
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


AN: Hehe. I'm back. So....idk I'l write more notes later when I'm done. Also some high-fantasy original novel based off of Vesteria may be coming later. Also, I LIVE FOR COMMENTS. IDK if its bad, I live off of them.


The sun could be seen slowly creeping over the horizon, tinting the ocean a warm orange color, contrasting with the once dark town of Hayama.

While most were asleep, there were few who were still awake.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Dressed in a sport's bra and short's, the tanned figure sent two right jabs followed by a leg sweep towards an old man, who nonchalantly dodge each attack.

Bang looked down at his feet with an eyebrow raised. "Oh? You almost made me back a step, youngster." He chuckled as he heard the girl let out a scream of frustration before trying to touch the old man.

"Why is it so hard *pant* to hit an 'ol geezer! *pant*" Nagatoro screamed, moving at what seemed like superhuman speed as she circled the old man, never staying in one spot.

"It seems that I am getting too old, why don't you go easy on me, heh." Bang said as he leaned forward slightly, narrowing ducking under Nagatoro's kick.




She leaned against the wooden walls of the dojo, downing half of her water bottle before sighing in relief. There was something so satisfying from taking a water break after an exhausting exercise.

It's been a month since she started training with old man Bang, training every morning from dawn until school started. At first, it was hard for her to get up so early in the morning, but the phone alarms never worked for her personally. But when Senpai offered to call her every morning to wake her up, imagine her shock that he was awake before dawn. Now, she looked forward to these strange, but endearing good mornings that he took time to do.

Speaking of her Senpai, she had an question for Sensei. Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she walked up the old man who was busy writing something at his desk in the corner of the room.

"Yes?" Sensei said, not even looking up from his paperwork.

"How do you really know Senpai?" She asked. She saw Sensei pause from writing before looking straight into her eyes with his startling blue one's.

"I assume you realize that what I teach and what I'm capable are not normal, hmm?"

"Well, no shit," she said, "I might still believe in ghosts, but I know that no old man can casually lift a car just to move it off a driveway!"

He scoffed at her comment. "I told that baker so many times that his mother can't park in front of my driveway."

"That's not the point!" She said, slamming her hands on the desk, leaving an imprint of her hand. "You're doing things, I'm doings things that no human is physically capability of doing! People train their whole lives and they don't even close to what I can do in a month!"

Sensei sighed, leaning back into his chair as he looked up. "The world has always been like this. It's just because you haven't seen it that way. People with these abilities number so low, that it's no surprise that people have been able to keep the supernatural side of things a secret."

"That's why I asked if you wanted to join my dojo," Sensei said, "You felt different, haven't you?"

"Wha-?" But before she could ask, Sensei interrupted her.

"Demonstrating strength far above the levels capable of a high school girl. I remembered reading in the news a few years back about a 'girl' surviving a fall from the top of a Ferris wheel. Wouldn't you say it's a miracle that they found no injuries or broken bones?"

She didn't respond. He could feel his eyes on her as digested the words he said.

"If you really want to know so badly, I'll tell you," Sensei said, "But don't you want to ask him yourself?"

"...I'll ask him myself when I'm ready." She said firmly. With a new goal in mind, she waved to Sensei before picking up her duffel bag to leave.

Bang watched as his latest pupil walked down the stone stairs from his door.

"I hope those two work it out. A successful relationship can't survive on lies." He said to himself, closing the doors to the dojo.


"Want a little treat?"

Looking over, he saw Nagatoro give him a teasing smile. A faint blush on her cheeks as she held her hands behind her back.

"Sure...?" He responded questionably.

Holding a hand up her mouth, she giggled lightly. "I got some really steamy snaps."

"Snaps...?" He said, not understanding what she meant. A second later, the understanding hit him like a train. "Snaps?!" His face felt hot as he imagined the pictures of Nagatoro in revealing clothing.

"They're super steamy," Nagatoro said. "Piping hot. And they're 'all-natural.'"

"N-No!" He shouted, nervously waving his arms in front of Nagatoro as if to block the girl. "I know this is part of dating, b-but I don't think we're ready for this thing yet!"

Then the strong aroma of peanut oil hit his nose. Opening his eyes, he saw Nagatoro holding a box of fried chicken that still had some steam coming off it.

"Snap-Sizzle-Pop Chicken Bites." Nagatoro said with a straight face. But it wasn't for long before she began to give him a knowing grin. "What did you think I meant?"

"Um, I, wait no, I mean... never mind, you win." He said, blushing as he looked down embarrassed at his own assumption.

"Poor, Senpai," Nagatoro chided, "now that you started dating a beauty like me, you can't help but expect something lewd. Tsk, tsk. Weren't you, pervy Senpai?"

Seeing his face still red, Nagatoro decided to ease it up on him, but just a little. "Here. Say, 'Ah!'" Nagatoro said as she prodded the piece of chicken gently at his lips. Begrudgingly, he opened his mouth to allow her to feed him. "Is it good?"

Nodding slightly, he took another piece. "Yeah, it's savory."

"Yeah, made 'fresh and 'steaming' hot." Nagatoro said, emphasizing on 'steaming.'



Jogging, he passed by his classmates once again. Seeing Miyamura, he felt his lip turn up slightly as he began to speed up. Apparently, Miyamura, who was drenched in sweat from wearing the full track suit, saw him approach as well. Running next to him was Hori, who giggled as she saw her boyfriend try to run away.

