
Dragon Ball: Hentai-Verse

Sex and nudity warning for almost every chapter! In universe 18, Kai has been reborn as the strongest mortal, with godlike powers and a drive to protect. But when he strikes a deal with a lazy god of destruction, he gets more than he bargained for. In return for defending the universe, Kai is granted his own planet and palace. But he wants more. As Kai explores this new universe, he discovers that it is a hentai verse, where the rules of consent and intimacy are vastly different from his own. Males are rare in this universe, and as the strongest mortal male, Kai is highly desirable. He is approached by a variety of beings, each more alluring than the last. SEX AND NUDITY WARNING FOR ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER!! DONT GET ON MY ASS ABOUT THE LORE.

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Origins of power

Kai sat alone in his palace throne room, staring up at the ornate ceiling and deep in thought. He had always wondered about his origins and why his Saiyan body was unlike any other. His long, flowing white hair and yellow eyes were a stark contrast to the usual black hair and brown eyes of his kind. And then there were the red markings that covered his arms, chest, and legs - a sign of his Saiyan heritage and warrior lineage.

Feeling a sudden urge to understand his past, Kai summoned Aria and Virith. Aria, a striking blue-skinned Celestial with long, flowing white hair, appeared first, followed closely by Virith, a human god of destruction with pale skin and long, flowing purple hair of her own.

'What brings you to us, Kai?' Aria asked, her piercing purple eyes meeting his.

'I want to know about my past,' Kai said, standing up and pacing back and forth. 'I want to know why I look the way I do, and why my Saiyan body is different from all the others.'

Virith, who was reclining on a nearby couch, sat up and took a sip of her drink before answering. 'Well, Kai, the reason you look the way you do is because you are a member of an ancient Saiyan clan that practiced forbidden magic and rituals. These rituals gave the members of your clan godlike powers, and they performed them on babies - including you.'

Kai's eyes widened in shock. 'What kind of powers are you talking about?'

'Unlimited potential,' Aria said, with a small smile. 'You have the ability to become stronger than any other Saiyan, if you put your mind to it.'

Kai couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always suspected that he was different, but he never imagined that he was part of an ancient Saiyan clan with such powerful abilities.

'But why am I alive?' he asked. 'Shouldn't I have been destroyed like the rest of my clan?'

Virith shrugged. 'I wished for the strongest Saiyans to be revived, and you were the strongest. So here you are.'

Kai was stunned. He had always thought that he was the last of his kind, but now he knew that there were other ancient warriors out there, causing chaos or living quietly.

'So what happens now?' he asked, still reeling from the revelation.

'Now you continue to train and get stronger,' Aria said. 'And maybe, one day, you'll be able to unlock the full potential of your powers and become a true god among Saiyans.'