
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Bruh Moment

Hi guys, back again with a double upload. Anyways, check out my other novel "The tale of a wizard" later, but you don't have too. ;-; Back to the chapter baby!


Benny Brown was back in business.

After a lovely vacation with Grace, and but lovely, he meant hitting the home runs multiple times a day, if you catch his drift *wink* *wink.* When Benny got back to Studio city, his supervisor offered him a better salary if he spent around two months in Japan to cover for their female correspondent who had taken maternity leave. After keeping his calm composure throughout his shift, he shouted in joy the parking lot, praising the Lord all Might for the boon. He ignored the security guard giving him the funny looks. Of course, when he got home, he had to deal with the expected wrath of his wife. But with the many promises to bring back skincare products and Japanese snacks, he had Grace's approval.

Benny sat at a table next to large glass walls, watching the ground crew below prepare the airplane for departure. On the side of the plane read 'Air Japan' in bubbly font. His eyes closed as he nodded, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger with a smug grin set on his face.

"You better watch out, Japan, Benny Brown is coming your way!"

"Sir, this is a Chili's."


"Sit still."

"But I'm sooo bored, Senpai."

"I promise it'll be only a little longer."

It happened one afternoon. The deadline was right around the corner for the cultural festival and he hadn't even begun working on his art piece for the club. He was by himself, pondering on what he could draw to compete against the president's... infallible style of art. He knew his favored still-lives couldn't compete against the president's piece, nor would, as he hated to admit, a portrait of All-Might in his prime with all authentic, perfect rated muscle, smile, hair, and eyes in his silver-age costume soaring through the air on his four hundredth and seventy-sixth day of his return from his United States debut to Japan. He tried that last year and (in his opinion was still better) failed. This time, he needed to think outside the box. But, as per usual, Nagatoro happened to walk in while he muttered to himself and offered a solution.

"Why not let me be your model?" suggested Nagatoro.

And that brought them to the present. Sitting on the green couch was Nagatoro, wearing a cat girl costume.

"By the way, where did you get the costume?" He asked, starting to work on the shading and shadows.

"The arts and crafts club made it for me. You should feel lucky, Senpai. A cute, younger girl is dressed up in such a exposing costume AND she's your girlfriend to boot. And what do you do? You make her sit still for over an hour." said Nagatoro, crossing her arms. "You better think of a good reward later."

"But didn't you volunteer to be the model?"

"I had too!" refuted Nagatoro. "If I left you alone, you would've drawn a muscle-bound American from your mangas. Some girls may like it, but it can't compare to the universal appeal of cat girls."

He wisely decided to stay quiet on that topic, choosing to change the subject.

"How are things going with Yoshi?" He asked.

Ever since he fended off Yoshi's previous bullies, he was told by Nagatoro that the girl later relieved her past to the rest of her friends. Betraying her expectations, her friends got anger on her behalf and promised that each other that they would still be friends no matter their past. After a tearful and heartfelt conversations, the group of girls bonded together and their ties of friendship strengthened.

"She's more confident now, but sometimes she has trouble speaking up for herself still." Nagatoro said, giving a small grin. "It's different, but I like it."

"Glad to hear she's doing well," he said. He turned the easel to face Nagatoro. "How's the painting?"

Nagatoro crossed her arms as she observed the painting. It showered her sitting on the couch, looking up as if in thought, all while in a cat girl outfit. It was good, but something was missing. Mischief had resurfaced on her eyes.

"Hey, Senpai, I like it but it's just missing something."

Puzzled, he scratched his head. "Huh? What is it missing?"

Swaying her hips, she took slow strides, making sure to flaunt her exposed thighs and legs as she did so. Once in front of Senpai, she slowly turned before arching her back while turning her head to look back at him as she put one hand on her hip and head.

"This time, why don't you make me look sexy, Senpai?"

"Oh dang, Hayacchi, why didn't you invite us over? Wanted Paisen all for yourself?"

"Haha! Senpai lover!"

From the door walked in three girls: Gamou, Yoshi, and Sakura. They all carried an armful of snacks and drinks.

"W-Wait, we're kinda of busy right now." He stuttered.

"Don't mind us, Senpai, we're just stopping by to check on Hayase-chan." Sakura said, giving him a smile.

He turned back to Nagatoro, who expectantly waited for him to draw her in a more 'sexy' pose.

Settling in her seat at the table in the back, Gamou smirked as she watched the blood flow to the boy's face.

"Paisen's beet red." Gamou remarked, eating a chocolate mushroom.

"Beet red~! Beet-pai." Yoshi added, giving her signature two hand point. Across from her, Sakura covered her mouth as she giggled lightly.