"Don't say it." Miyamura warned, panting between each word. "Don't say-!"

"On your left." He said, his pace still steady as he ran past Miyamura once again.

"Come on!" He heard the boy shout in the back.

From the school buildings, Nagatoro and her friends watched the scene unfold down below them.

"The second-years are doing a marathon." Sakura said. They watched as Senpai once again overlapped his classmates again.

"There's Senpai!" Yoshi pointed out. "He's way in the lead! I'm pretty sure this is the third time he lapped them."

"Man," Gamou spoke up, "Paisen's such a beast, he's beating them so hard that it's almost painful to watch."

"But of course," Nagatoro said. Her eyes were closed as she held her head up high. "Senpai may be a wuss sometimes and shy, but when it comes painting, heart, and being more jacked than a gym rat, no one can beat Senpai!"

The other three gave each other a knowing looks they smiled.

"Aww," Gamou sarcasticly gushed, "look at how she fawns over her beloved. How adorable, don't you think so, Yoshi, Sakura?"

"Fawning!" Yoshi replied, holding both hands to her cheek as she pretended to fawn as well.

Sakura sighed as she looked out of the window with a small smile. "I wish tag Mob-kun was here; I would fawn over him."

"Wait, you were seriously about that kid from middle-school?" Gamou asked.

"It's not that big of a difference, he's just a year younger." Sakura defended.

"Middle-school!" Yoshi said, shivering from her memories in middle-school.

While the others talked about their time in middle-school, Nagatoro continued to watch her boyfriend shout something as he ran by a boy wearing a full tracksuit.


Walking down the street, headed towards Bob's diner to began his shift. Nagatoro was busy with some after school clubs so she wouldn't be able to walk home with him anyways.

But he heard a dog barking loudly up ahead along with some shouting. As he got closer, he saw a group of thuggish-looking girls box in a familiar person, Yoshi. The girl seemed docile as she tightly held on to red leash attached to the dog that continued to bark at the menacingly girls.

"You think you're good as us now, huh?!" A bleached hair girl with fake eyelashes said, yanking harshly on one of Yoshi's ponytails. "Dying your pathetic hair to try and be cool. As if."

While the apparent ringleader of the hooligan continued to talk down to Yoshi, the other girls shouted back at the barking terrier.

"What a ugly dog, there's no point in trying to add a bow if it's covered in hair."

"Hey, I have some scissors, let's give it a trim! I heard dog grooming is expensive, so you better be thankful that I'm doing it for free."

Hearing that Yoshi bent down and shield her dog with her body.

"Hey, move away. I'm getting pissed that you rejected my generous offer. If you don't let Ikatidori-chan cut the dog, I'll let her cut your pigtails, piggy."

Hearing no response from the girl on the ground, the girl motioned the girl with the scissors for the it. "Hmm, stupid bitch."

A hand shot and grabbed on to the bleached girl's outstretched arm firmly, causing the girl to drop the scissors on to the ground in shock. Panic showed in the girl's eyes before anger replaced it. "Who the hell are-"

But the stranger trapped the girl between the alley wall, her back pressed against it as she the hand the clutched her arm previously slam loudly against the cement wall. Small, spider-like cracks shot off from the hand. Looking into the towering stranger's eyes, she saw something in them that ignited a primal feeling of fear to fill her inside.

"Leave." As if a knife had sliced through the tension, the paralysis that halted the girls was gone as they ran away.

Looking down, he offered the Yoshi a hand. "Need some help?"


"So those girls were people that bullied you in middle-school."


"But you moved away and dyed your hair a different color."


"But you happened to cross them when they visited town?"


Sitting at a booth in Bob's diner, he started at the pig-tailed girl who mutedly drank a glass of orange juice. He realized the girl who always gave one-liners after everything her friends said had more to her than he realized. But wasn't that most people?

The usually active girl looked almost sad as she traced the rim of the glass with her finger. Her dog laying on the ground underneath the table.

"Before I moved to Hayama, I was a shy girl. 'Yoshinori is polite!' or 'Yoshinori is so obedient' were the phrases that described me. I lived well enough by myself, but I always envied those girls who effortlessly could make friends and the fun they had so much of. So a group of girls in middle-school asked if I wanted to hang out, I immediately said yes. But I was just their servant who they order and command. That wasn't what I wanted, so when my dad had to move here for a job, I was happy. I had decided I wouldn't make the same mistakes, so I changed my appearance and my behavior. And I made sure not initiate any conversation as well too much."

"Is that why you always talk after someone does?" He asked.

"Yeah. Now you know, are you going to tell the everyone else?" Yoshi asked. He saw Yoshi was already accepting her fate.

"No." He responded clearly.

He got up leave the girl, but he left Yoshi one advice. "I know we haven't interacted much, but I do see you as a friend, like how I see Nagatoro, Gamou, and Sakura as one as well. They're not the same type of people like those girls earlier. You should talk to them about this. We're all friends, you can trust us."

Yoshi watched the brown-haired boy walk back towards the kitchen, tears welled up in the girls eyes as a small grin appeared on her face. Glancing outside the window at the orange sun, she admired the evening sky.

"Where you when I was in growing up, Senpai...?" Yoshinori whispered to herself.

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