
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Hooking Up A Friend

AN: Ayo. It's your boy, skinny Pepe. Anyways I was looking at 'Cleric! Get the Cleric!' and I realized I'm probably going to redo the entire thing. Also, check out Vesteria on Roblox! It's free and pretty fun.


"A stalker?"

Inside's Bob's Burgers diner, he sat at the booth with Nagatoro and her friends. At the table, Sakura was wiping the tears from her eyes.

His school day started off as usual. He got up every Friday morning as he usually did, walking with Nagatoro to school. As they hanged out in the clubroom, Sakura burst into the room, in tears as she clung on to him. It took him several minutes to calm both Sakura and his girlfriend.

"Yeah." Sakura sniffed.

"You were trolling that club," Nagatoro said, trying to get the story right, "and one of them started following you around like a stalker?"

"That's bad," Gamou said, sipping her orange juice.

"Yeah, bad." Yoshi said as she ate a french fry.

Wiping her eyes, Sakura pointed at the window. "He's still doing it."

Facing the window, everyone turned to see a chubby boy with glasses hiding behind the bushes across the street. Realizing he was seen, the high schooler quickly hid back into the bushes.

Gamou spit out her orange juice as Yoshi choked on a french fry.

"Oh, man!" Gamou and Nagatoro shouted in apphrension.

Yoshi was still staring at the bush in fear and shock as Sakura sitting next to her continued to cry. "I'm scared!"

"What do you think, Paisen?" Gamou asked.

This reminded him of when Toga started stalking him. At first, he didn't notice the girl, but when his [Danger Sense] would randomly go off during the day, he started to pay more attention to his surroundings. Slowly, he began to notice that was always being watched from a distance, always be different people. Long story short, it was Toga and she escaped every time.

"I think it depends on what Sakura feels about it," he said. "We have several options. One, we could report him to either the school, or even the police." Turning to face Sakura, he asked, "but do you really want that to happen?"

"...No." Sakura said, still sniffing. "He's not that bad, and I sorta caused this... but I don't want him to keep on stalking me!"Sakura began to cry louder, sobbing into the table.

"Look, you made her cry, Paisen."

Raising her head from the table, Sakura glanced at Senpai sitting across from her. "Hey... Senpai-kun, can you do something for me?"


Slightly blushing, Sakura gave him a coy smile. "Could you pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Nope. No negotiations. Suffer the fate of being stalked forever." Nagatoro butted in, ominously staring at Sakura.

Sakura began crying again. "I just thought that if Senpai pretended to be my boyfriend for one date, he might just give up stalking me."

"W-wait, why does it have to be me?" He said pointing to himself. "Don't you know other guys that could help?"

"No. You're the only one I know that could help."

"What if I recommended someone?"



(Next Day)

From a distance, he watched a boy with bowl-cut hair stand awkwardly at the plaza from a distance alongside Nagatoro and her friends.

"How do you know this kid again, Paisen?" Gamou asked.

"Oh, he's - uh - a friend of mine."

"He kinda reminds me of you, Senpai," Nagatoro chimed in, "like a seaweed in pretending to be a human."

"Seaweed!" Yoshi repeated.

"Quiet, Sakura's approaching."

At the plaza, Sakura greeted the boy with the bowl-cut hair.

"Hello, are you Kageyama-san?"

"Y-yes I am." The boy bowed. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Kageyama Shigeo. But you can call me Mob."

Sakura waved her hand. "You can call me Sakura, Mob-kun. Sorry, were you waiting long?"

"N-no, not really." Mob said, shaking his timidly.

"Okay, let's go."


"She's going to eat the boy up." Gamou smirked as she crossed her arms under her chest. Next to her Yoshi was recording with her phone while grinning.

He felt someone tug on his arm. He turned to face Nagatoro who was tugging on his shirt sleeve. "Hey, Senpai, want to go on a date ourselves? Gamou-chan and Yoshi-chan can handle this."

He turned to look at the pair of girls, who were trying to hide their laughter as they watched Mob from the distances try and handle Sakura's naturally flirtatious nature.

"If anything happens, they can just call us."

"Sure. Let's go then. Where do you want to start?"

"Oh, I know this place that has the best Gyoza's!"


(Mob POV)

Mob didn't expect to enjoy the date as much as he did.

When he got a call from Hachoiji-san, he half expected to promptly be invited onto another operation. Word had already gone around about the new workaholic that joined the S Class.