"Oh, yeah, the cultural festival starts next week." Nagatoro brought up.

Glancing up from his canvas, he nodded. "Yeah."

"My club's running a yakisoba stand. It's a specialty dish served the Kazehaya High School Swimming Club, with a twenty year history." said Nagatoro proudly. Seeing her face, Gamou smirked.

"You aren't even apart of the club." exposed Gamou.

"Shush." Nagatoro said, not breaking pose. "Helpers are members, too."

"My class is doing a haunted house." Gamou explained in a spooky tone.

"To scary for Junji!" added Yoshi.

Listening in on her friends talk, Sakura also added her two-cents. "I think I'm going to help the gaming club."

Nagatoro frowned at that. "You mean the one from the dining hall? You're still with that club, Sakura?"

Nodding her head, the blond haired girl gave a thumbs up. "We all made up and decided to have fun together."

"I-I see." stuttered Nagatoro, surprised at the change in situations. She was sure that the girl was terrified of the stalker before. Turning to Senpai, she asked him a question.

"What is the art club doing for the festival? I don't see a lot of people here often."

"What we do every year," He said, stroking the canvas, "having an art gallery with multiple paintings done by their members." Thinking back to last year, he shuddered at how strict the president was. His hand felt phantom pain from having to paint so many murals to decorate the clubroom.

"So lame." said Nagatoro.

He grew ticked by her statement.

"I bet no one's going to come." said Sakura.

"That sounds boring." Gamou said.

"Gloomy!" yelled Yoshi.

"I guess that suits you though," Nagatoro finished with.

"Sorry, I can't change the theme even if I could," he said, "it's decided by the president."

But then, he heard the large footsteps tap the stairs. He remembered the sound those particular feet made as they took one step with a slow, but rhythmic tap; she was coming.

Quickly looking around the clubroom, he found wrappers and snacks littered almost every where in the clubroom. Without a word, he moved at sub-superhuman speed, gathering the items as well as pushing the girls into the empty classroom next door.

"Hey, what's the big idea, Paisen!" Gamou complained as she was forced out of her seat along with her snacks.

"Yeah, meanie!" Yoshi complained as well.

Worried, Nagatoro asked what he was doing. "What's going on, Senpai?"

"No time to explain," he said, continuing to clean the clubroom, "just hide out in this classroom until she's gone."

"'She?'" Nagatoro said back, but before she could ask more, the door was closed. Curious, she leaned against the door.

On the other side, the door to the clubroom slid open, revealing a young women with dark violet hair, red eyes, and a large chest. She was a third year and president of the art club.

"P-President," he said, sweating a bit. "You should've told me you were stopping by! I would've cleaned the place up more if I knew. What brings you here today?"

Glossing over the classroom with her red eyes, the President noticed the addition of a green couch in the clubroom.

"Does a club member need a reason to show up to the club?" she asked.

"No." he said, embarrassed at his answer.

Listening in, Nagatoro started to get annoyed at how that women was addressing Senpai.

Gamou, who was listening in as well, looked like dog who just received his favorite snack. "That's gotta be his ex for sure."

Walking inside the clubroom, the President folder her arms, which rested right below her chest. She looked at her only active club member.

"I thought I'd do something for the cultural festival." said the President. "But, I've left you in charge of the art club, so it's up to you to decide."

He thought about his answer before he responded. "I was leaning towards doing an art exhibit like last year so that maybe you would present a piece like last year. I remember it was very popular with the students. But I'm still considering other options."

Nodding, the President gave another glance around the clubroom. It was clean, suspiciously so.

"There's another reason I came here today." said the President. "I've heard some unsavory rumors lately. That the art club has become the gathering place for some nasty characters." She then gave him a stern glare.

On the other side, Nagatoro was ready break the door open in retaliation. No one talked in that tone to Senpai except her! But Senpai's next words stopped her.

Looking at President, he met her hard stare with his own. "Yes, they may be loud, to a point of being obnoxious sometimes and sometimes downright mean." He listed. "But, underneath all of that, they're my friends who take time to take care of a friend who's been bullied. Friends who can find it in themselves to forgive others. People who I genially believe are good. So I won't stand here and let you just label my friends as 'nasty' because of some rumors you heard."

Surprised at him talking back, she brushed past the outburst.

"So you admit that such characters have come here for merrymaking? This is unacceptable!" said the President, slamming her hand on a nearby table. "The student council has already given me a warning. I dropped by to see how seriously you were taking the art club."

Looking around the room, the President did notice a surprisingly large addition of still-lifes and paintings in the clubroom.

