
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

111 Retribution of the Kurdish King!

As soon as Sharu appeared, he came to the Kurdish king in a flash, and with just one finger, like a cannonball, he was hit into a big mountain

. Inside the densely packed space battleships, there was an incomparable cry of exclamation. No spaceship

could remain silent, and the astonishing noise seemed to make the stable spaceship tremble. He was defeated by this green guy on the opposite side!"

"How could he be!"

"There is such a character in the Sharu Legion"

"No, he is Sharu, it must be!"

Inside the main battle mother ship , but unlike other spaceships, it was noisy, almost everyone in the command room didn't dare to make a sound, and their faces were covered with fine sweat.

Because their king - Lord Gula's complexion was very ugly at this time, so he also Even with all the subordinates, they didn't dare to show any expressions on their faces, otherwise they would end up in different places. They have seen many times.

Gula's complexion was so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip. The sight of King Dee being hit with a single blow is vivid in my mind, but because I didn't see it with my own eyes, I couldn't tell how fast Sharu was going.

"This green guy must be Sharu! Frieza's Apart from him in the legion, there is absolutely no way anyone could be the combined enemy of my father and I."

Gula secretly said in his heart: "It's just right, I met Sharu here who is isolated and helpless."

He made up his mind and ordered his subordinates to open the The hatch, he himself flew towards the planet ground

, "Boom!"

Shalu came to the collapsed mountain, and just by relying on the air in his body, he actually sent these huge gravels flying into the sky, and he was so frightened that he was suspended. The lower space battleship hurriedly avoided, for fear of being harmed by Chiyu.

The Kurdish King is no longer inside. Taking advantage of the smoke and dust in the sky just now, he has already flew straight to the sky, but at this time, he chose to escape! This behavior is undoubtedly extremely shocking, whether it is the seriously injured fourth child and others , or an enemy soldier in a spaceship.

His own commander would escape on the battlefield! The soldiers of the Gula Legion were stunned. They never thought that, in the legion, as the Kurdish king, he would escape without a fight. His morale dropped immediately.

On the other hand, King Kurd himself, as he aptly described it,

was already frightened.

In his long life, apart from Beerus, the God of Destruction, and the demon who saw with his own eyes the destruction of the King of Gods Except for the few people in Human Buu who can give him a power that is completely irresistible, only today I met Sharu at this time.

I couldn't see his movements clearly, couldn't see his speed at all, and couldn't even resist his power at all.

It was just a flick of a finger, as if the Frieza clan's "pressure gave the Kurd king a feeling like a little mouse in the field encountered a natural enemy.

"Can't fight"

, "Can't resist

" This thought filled his mind almost instantly, and just a single finger made his insides tumble, and blood spilled from his mouth. The Kurdish King couldn't even imagine when Sharu tried his best.

, will I be smashed into powder in an instant?

"This is that... Sharu, Frieza, this bastard, just sent the news of his own death, without mentioning the horror of the enemy at all. !" The

Kurdish king thought of his son who had just died, but without a trace of emotional fluctuations, he cursed loudly in his heart. After

saying so much, it was only a moment.

Sharu looked up and saw the figure of the Kurdish king fleeing in a hurry, and saw that he suddenly moved, lying on the ground or lying on the ground. Spaceship

No. 1 picked them up one by one, and then he was still behind him like garbage, with a face full of reluctance, and muttered: "I don't even say hello, let me do this kind of thing."

Shalu did not hear No. 18 He complained, and his figure moved again. No matter from the screen or the naked eye, everyone could only see a black shadow, catching up with the fleeing Kurdish King.

"One finger"

Sharu's cold words It rang again in the ears of the Kurdish king, repeating the rhetoric he had just said. The

Kurdish king had no time to feel humiliated, and was completely filled with horror and terror, causing his pupils to shrink in an instant.


How could it be so fast? Afterwards, the

vital part of the vest was hit by a fierce and incomparable impact again. If he could look up, he would find that Sharu still only used one finger. "


It was completely changed and slammed straight to the ground. There was a louder

impact sound than before, and countless rubble fluttered in the sky, and cobweb-like cracks appeared on the ground, with a diameter of several thousand meters.

Sharu slowly landed on the ground. The Kurdish king, who was vomiting blood, looked at him in a state of embarrassment, but he did not show any mercy in his heart.

He had never been interested in abusing the enemy, because he felt that as long as the soldiers standing in front of him, death was his. Glory is also one's own dignity.

But seeing King Kurd and thinking of what he has done over the years, he always feels that he can't let him go so easily. He flexed his

fingers again, getting a good flick from Zhao.

The half-prone body of the Kurdish King suddenly fell down, and the cracks on the ground expanded again, showing the ferocity of the force.

He never dreamed that he would continue to fight the universe in his life, and through asexual reproduction, he produced Frieza and Gula. Son, he has almost controlled the entire seventh universe in his own hands.

Now, like what he did to the incompetent and weak ants on those weak planets, he was also unable to resist, Pressed on the ground and beaten violently.

Shame and fear, he is now only worried about his own life, worried that he can no longer enjoy the supreme right.

"Boom!" The

sound of the impact kept sounding, and the Kurdish King regretted it a lot. He originally wanted to find Sharu, Completely crush him, in order to avenge Sharu for daring to violate the rights of their Frieza family to rule Wanxing. To