Imagine his surprise when instead, he asked if he had any plans tomorrow and if he was up to going on a date with a high schooler. A high schooler! He had gotten over his crush on Takane-chan, but it still left a dull feeling in his heart. It was actually Reign-sensei that he agreed to go on this 'blind' date.

"Wow! Look how pretty the sea is today." Holding his arm was his date. Standing roughly the same height as him at hundred fifty-seven centimeters, Sakura was a year older than him with tanned skin and slightly curved, bleached hair.

'Like you,' he thought.

"Oh? You're kinda cute yourself, Mob-kun." Wait a minute. Did he just say that out loud?

[65% --> 68%]

"Oh, th-thank, you." He said, a small tint of red dusting his cheeks.

"I'll honest with you, Mob-kun." Sakura began leaning against the railings to the cliff overlooking the ocean. "I wanted Senpai-kun to go on a date with me, but Hayacchi wouldn't let me." The girl pouted. "So I wasn't expecting much when Senpai-kun offered to hook me up with his middle-schooler friend."

"But," Sakura said, turning to face him, "even if it was a fake date, I really liked hanging out with you." Walking closer to him, she hooked an arm between his own. "Why don't we go on a real one for sure."


[68% --> 69%]


From the bushes, the duo watched the two from a distance, Yoshi still recording the whole date.

"Should we tell them that Hayacchi already convinced the stalker to stop stalking Sakura-chan?" Gamou asked Yoshi.

Coming back from their impromptu date, Senpai and Nagatoro spotted the stalker hiding behind a alley, watching Sakura and Mob walk down the street. Nagatoro decided to take matters into her own hands, using hand chop to knock out and wake up the stalker multiple times before he agreed to stop stalking her friend. Seeing her work down, Nagatoro dragged Senpai back with her home, leaving Gamou and Yoshi shocked at their friends sudden display of strength.

Gamou and Yoshi looked at each other from behind a tree before grinning. "Nah."


(Filler: What if....Nagatoro was in My Hero Academia?)

What if... instead of Inko Midoriya having one best friends, she had two? And what if her other best friend, had a daughter?

"Oh, no! I'm going to miss the fight!" Running down the street was a curly, green-haired boy in a black school uniform with a notebook clutched to his chest. The cherry blossom petals filled the air and streets as the boy's face was filled with excitement.

"ROOOAR!" From a distance, a humanoid man as huge as a building roared as he stood on the railways of a metro track. With the slip of his hands, he destroyed a electric tower, toppling it over and onto the ground below. The people watching screamed as they realized that they were in danger.

Death Arms, who was on stand-by quickly stepped forward to catch the falling electric tower, preventing anyone from getting injured. The crowd, instead of backing away from the dangerous area, cheered louder.

"Oh, it's Death Arms, the punching hero!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

"Is that Backdraft, his quirk is so cool!"

"Hey kid, watch out!" Someone shouted. In front of the crowd was the green haired people, who was too distracted mumbling and writing in the textbook that he didn't hear the warnings or see a chunk of concrete hurdling towards him.

But the boy was pulled back just as the concrete hit where was just standing. The boy, now aware of his surroundings, gaped at how close he was to becoming squished flat before he felt someone slept his face. To which it was followed with more slaps.

"Izuku! I told you wait for me! It doesn't take me that long to dry my hair! Idiot!"

"If it wasn't for Nekotoro, you would've be a pancake, you stupid Deku."

Taking turns slapping Izuku Midoriya was Nagatoro Hayase and Bakugo Katsuki. While Bakugo was a pale-skinned girl with blond, spiky hair and red eyes, Nagatoro was the opposite, having tanned skin, long black hair and browns eyes along with cat ears and tail.

"I can'tph feelsh mesh cheeeksf." Midoriya said, trying to speak as the girls to slap him.

Bakugo snorted, "'Fuckin useless Deku, I don't think you realized this yet, but you can't just die yet." She tugged on his collar, making the boy be pulled in to the front of Bakugo's face. "Your life was in OUR hands now capiche?"

Nagatoro gave the boy a menacing stare that paired terrifyingly well with her calm smile. "If you rush off just to watch another hero fight, I'm going to burn your hero analysis notebooks one by one as you watch. You understand, Deku?"

Now free from their grasps, he gulped as he nodded rapidly. "I understand." He said with a lisp, his cheeks still swollen.

"Good." Both girls said, simultaneously giving him a kiss on the cheek, they each took one of his arms before dragging him away from the battle, which just ended with Mt. Lady's entrance.

'Someday,' he thought, 'I'll become a hero, and those will have no choice but to acknowledge me as their equals.'

