
Dragon Ball: Hentai-Verse

Sex and nudity warning for almost every chapter! In universe 18, Kai has been reborn as the strongest mortal, with godlike powers and a drive to protect. But when he strikes a deal with a lazy god of destruction, he gets more than he bargained for. In return for defending the universe, Kai is granted his own planet and palace. But he wants more. As Kai explores this new universe, he discovers that it is a hentai verse, where the rules of consent and intimacy are vastly different from his own. Males are rare in this universe, and as the strongest mortal male, Kai is highly desirable. He is approached by a variety of beings, each more alluring than the last. SEX AND NUDITY WARNING FOR ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER!! DONT GET ON MY ASS ABOUT THE LORE.

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Age 737

The air hung thick with anticipation in Kai's lavishly decorated chamber. It was the year 737, the year that etched itself in the annals of Saiyan history as the day Planet Vegeta, their home world, met its fiery demise. Kai, a Saiyan warrior with a penchant for chaos and a libido that rivaled his power levels, had an epiphany. The countdown had begun, and he wouldn't stand idly by.

He had two fuckbuddies on that doomed planet, Gine and Fasha, both fierce warriors in their own right. The bond they shared was a fiery one, fueled by shared passion and the thrill of pushing each other's limits. The thought of them perishing in the cataclysm sent a shiver down his spine, not one of fear, but of a burning need to act.

He had to save them.

His thoughts drifted back to his previous human life, where he would spend hours watching Dragon Ball Z and reading the wiki. He remembered the chilling detail of Frieza's merciless extermination of the Saiyan race, the images of exploding planets and the screams of his fellow warriors echoing in his mind. He had seen the terrifying power of Frieza firsthand; he wouldn't let that happen again.

Kai leaped from his bed, his long white hair, a testament to his ancient Saiyan heritage, whipping around him. He quickly threw on his signature red waist cape and baggy white gi pants, the golden clasp fastening with a satisfying click. He slipped his feet into his golden wrapped boots, their sturdy form offering a comforting sense of security. He was ready.

With a swift movement, he vanished, leaving behind only the faintest ripple in the air. He reappeared on Planet Vegeta, the familiar sights and sounds of his home world washing over him. His eyes, glowing with an intense yellow light, scanned the bustling cityscape, searching for any sign of Gine or Fasha.

He spotted them a few blocks away, their muscular forms silhouetted against the setting sun. Gine, her long spiky hair cascading down her back, was engaged in a heated sparring match with Fasha, their movements a blur of swift kicks and punches. He savored the sight, their raw power and unwavering determination a testament to their Saiyan heritage.

He landed gracefully before them, his red cape billowing behind him like a crimson flag of warning. They both turned, their faces etched with a mixture of surprise and relief.

'Kai?' Gine exclaimed, her voice laced with surprise. 'What brings you here?'

'I have news,' Kai said, his voice low and serious. 'And it's not good.'

Fasha, her eyes narrowed with suspicion, stepped forward, her toned frame radiating an aura of unyielding strength. 'What are you talking about?' she demanded. 'Why are you here?'

'It's about Frieza,' Kai said, his voice carrying the weight of his words. 'He's coming for you. He wants to destroy Planet Vegeta.'

Gine's face went pale. The mention of Frieza, a name that whispered fear and terror into the hearts of even the bravest Saiyans, sent a chill through her. 'But... why?' she stammered. 'We've served him faithfully for years.'

Kai shook his head. 'It doesn't matter. you're expendable to him. He just wants to eliminate any threat to his power. He's going to destroy you all.'

Fasha clenched her fists, her anger a palpable force. 'We can't let him do that. We have to fight back.'

'There's no fighting him,' Kai said, his voice firm. 'He's too powerful. We need to get out of here. Now.'

'But where would we go? What about our families?' Gine asked, her voice filled with despair.

'We can figure it out later,' Kai said, his eyes flashing with determination. 'Right now, all that matters is survival.'

Fasha nodded, her eyes reflecting a grim resolve. 'You're right. We can't stay here.'

'I've already made arrangements,' Kai said, a sly smile spreading across his face. 'I have a safe place in mind.'

He took Gine and Fasha by the hand, his touch sending a jolt of energy through their bodies. He knew their bodies intimately, their curves and contours etched in his memory. He felt the fire in their veins, the raw power that pulsed with fierce energy. He winked at them, a playful grin on his face. 'Let's get out of here, my darlings.'

With a blinding flash of light, they vanished, reappearing on Kai's planet where they would now have to live.


The Saiyan pod, a metallic bullet hurtling through the void, pulsed with a sickly green light. Inside, a tiny figure slept, oblivious to the violent journey. This was Kakarot, a Saiyan baby destined for destruction. His father, Bardock, had sent him to Earth, a planet deemed weak, as a last-ditch attempt to salvage the Saiyan race from the tyranny of Frieza.

The pod, a marvel of Saiyan engineering, hurtled towards the planet's atmosphere. Friction with the air ignited the outer shell, creating a fiery streak that streaked across the sky. Below, the Earth was a swirling blue and green, an alien landscape to the young Saiyan.

On a remote farm nestled in the foothills of a mountain range, a frail old man named Gohan sat on his porch, gazing at the starry sky. He had spent his life tending his crops, his only companions the chirping of crickets and the rustling of the wind through the corn stalks. A lifelong farmer, he was content with his simple life.

The sky above crackled with a crimson light, and Gohan turned his head, his eyes widening in surprise. A blazing meteor plummeted towards the earth, leaving a fiery trail against the dark canvas of the night. His heart pounded against his ribs, a primal instinct warning him of danger.

The meteor, in reality the Saiyan pod, crashed into the ground a few miles from his farm, sending shockwaves that rattled his porch. Dust billowed into the sky, obscuring the moon. Gohan, curiosity overriding fear, grabbed a lantern and set off towards the crash site.

He trudged through the dusty fields, the lantern casting flickering shadows that danced around him. As he approached the site of the crash, he saw it: a crater, smoking and steaming, with a twisted, metallic object partially buried in the center.

Gohan cautiously approached the object, the lantern illuminating the dented metal and the faint glow emanating from its interior. He saw the hatch, slightly ajar, and a faint whimper coming from inside. His heart sank. He had expected to find a creature of destruction, but instead, he found a small, helpless child.

Im thinking about doing a 30 year time skip here or telling some unique stories with that time before skipping.Feel free to let me know what you think I should do.

Darkhorse99creators' thoughts