had inferred their combat power wrong? !

"Bang!" A muffled sound came, and the figure of the sixth elder appeared behind the blonde captain, kicked his vest, and kicked him far away.

109 Come on, the three of you! [Please subscribe! ]-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Bang!" A muffled sound came, and the figure of the sixth elder appeared behind the blonde captain, kicked his vest, and kicked him far away.

The third child also appeared on the trajectory of Captain Blonde in a timely manner, punching with both hands, from bottom to top, with a heavy uppercut.

The blonde captain took off again, but the fourth child was already waiting for him in the sky, clenched his fists tightly, and then slammed it down with all his strength.


Like a meteorite hitting a planet, Captain Blonde was smashed into the ground by the fourth with a punch, and for a while, small stones flew in the sky, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

"Third brother, I feel that this guy is very weak. It doesn't look like he is hiding his combat power!" The sixth brother said to his third brother... The

calm third brother also showed the same expression on his face, and then nodded.

The fourth child slowly landed from the air, and when he heard the conversation between the brothers, he also nodded and said,

"When the punch just passed, I felt that this guy had no resistance at all."

"Then why did he dare to let The three of us go together?" Lao Liu asked.

The fourth shook his head and looked at the inside of the smoke and dust. He still did not let his guard down. He seemed to have seen that the blond captain was about to come out of the smoke and dust intact, use all his strength, and fight with the three of them again. .

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, until the smoke and dust dissipated, I didn't see anyone coming out of it at all.

Lao Liu watched for a while, walked directly into the smoke, and suddenly let out an exaggerated exclamation:

"Hahaha, fourth brother, this guy is not a strong man at all...you have already killed him!"

"What? !" The fourth and sixth looked at each other, and hurriedly stepped forward to check, and found that it was really as the sixth said, this guy has been beaten by a few people to become a human shape, his bones are broken, and his tendons are broken, and he looks soft~ A puddle of mud.

"It turned out to be such a pustule... It's a shame he dared to say such a thing..." The

fourth 5.5th raised the corpse of Captain Blonde from the pit and said contemptuously, then threw it aside and turned to look at the remaining enemies present. The Fang warriors looked malicious.

"Fourth brother, let me come with these trash fish! I haven't fully experienced the feeling of becoming stronger!" The sixth child was very excited and suddenly said.

With a look of helplessness on your face, the fourth brother waved his hand to indicate that you are happy.

When the old sixth got permission, he became even more excited. The figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and the soldiers on the other side were all scared and fled back when they saw this scene.



However, after Lao Liu took off his weight-bearing suit, his speed was beyond everyone's imagination. For a time, the tragic howls of enemy soldiers came one after another! .