Unbeknownst to him, in the very near future, his life would change drastically.


(4 Years Later)

The War against All for One was over.

After a battle that lasted over the span of several continents and days, he did it. He defeated the ancient enemy of humanity and the epitome of evil itself: All for One. Not only that, he managed to save Shigaraki from watching helplessly as his 'master,' used his body as a vessel, locked in his own mind and trapped. As the paramedics wheeled away the broken form of Shigaraki, he could see it in the villain's eyes gratitude.

And for the first time in months, he finally saw both his mother. He didn't know what to do. He avoided contact deliberately and all but disappeared from her life as he trained and fought against All for One's minions. But he didn't need to do anything.He mother rushed to him, holding him with strength he couldn't fathom her small form could hold. Her tears, along with his won, wet his charred hero suit.

"Mom, I'm sorry..." He said in between his sobs.

"No, Izuku honey, I'm sorry for not understanding all the stress you had to bear. Forgive me for being a terrible mother for not being able to do anything!" Inko cried back.

All Might, who had just arrived to Midoriya's safe house, smiled as he watched the scene.

After saying his goodbyes to his mom and promising to visit the next day, he ran into All Might, which lead Izuku to begin sobbing waterfalls as he hugged his mentor. But before he could apologize to All Might, the man stopped him.

"Young Midoriya, I understand your feelings. And I'm proud of the hero you have become. But please, as your teacher, get some rest. We can talk about in the morning."

"Alright *sniff* All Might!" Izuku said while sniffling.


Tired, Midoriya walked down the familiar halls of Heights Alliance. He knew from group chat that everyone was busy visiting their own family members, leaving the dorm building empty. His point proven as he met no one as he made his way to his room.

Taking out the key card, Midoriya gingerly held it up the card to door handle, hearing the clicking sound of the locks opening. It's been two years since he slept in this room. If it wasn't for the insistence that Nagatoro and Bakugo wanted to meet up with from the next morning, he would've just stayed the night with his mom's.

'Nagatoro and Bakugo,' he thought, 'I don't know how I can face those two after a year...'

Opening the door, he walked into the darkness of the room. But suddenly the lights flickered on.

"Hello there, Deku."

"You miss us, broccoli boy?"

"Wa-wait, what are you two doing in my room. How did you get into my room?" He asked. Standing in his room was Nagatoro and Bakugo with their arms crossed and in bathing robes.

"From the balcony. That's besides the point." Walking up to him Bakugo grabbed his collar. "You think that just because you beat some shitty, quirk 'stealing fossil that you're the hot shit now, huh, Deku?" His eyes met Bakugo's angry red one's.

Nagatoro closed in on him as well, her tail swaying side to side. Taking his can her hand, she made him face her. "Deku, do you remember when I told you that if you kept us waiting, you would be punished.

Vaguely remembering that conversation, he hesitantly nodded his head. "Y-Yes?"

Answering for Nagatoro, Bakugo continued. "This is what's going to happen tonight. For the next twenty-four hours, you are not allowed to leave this room."

He gave both of them a confused stare until they dropped their their robes, revealing their lingerie.

"Nope." Midoriya said. He just wanted to sleep, not that 'sleep!' Especially his first time, and with two girls! He made attempt for the balcony, only to be kicked away from the door by Nagatoro and caught Bakugo.

Leaning in, Bakugo whispered into his ear. "I'm not letting you 'fuckin go this time, Deku."

The once peaceful and quiet night at Heights Alliance was filled with the melodies of grunts and moans.


(5 years later)

Midoriya groaned as he got out of bed. He rubbed the sleepiness out his eyes before letting out a yawn. He looked at Nagatoro to see her snore lightly as she slept, bunching up the blankets around herself. To his right, Bakugo slept with her arms and legs sprawled outward, drool lightly flowing down on to her pillow. Giving them both a kiss, he his made to the restroom.

Finishing up the omelets that would not doubt wake up the rest of the household. He felt something tug on his boxers briefs.

"Daddy, it's tomorrow! You promised me and Onee-chan could go to the beach today!" A little boy with spiky green hair and red eyes shouted.

Yawnning again, he ruffled his son's hair much to the boy's annoyance. "Wait until everyone eats breakfast. Then'll we'll go."

"Yaata! I'll wake up Onee-chan!"

"Make sure to not to pull her tail like last time!"

"Yes daddy!"

He could hear from behind both Nagatoro and Bakugo scolding the boy for running up the stairs, again.

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