"It seems the rumors are as all it made out to be." she mused. "But, what is this?"

Pointing to a canvas, it showed the sketches of Nagatoro in catgirl outfit. "What is this, the Manga club? It seems I put too much faith in you. I thought that if you weren't taking this club seriously, I ought to shut it down." With that, she pulled a club termination form from her pocket.

He sighed. He knew something like this would come once he let those girls in the clubroom, and been preparing himself for the day to come. First of all, most of the members from last year haven't been active at all, focusing on their third year in preparation for college, leaving him by himself. He would admit that he would miss the room, but that was life. And he would move on.

"I suppose so." He said.

The President watched him, before putting the form back in her pocket. "Not now. But once the cultural festival is over, so will this club. I will be presenting my painting for your art exhibit. If you do prove to paint something that changes my mind that you take this club seriously, I'll forget about terminating this club. I bid you farewell."

With that she let the clubroom. As soon as the door slid closed and her footsteps faded away, the door to the other classroom swung open.

"I can breath now, it was getting so stuffy in there." Sakura complained.

"That was pretty manly back there, Paisen. I wasn't expecting something like that from a sea loach."

"Senpai's the best sea loach!" Yoshi cheered, giving a v-sign.

"Hey, Senpai, don't worry! With me as your model and you as the artist, now way we'll lose to some stickler like her."

He gave his girlfriend a tired smile. "Thanks for the support, but the President is on another level. But let's head home, it's already late."



Netero's left arm was missing.

In it's place was a bloody stump. Using his extraordinary control over his muscles, he managed to constrict the blood vessels to prevent all blood from leaving his body.

In an underground palace, across from Netero was humanoid creature with a muscular and toned body. His skin was tinted shades of green and a shell-like helmet protecting his head. A cable-like tail with a large needle swayed back and forth lazily. It was the ant king Meruem.

Despite missing an arm, Netero chuckled.

"Didn't you say that you would take my left leg? Perhaps they didn't teach you how tell the difference between your right and left yet." said Netero with a teasing tone in his voice. But he he knew that he was barely able to avoid the ant king's tail from taking his leg, using his arm punch back.

Meruem stood there, eyeing the old man with a bored look. "Next I'll take your right arm."

"Don't make me laugh," scoffed Netero.

Two auras burst from both men, shaking the underground palace and sending vibrations into the air.

"Oi, you lost an arm to this bug, old man?" Standing behind Netero was Gojo, who wore a blue button up with white shorts and a black pair of sunglasses on his face.

Without looking back, Netero sighed. "I'll be forever grateful if you could shut up."

Ignoring the plea of the old man, Gojo pulled out his and began taking selfies.

"This is hilarious. I'm going to post this in the group chat and have one of my students meme it later." Taking a couple of more pictures, Gojo put his phone away and began to stretch a little bit. "Alright, I'm ready. You can take a break or fall over and die. I don't really care, but it would be a hassle if you just died."

"Be careful," said Netero, ignoring Gojo's remarks, "the ant has evolved to a point that he can easily pierce my Nen construct. I could barely see move."

Walking in front of Netero who decided to take a seat, Gojo cracked his fingers.

"Don't worry, don't worry." he said. He put away his glasses, revealing a piercing sky blue eyes. "He won't escape my sight."

Meruem, who stood emotionlessly across from them, felt his senses scream for him to run away as soon as the newcomer revealed his eyes.

'That man,' Meruem thought, 'I must take him out now!'

Without holding back, Meruem attacked. The world slowed down around the ant king as he moved, approaching at speeds so fast that the sound barrier had yet to register him breaking it. As he moved closer to the white haired man, he noticed something strange. The man was smiling?


His body instinctually used to his tail to pierce the ground to fling him as far away as possible form the smiling man, but it was too late.

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void."

Suddenly, Meruem found himself being surrounded by pure white. Then, with a force unimaginable, his senses were overwhelmed by too much. He could no longer feel, move, or think. For he done those actions so many times that his mind broke. But as quick as it came, it went away.

'Strange,' Meruem thought, 'why can I see my body?'

He felt something press down on his head before blackness consumed his vision.

Gojo, who was squashing Meruem's head that he just removed from the ant king's body, whistled.

"Man, this is a tough bug, no wonder you struggled. I had to go all out to kill him, not bad. Still a bruh moment for you 'ol geezer." Soon, the fluttering of helicopters could be heard in the background.

"Oh, evac is finally here? That's quick of them. Well see ya, old man. I got to be back in Tokyo for the team battle event." With that, Gojo teleported away, leaving Netero by himself.

Netero sighed.

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