
Dragon Ball: Hentai-Verse

Sex and nudity warning for almost every chapter! In universe 18, Kai has been reborn as the strongest mortal, with godlike powers and a drive to protect. But when he strikes a deal with a lazy god of destruction, he gets more than he bargained for. In return for defending the universe, Kai is granted his own planet and palace. But he wants more. As Kai explores this new universe, he discovers that it is a hentai verse, where the rules of consent and intimacy are vastly different from his own. Males are rare in this universe, and as the strongest mortal male, Kai is highly desirable. He is approached by a variety of beings, each more alluring than the last. SEX AND NUDITY WARNING FOR ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER!! DONT GET ON MY ASS ABOUT THE LORE.

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Universal travel

Kai lay in his bed, feeling completely at ease as Fasha and Gine cuddled up to him. The two Saiyan women were completely naked, their smooth skin pressed up against his own muscular form. Fasha's ample breasts pressed into his side, while Gine's slender, toned figure pressed up against his back.

"Kai, we love you so much," Fasha purred, running her fingers through his long, white hair. "You're the strongest Saiyan we know, and we're so lucky to have you as our mate."

Kai couldn't help but smile at their words. He loved these two women, and he would do anything to keep them safe. But just as he was about to respond, the sound of the door opening caught his attention.

He turned to see Virith and Aria standing in the doorway, their eyes fixed on the three of them in the bed. Virith, the god of destruction from universe 18, was a striking figure, with long, flowing purple hair and an imposing, curvaceous build. Aria, her celestial attendant, was a beautiful angel with blue skin, shimmering white hair, and a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Virith smirked, her red eyes scanning over the three of them. "Looks like you're having a good time."

"Virith, what are you doing here?" Kai asked, sitting up in bed and pulling the blankets around him to cover his nakedness.

"I'm here to offer you an adventure," Virith replied, her smirk growing wider. "I've been traveling the multiverse, and I've come across some interesting threats that need dealing with. And I think you'd be the perfect candidate to handle them."

"Why me?" Kai asked, his interest piqued.

"Because you're strong, and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty," Virith said. "And let's be honest, most of the gods are just as lazy as I am. They could use a defender like you...also you made a deal with me and Aria so you have to do it or else no more palace and we can send you right back to the afterlife."

Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of going on an adventure. He had always been a warrior at heart, and the idea of protecting other universes from threats was appealing to him.

"And let's not forget the added bonus of finding some new women to fuck," Aria chimed in, her purple eyes sparkling with mischief. "I know how much you love pussy, Kai. And trust me, there's plenty to go around in the multiverse."

Kai couldn't help but laugh at Aria's words. She was always so straightforward and honest, and he appreciated that about her.

"I'm in," Kai said, making up his mind. "Let's do it."

Fasha and Gine looked at him with surprise, but he could see the excitement in their eyes as well. They had always been up for an adventure, and he knew they would be by his side every step of the way.

Aria waved her staff, and three outfits appeared before the Saiyans. 'Try these on,' she said, 'They'll suit your journey.'

Fasha, the toned and muscular Saiyan with ample assets, received a tight bodysuit, complete with black boots, gloves, and a red jacket adorned with gold accents. The fabric clung to her like a second skin, accentuating every curve and muscle.

Gine, the lithe warrior, received a leotard with white boots and a matching scarf. The outfit was completed with armor gauntlets.

As for Kai, he received a black tank top that perfectly contrasted his red markings. He also kept his baggy white gi pants with golden boots, adding an extra layer of protection to his legs.

Aria then handed Kai a crystal, 'This will allow you to travel to different dimensions. But beware, it's one of my creations and it's very unstable. It depends on what you say and your intentions on where it takes you.'

Virith, the human god of destruction, spoke up, 'With these new outfits and a crystal to travel to different dimensions, who knows when Kai can get back.'

Kai looked at the crystal in his hand, admiring its beauty and power. 'Well, here goes nothing,' he said, before holding the crystal close to his chest and wishing for Universe 19.

With a flash of light, the three Saiyans disappeared from Kai's chambers, leaving Virith and Aria behind.

'I hope Kai's journey will be worth it,' Virith said, watching the spot where Kai had disappeared.

Aria nodded, 'He's a Saiyan, he'll be fine.'